Black Belly Husband Arrogant Wife

Chapter 195 Confrontation 2

Chapter 195 Confrontation 2
Even her parents can't control her, let alone other people? !No one can control her, Xu Ruohuan, not before, not now, and never in the future!
Ryan looked at her deeply. Seeing her refute him so eloquently, her expression was not flustered at all, and she even performed a bartending show in front of him to answer his words. A flash of light flashed across the ground, and an intriguing smile slightly curled up on the corners of his lips.

Interesting, very interesting... It seems that his Chinese dolls have surprised him time and time again!Before this, there had never been a woman who could do these things calmly under his scrutinizing eyes, and even uttered such a retaliation so quickly!
Even Rose, who is second only to Nightwolf in his organization, the most powerful female killer, can't do what she does... If he had met her a long time ago, he might have taken her into their West organize!
A talent like her, as long as she is cultivated a little bit, will definitely become one of the most powerful figures in the West organization!

But it's not too late to meet her now... It would be a pity if she just became a member of the West organization!Because he always remembered her soft body and that touching voice, only that night, she showed that kind of soft side that is different from all women!
And that side was enough to make him miss it so much that he would find it boring to find other women... He thought of Yan Xiaolin who made Nan Sihuang fall in love with her. Although she was not strong, but she had her own style, he couldn't help shaking his head and laughing secretly.

Now he seems to understand why Nan Sihuang, who is obviously of Western origin, fell in love with a Chinese woman so much!

"If you have nothing to say, then it's meaningless for us to stay here. Why don't we just say goodbye..." Seeing that he hadn't spoken, Xu Ruohuan just quietly looked at herself and smiled, and was a little hairy at his laughter.

He couldn't think of other moves to deal with him because he had nothing to say because he was hit back by him? !Although she doesn't care about playing cat-and-mouse games with him and psychological tactics, she has been busy all day and hurried to the kindergarten to attend Xiao Chenchen's parent meeting. She is really tired and has no time to go around here with him ...

"Are you tired?" Seeing her pinching the center of her brows, Ryan said with a faint smile.

(End of this chapter)

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