Chapter 493

After being kicked in the calf, Su Luo grinned in pain, almost crouched on the ground and couldn't get up.

Seeing this, Li Feifei hurried forward to help. She has never learned martial arts, she only knows how to use brute force.

And when girls fight, there are usually two moves.

She grabbed Shen Wan's hair with such great strength that Shen Wan felt as if she had pulled off a lot of her hair.

In addition to scratching her hair, she also scratched her face with her nails that she had cultivated for several months, and the skin was almost broken in some places.

Just like that, the three girls fought.

At the beginning, the people who passed by just looked at it as if they were watching the excitement. Later, when they saw that they were fighting more and more fiercely, someone took out their mobile phone and started calling the police.

The police came very quickly, and Su Luo and the others were still beating when they arrived.

"Stop, stop, what are you doing?"

The police went over to separate Su Luo and the others, and each of them caught one, "They are fighting at such a young age, and they are all girls? What are you doing?"

Su Luo and the three of them were in a terrible mess, their hair and clothes were messed up, and they looked like street punks.

The police quickly brought Su Luo and the other three to the police station. First, they gave them some political education, telling them that fighting is wrong, especially when they are all girls.

"...How did the teachers at the school educate you? Fighting outside openly? Do you usually have nothing to do? Why can't you do something more meaningful when you have this free time?" The police were admonishing them When, the tone was quite harsh.

Just like the dean of the school, Su Luo was trained to lower her head lower and lower.

This was her first time entering the police station, and she was frightened to death when she first entered.

Huang Mao should have come in several times, so he seemed very relaxed, and even knew people here, and greeted the people inside warmly as soon as he came in.

The police seemed to have nothing to do with her, and they usually directed at Su Luo and Li Feifei during education.

As for Shen Wan, anyway, she has been educated for so many years, and there is no effect at all, so what can she expect to change?

When Shen Muyan came over, he saw Su Luo obediently being reprimanded with her head down, just like a primary school student.

"Luoluo." Shen Muyan walked over, first checked Su Luo's body, and felt relieved when she saw that she was not injured, "What's the matter?"

When Su Luo saw Shen Muyan approaching, it was like a child who had been homeless for many years finally met his family. The admiration in his eyes was quite obvious, which made Shen Muyan a little bit dumbfounded.

"Brother Yan, I got into a fight with someone." Su Luo pulled Shen Muyan by the corner of his clothes and whispered, "Then I was brought here by the police."

The fight went to the police station.This is the first time this has happened.

It doesn't matter to Shen Muyan, as long as Su Luo is fine.

"Why did you fight?" Shen Muyan asked her in a low voice.

Su Luo explained the reason a little bit, the more she said, the more embarrassed she felt.

In fact, there was no need to fight at all, but I didn't know what was going on at the time, so I just started fighting like this.

Thinking about it now, Su Luo felt that she was very stupid.

As the police said, she must have felt that her life was too boring, so she wanted to find something to do for herself.

Just like a child.

(End of this chapter)

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