Dressed as the white moonlight of the blackened male protagonist

Chapter 710 Rescuing the Prince with Leg Disease 125

Chapter 710 Rescuing the Prince with Leg Disease 125
It's a pity that there is no medicine for regret in the world, Concubine Xiao Gui barely survived, she could only suffer from it, stuck in that square inch of land for the rest of her life, never going out.

The luxurious life she dreamed of was nothing but an illusion after all.

That day, when the case was being tried, those people who ridiculed Mu Yanzhi were deliberately bribed by Concubine Xiao Gui to influence public opinion.

When people found out, they were all covered in rotten vegetable leaves.

Mu Yanzhi's enthronement ceremony had been in preparation for three full months.

In addition, the enthronement ceremony and the posthumous ceremony will be held on the same day, so it is necessary to make sufficient preparations.

Mu Yanzhi's betrothal gift can be described as shocking, wishing to give her the best things in the world.

On this day, even the red gilded carpets covered the entire streets of Shengjing.

Yufeng was sitting on the wall, holding a pot of Autumn Dew wine in his hand, looking at Mu Yanzhi riding on a horse in a red robe, with a graceful and unparalleled appearance, he curled his lips in displeasure.

He muttered in his mouth, "Father and concubine didn't even come over to test that dog man in person, so they just married my sister hastily!"

"Even if he ascends the throne, so what if he becomes the new emperor of Shengguo? The 72nd concubine of the Sangong Sixth Courtyard in the harem, I will never let my sister suffer such grievances!"

The more he looked at Mu Yanzhi who was surrounded by everyone, the more uncomfortable he felt.

Mu Yanzhi raised his eyebrows, and glanced at Yufeng through the crowd beating gongs and drums, the corners of his thin lips raised slightly.

It made Yufeng smash the wine jar in his hand against the wall with a "bang".

"How dare you provoke me!"

Can't stand it!
Mu Yanzhi entered the palace in a good mood.

Now Emperor Jing is no longer in charge and has become the Supreme Emperor.

In the hall, he sat at the head with a sword and a golden horse, watching the main entrance of the palace from time to time, and when he saw Mu Yan, his eyes were amazed and his eyes lit up.

The courtiers all sat in their respective seats and persuaded each other to drink, vowing not to return drunk.

"The new emperor is really convinced that he married Princess Yunguo!"

"And as early as a few months ago, the new emperor said that he will only marry one person in this life. This marriage is really enviable."

During the worship, Xi Niang helped Yu Ran out, and Mu Yanzhi held her hand affectionately, with pious eyes, "I finally married you, my queen."

Yu Ran didn't say anything, just poked the back of Yubai's hand with her fingertips.

Mu Yanzhi chuckled, "Don't make trouble, Father is waiting for us to worship."

After the worship, Yu Ran didn't stay any longer, and went back to the dormitory to wait for him.

Yu Feng sat in a seat everywhere, on the huge wine table, he was the only one.

It was because all the courtiers were too frightened by Yufeng's chilly air to make a sound, and they all sat elsewhere.

When Yu Ran paid homage to the hall, his gaze was fixed on the two of them for not a second, wishing to swallow Mu Yanzhi's life alive.

Only Tang Si was not afraid, seeing that there was only one person at the wine table, and many good wines and dishes were left untouched.

Just sit down and savor it.

Seeing Tang Si feasting on a roasted chicken leg in his hand, Mu Yanzhi thought about it for a while, then squinted his eyes at him, and smiled faintly.

For the first time, she took the initiative to approach him, "Hey... didn't you always call Ranran your sister? Your sister is going to be snatched away today, do you still have the mood?"

Tang Si asked puzzledly, "Snatched away? The new emperor married his sister, wouldn't he want to treat her all the time?"

Yufeng secretly sighed that Mu Yanzhi "brainwashed" him, and "educated" Tang Si without any sense of guilt.

"That's just his excuse, do you know that Mu Yanzhi is a big liar?"

(End of this chapter)

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