Chapter 447

Over time, Xia Yan's younger brother has been cultivated into a lawless character.

As a freshman in high school, he dared to engage in women outside, and was even approached by a girl with a big belly once, saying that she wanted Xia Yan's brother to be responsible.

Brother Xia Yan was only 16 years old at that time, and he was not yet an adult, so how could he be responsible?

Later, it was Xia Yan's parents who paid the girl's family 100 million yuan to suppress the matter.

Later, without knowing what happened, Xia Yan's younger brother was actually infected with gambling, and owed tens of millions of gambling debts without the family's knowledge.

Xia Yan's family is indeed quite rich, but no matter how rich they are, they can't let Xia Yan's younger brother spend so much.

Moreover, 1000 million is not a small number.

At that time, Xia Yan's family could not come up with so much cash.

Later, there was no other way, the casino said that if the money was not paid within three days, Xia Yan's younger brother's fingers would be chopped off, one finger a day.

Forced to do so, Xia Yan's parents had no choice but to sell the company's shares at a low price, barely saving Xia Yan's younger brother.

She thought that after so many things happened, her brother would be able to settle down for a while, but unexpectedly, something happened to him again.

When Xia Yan received a call from her parents, she really hated it.

Why should her brother look for her when something happened, what does it have to do with her?
Now she can't wait to let her brother die.

It turned out that Xia Yan's younger brother was fighting with others, and accidentally stabbed a knife into a person's chest during the group fight, causing the person to be seriously injured and lying in the hospital, saying that his life would be in danger at any time.

It would be fine if the other party didn't die, but if he did, brother Xia Yan might spend decades in prison.

When Xia Yan returned home, she saw that the house was full of gloom and mist, and she couldn't help being upset for a while.

"I've said it a long time ago, let you take care of him and take care of him, how about you? What did you do? You wipe his ass when he has an accident, and you give him money if he wants money. It's all right now ? What else do you need to do to save him? Wouldn’t it be enough to let him die in prison?”

Xia Yan was already full of anger because of Su Luo's matter, but now that this kind of thing happened at home, she was naturally even more depressed, and her words were unrestrained.

Xia Yan's parents are not easy to refute, they are still counting on this daughter to rescue their son.

And they also want to understand that they have spoiled their son too much these years. If they had been educated earlier, maybe so many things would not have happened.

But Xia Yan's grandma didn't want to listen to it, she pointed at Xia Yan and scolded: "Why are you talking, that's your brother, why do you curse him like that? I said that my daughter is a loser, why should she go to school at home?" ? Wouldn’t it be enough to marry her early? If we had married her earlier and found a reliable in-law’s family, we wouldn’t just ask someone to help us now? As for the rush.”

Xia Yan felt incredible when she heard her grandma's words, lose money?

"Grandma, I'm a loser, you said that, right? Okay, since I'm a loser, what am I going to do when I come back? Let me tell you, from today onwards, I will leave this house I won't come back either, as for my younger brother, let him die." After finishing speaking, he ran out.

It's really enough. If she continues to stay in this house, Xia Yan thinks she might really go crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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