Chapter 1169
"Wait, let's go to school to see my brother first!" Xu Xiangbei said suddenly when the taxi turned around an overpass.

Concubine Bian Qing was taken aback, and then she hurriedly talked to the driver and asked him to change the route and go to the State Bunch Institute of Higher Education first.

The black driver was still very talkative, and he drifted skillfully, heading towards the State Bunch Institute of Higher Education!
It didn't take long to come to the surrounding area of ​​the State Bunch Institute of Higher Education. This is an open university, so they can drive straight in. Concubine Bian Qing asked the driver to wait in the parking lot, and then she and Xu Xiangbei jumped to open the car door and go down.

Looking at the ivy-lined avenues on both sides, and a bronze statue of a westerner galloping with a musket in his hand, Xu Xiangbei's expressionless face finally showed excitement and anticipation.

I can still recall my childhood, the younger brother who liked to chase after his ass and yelled "Brother help me" all day long, I don't know how he has changed now.

My younger brother Xu Xiangnan has a personality like a girl. He has a gentle temperament since he was a child. He was often bullied by the bullies in the neighborhood when he was a child, and Xu Xiangbei, the eldest brother, often fought for him when he was a child.

However, after entering high school, Xu Xiangnan was not only excellent in character and learning, but also grew more and more handsome, becoming a well-known handsome boy in ten miles and eight villages, and gradually more and more flowery girls surrounded him every day. Gradually intentionally stay away from him.

But this younger brother has never forgotten the care he took for his childhood, and he respects Xu Xiangbei the most at home.

The two younger brothers of the Xu family, Xu Xiangbei is keen on an adventurous and free life, and Xu Xiangnan likes to seek knowledge and specialize in research and learning. The two brothers complement each other perfectly.

After years of separation, I don't know if this younger brother has a family. If there is a chance, I will take him to Feizhou Continent to meet some sisters-in-law.

Concubine Bian Qing calmly followed behind him, Xu Xiangbei inquired clearly at the security office, and then walked leisurely towards the teacher of younger brother Xu Xiangnan's class.

Walking through the halls and rooms, and then to the Qiaoshi Building in the north, Xu Xiangbei saw Xu Xiangnan's long-lost figure through the classroom window.

Xu Xiangnan has grown a lot taller. He has short light brown hair and looks very capable. His face is a little less childish and more mature. He is explaining the history of the "Lexington Gun" in the classroom. Inside are colorful human heads.

In this world-class university, students of various skin colors and hair colors gather, and some students are even more than two meters tall. Even if Xu Xiangbei stands in the past, he still looks relatively thin.

Among the students, there are a few beauties with Asian brown skin. Their beautiful eyes are quickly attracted by Xu Xiangbei, who has fluttering silver hair. His eyes are full of enthusiasm. He is not shy, and he smiles generously and winks. .

Xu Xiangbei couldn't help but burst out laughing, being moved by this exotic style.

Not only are the female students unique in style, but the male students also don't give way too much.

In the corridor next to Concubine Bian Qing, a group of blond and blue-eyed male students gathered at some point, trying to strike up a conversation with Concubine Bian Qing. Although they kept a gentleman's distance in their demeanor, their eyes were hotter than the sun in June .

After all, this is the State Bunch Institute of Higher Education. Both the teachers and the students are proud sons and social elites from all over the world. Seeing such an outstanding beauty as Concubine Bian Qing, although they are tempted, they will not be rude.

When the get out of class bell rang, Xu Xiangbei moved to the side of the window. Xu Xiangnan, who was packing up the textbooks with his head down, happened to slash at him. When he saw Xu Xiangbei, he obviously recognized his brother at a glance, and his eyes shot a look of disbelief.

Xu Xiangbei smiled and nodded, then walked in slowly, "Xiangnan, it's me!"

"I'm not dreaming, brother?" Xu Xiangnan murmured, his handsome face flushed with excitement, his voice hoarse.

Xu Xiangbei raised his lips and whistled easily, which was his signature move.

"Brother!" Xu Xiangnan suddenly yelled hoarsely, stepped up a few steps, and then hugged Xu Xiangbei tightly.

Xu Xiangbei also put his arms around Xu Xiangnan, patted him on the shoulder, and blamed himself, "In the past few years, I have been wandering outside, and I have not fulfilled my brother's obligations. The family depends entirely on you to take care of me. I have wronged you, thank you very much!"

"Brother, you are the one who suffered!" Xu Xiangnan whimpered, "After you lost contact with the Longxing team in Wusha, your parents were worried, but I always believed that my brother would be fine!"

"Knowing the news of your safe return, the two elders will be very happy!"

As he spoke, tears filled Xu Xiangnan's eyes, and the tears fell down involuntarily.

Xu Xiangbei, who has experienced countless ups and downs in life and death in Feizhou Continent, and never shed tears, was moved by his family, and the corners of his eyes were sore.

The students in the classroom all stared at this scene dumbfounded. They only felt that these two oriental men, one with heroic spirit and the other with elegant temperament, were both very attractive men.

"Brother, where have you been in the past few years? Why did we dispatch our own marines, but we couldn't find you downstairs? Also, how did you know that I was staying here? How did you find it?" What's this?" Xu Xiangnan asked incessantly, his eyes full of puzzlement.

Xu Xiangbei smiled wryly, then shook his head and said, "It's a long story, after we go back, I'll talk to you slowly when I have time."

Glancing at the pretty concubine Bian Qing beside Xu Xiangbei, Xu Xiangnan chuckled, and secretly pushed Xu Xiangbei with his shoulder, smiling ambiguously.

