Mr. Gu, your cute baby is online

Chapter 560 Coaxing Her Like This First

Chapter 560 Coaxing Her Like This First

Later, when he was fighting Zhang Wei that scumbag, the bracelet was smashed.

The diamond had some flaws, and he was afraid that Li Shanshan would dislike it, so he bought another gift.

The bracelet was just thrown around, and he didn't care about it at all.

"This is……"

Ou Shijin was a little confused, he and Xiao Guozi finally reached this point.

To mention this kind of thing again at such a time would spoil the atmosphere too much.

"This is... This is the gift I was going to give you."

Ou Shijin glanced at Luo Qingguo.

The silly girl is no better than Li Shanshan, she doesn't care about such jewels at all, and she doesn't like to wear such shining bracelets.

So she didn't pay attention to whether there was a crack on the bracelet at all.

Sure enough, Luo Qingguo opened his eyes wide and casually looked at the bracelet against the sunlight.

He pouted.

"Blind Ou, you are buying things indiscriminately again! Don't buy such expensive things in the future, you are wasting money!"

But even though he said this, Luo Qingguo was quite happy in his heart.

She doesn't like this kind of shiny and luxurious bracelet very much, but Ou Shi would like to spend money for her, buying her a gift means she has her in his heart.

Seeing the silly girl's contentment, Ou Shijin smiled slightly.

"Okay, don't buy it randomly. Mrs. Ou, you will keep all my money in the future, and you will manage the money."

As the stretcher was lowered, he glanced back again.

Luo Qingguo had already stuffed the diamond bracelet back into the jewelry box, and put it in the pouch.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Coax her like this first, and then wait for a while before he buys the exact same one, and replace this one.


the other side.

Ning Yan was still anxiously looking for a store in the imperial capital, while looking down at her phone.

"Xiao Yan, I have good news for you, Shi Jin has woken up."

"Also, he finally let go of Bai Yueguang. We decided to live a good life. And..."

She couldn't help but slightly raised the corners of her lips.

The silly girl was really overjoyed, and the news of the good news was sent to her one by one.

A hair is a dozen.

She hurried back to a few "flower blessing" emoticons.

Then he walked to an elegant tea room and asked Gu Ziyu anxiously.

"How is it? Did you find anything?"

Lin Yunhua has been missing for two days.Both Lin Rui and Gu Siye sent people to look for her, but it was because she was hurt emotionally.

Fearing that talented Lin would feel uncomfortable, everyone didn't dare to look for her with great fanfare.

She took the two little cute babies, and went to all the places she would have been according to Lin Cai's personality.

"My dear, the owner of the tea room said that the surveillance head here has been broken for a few days. But he has seen the beautiful aunt!"

Gu Ziyu said and dragged the owner of the teahouse over.

The owner of the tea room looked at the photo brought by Xiaomengbao, and was a little confused.

"This beautiful woman did indeed come here. When she came, she was very unhappy. She was sitting by the window silently in a daze. I didn't pay attention at the time, but later I found out that she was gone."

People are very unhappy, but also silently in a daze.

Ning Yan sat down dejectedly and rubbed her hair.

"Little Aojiao, I really got into trouble this time. She must be angry with me, so she simply hid from us."

When she left, she sent her business card to the owner of the teahouse, repeatedly urging her.

"If you see this girl again, please contact me immediately."

After leaving, she called Lin Yunhua's cell phone again.

But it is still the same as before, no matter how many times you call it, it is "your phone is turned off".

(End of this chapter)

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