Xiaoqingmei, you have to be good

Chapter 417 I Am Your Heartbeat

Chapter 417 I Am Your Heartbeat

Su Luo hadn't heard about Xia Yan and Lin Zhifan, she was busy learning how to make clothes recently.

The shirt for Shen Muyan has been finished, and Su Luo is very satisfied with the finished product.

She planned to give it to Shen Muyan on his birthday, and then she would force him to wear it.

After the shirt was finished, Su Luo still often went to the tailor's place, and occasionally helped her with things within her capacity. As time passed, the master's impression of her improved a lot.

"Master Zhou, help me to see. Is it okay for me to cut like this?" Su Luo is learning to cut. Although Master Zhou has no intention of accepting her, he is usually willing to give her some advice on her problems.

Master Zhou came over, saw Su Luohua's line, and pointed out two points casually, "These two places are not good, draw again."

"Oh." Su Luo nodded obediently, and continued to re-draw and cut.

Seeing Su Luo's obedient and obedient appearance, Master Zhou was actually debating whether to accept him or not.

But accepting apprentices is a major event in life, not so casually.

The time he had been in contact with Su Luo was not too long, Master Zhou was afraid that the young girl just wanted to learn on a whim, and after a few days of learning she would lose interest.

She has seen this kind of child a lot.

In the past, many people came to her and told her that they wanted to learn how to make clothes, but making clothes is a delicate and boring job. If you don't have enough patience and perseverance, it will be difficult to persevere.

Besides, if the apprentices he accepts can't make good clothes in the future, the bad ones will be from Master Zhou's brand.

Therefore, Master Zhou has not let go yet, she intends to see Su Luo's qualifications and her persistence in making clothes.

Su Luo could also feel that Master Zhou should be quite satisfied with her. As for the fact that he has been refusing to accept her as an apprentice, it may be to test her.

Su Luo was not afraid of the test, but she was afraid that Master Zhou would not accept her.

After learning to draw lines for a long time, Su Luo's arms were sore.

But as soon as she went out and saw Shen Muyan waiting outside, she felt that all the aches and pains disappeared immediately, and only happiness remained.

"Brother Yan." Su Luo ran over and hugged Shen Muyan, "Why are you here? And, how do you know I'm here?"

"Why is your phone turned off?" Shen Muyan pinched Su Luo's cheek, "It made me worry for a long time."

"Oh, because Master Zhou doesn't like any outside influence when making clothes." Su Luo stuck out her tongue.

She hadn't mentioned this place to Shen Muyan, so she didn't expect him to be able to find it.

"Brother Yan, how do you know I'm here?" Su Luo touched her body exaggeratedly, and looked at Shen Muyan with wide eyes, "Brother Yan, did you install a GPS locator on my body? So no matter where I am, you can find me?"

Shen Muyan was speechless, this girl could think of anything.

"I only found out after asking your roommate. What do you think?"

"Ah?" Su Luo seemed to be a little regretful, "Brother Yan, I don't mind if you install a locator for me, so that no matter where I get lost, you can find me." A sense of security.

Hearing what Su Luo said, Shen Muyan really thought about the feasibility of this matter carefully.

"Are you hungry? Go and eat."

"I'm going to Twilight." Su Luo said immediately.

"Okay, you can go wherever you want."

"Yeah, Brother Yan is the best."

(End of this chapter)

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