Xu Xiangbei shrugged, and hastily declared that the woman was his apprentice, while Concubine Bian Qing giggled, and walked out holding the two brothers' arms, without distinction at all.

She also wanted to hear Xu Xiangbei's past stories. This man with deep eyes must have many extraordinary past events.

And when the three of them laughed and laughed and left the university to go home, another beautiful female passenger came to Phoenix International Airport.

Carrie Maggie, who was wearing a skin-tight leather suit, also walked down the flight ladder gracefully. Along the way, several gentlemen offered to help her with her luggage, but she politely declined.

Ever since she found out that Xu Xiangbei was taking Concubine Bian Qing to Sam's Country, she couldn't stay in the country for a day, so she found an excuse, and the shooting star came to Phoenix City.

She began to think that this was not the first time she had come to Sam's Country, and she should be able to take care of herself with ease, but after getting off the plane, Karimage felt that her thinking was a bit simple.

This city has a population of more than 2000 million. If you want to find a Xu Xiangbei in a sea of ​​people, it is like finding a needle in a haystack!

At this moment, Carey Maggie realized that she was dazzled by jealousy and hatred. She didn't even have a secretary with her, and she didn't even have an assistant when she encountered difficulties.

"Hello, beauty, where are you going?" Suddenly, a taxi drove up in front of her, and a bronze-skinned blond boy spoke to Karimage with a smile.

Although Kerry Maggie can speak multiple languages, it does not include the foreign languages ​​of this country. She looked at the blond boy helplessly. Although she knew that the other party was greeting her, she had no idea how to communicate further.

"Where are you going?" Thinking of this, Monk Kai Rui Maji Zhang Er was puzzled. He was on the phone and only heard Xu Xiangbei say that he would come to Phoenix City first. Find a hotel to stay in, and then make a phone call.

Carey Maggie stammered, "Hotel... well, I'm looking for a hotel, oh, you understand?"

"Hotel? OK, get on!" The blond boy didn't know if he understood, nodded enthusiastically with a smile, then directly picked up Karimage's gift box, put it in his car, and greeted her to get on the car.

Karimage was still hesitating, but the blond boy started the car and was about to leave. Seeing that her suitcase was still in someone else's car, she quickly got into the car without thinking too much.

The moment she got into the car, Carey Maggie didn't notice that the blond boy had a wicked smile on his mouth, and his originally warm and sunny smile became gloomy.

With a "snap", the door was locked inside, and the windows were automatically rolled down. The entire taxi became a mobile prison.

After leaving the airport, the taxi turned into a country road. The surrounding forests became more and more lush, and pedestrians and vehicles became more and more sparse.

Kerry Maggie also realized that something was wrong, and immediately became nervous and asked to get out of the car, but the blond guy simply turned up the stereo in the car to the loudest and ignored her request.

Kerry Maggie realized that she got into the stolen car, and looked out the window at the increasingly dark and messy mountain road, her heart beat violently, and she was about to cry.

"It can't be that unlucky, right? Was it stopped by a black-hearted driver just after getting off the plane?"

Kerry Maggie knew that begging for mercy was also in a different language, so she simply took out the cash in her wallet and put it on the other side's bridge, but the blond boy didn't even look at it.

There is not only money in the wallet, but also Kerry Maggie's secret weapon, pepper water wolf spray...

With a scream, Kerry Maggie used her trump card, raised the spray and sprayed it randomly. The blond guy was caught off guard. He didn't expect this oriental woman to be so strong, her eyes were fascinated, and she stepped on the brakes urgently.

Kerry Maggie took the opportunity to seize control of the car doors and windows. Before the car stopped, she jumped down heroically. The whole person rolled on the mountain road for several weeks. Her arms, waist, back and calves were all different. The one in Chengdu was bruised, but luckily escaped from the clutches.


The blond boy cursed in the car, but he couldn't open his eyes for 10 minutes, and he couldn't get out of the car to arrest people.

One of the potbellied old men from Sam's Kingdom asked in English if she had to send Kerry Maggie to see a doctor, and Kerry Maggie seemed to understand what it meant, but she was still scared by what happened just now, and her heart was stronger than before. Or to be full of vigilance towards every foreigner, and keep shaking his head, expressing that there is no need

At dusk, Kerry Maggie, who was covered in dust and frightened, didn't dare to ask for any more luggage, and hurriedly fled to a place with people in the distance, moaning mournfully:

"Xu Xiangbei, you, where are you?"

In the evening wind and rice waves, after Xu Xiangbei and the other three came out of the university, they drove westward to the home of Yinlong Ranch in his younger brother Xu Xiangnan's Chevrolet.

Xu Xiangnan first jumped to open the car door, walked down, and then called Xu Xiangbei and Concubine Bian Qing to enter the house.

The pasture is very large, the cattle and sheep are crawling comfortably between the forest and the fields, and a few farmers are spraying pesticides in the orchard, but Xu Xiangbei is sitting in the car without moving. them.

Inside the house, in the study on the second floor.

Father Xu Jiuzhi is lying on the tiger leather sofa reading a book, while mother is cutting flowers on the balcony on the third floor. The two are contented and full of family happiness.

I haven't seen them for many years. My parents' bodies have aged a lot, but their moods are stable and open-minded. Obviously, living in seclusion in this paradise is very comfortable.

Deep in Xu Xiangbei's heart, the warmest family affection surged, and the golden rings of God of War and destiny were opened.

(End of this chapter)

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