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Chapter 1500 Gu Tianyou Yeluo's extra episode ending

Chapter 1500 Gu Tianyou Yeluo's extra episode ending (6)

An hour later, in Tiandao's secret dungeon.

Ye Luo stood in the dark and damp corner, stomping her feet aggrievedly.

For some reason, the little young master's face changed just now, and he didn't listen to her explanation at all, and someone directly put her in the dungeon.

She was charged with committing a crime above and below, violating the rules of heaven.

The dungeon has been closed for a long time since Xiao Shao took charge of the Heavenly Dao.

She never expected that she would be the first to be locked in.

Because there was no one there for a long time, the walls were already moldy, and a cloud of moldy dust came to the face.

The straw on the ground was quite thick, and Ye Luo squatted down angrily, writing on the straw.

"Young master is a big villain!"

There were footsteps outside, she immediately turned her head and looked at the door fiercely.

"Young master, if you don't explain clearly this time, I won't go out!"

She just stared at the straw for an hour in a daze, and the more she thought about it, the more something went wrong.

Although the young master always liked to tease her in the past, he never played it so excessively.

He must have made a mistake to put her in the dungeon without saying a word.

Is it time to pick her up now?

But what she saw was not Gu Tianyou's wheelchair, and the young master did not come to pick her up.

The one who came was a new Tiandao Junior Brother, dangling a circle of dungeon keys in his hand, looking at him very seriously.

Newcomers are very active in doing things and want to gain the favor of the high-level.And he didn't know Ye Luo at all.

I only know that he is an old man who betrayed the way of heaven.

"Huh? How come no one puts shackles on you? This is too unruly!"

The guard walked in aggressively holding the shackles, and when he got up, he was about to press her arm, trying to knock Ye Luo down.
Put her in shackles.

Ye Luo's eyes widened, and out of instinct, she slightly raised her hand and grabbed the arm of the new junior brother.

There was a sound of "pa--" and almost broke his arm.

"Ah-ah- let go let go!"

The little brother was in pain so much that he was about to cry.

Woohoo, I didn't expect this little senior sister who was locked up to look cute, but I didn't expect her hands to be so fierce!

After being let go by Ye Luo, he clutched his dislocated arm and retreated to the door in horror.

Glancing at the shackles on the ground, he pretended to roar a few words.

"Then...who. Put the shackles on yourself! I'll bring you food. Also, if you need to defecate, find a place to do it yourself!"

After speaking, he flew out.

After running a few steps, he still muttered angrily.

"One locked up is still so arrogant! Just wait, I'll find some other senior brothers to treat you!"

Ye Luo loosened her muscles and bones, and kicked off the shackles on the ground, feeling more and more wronged.

The young master actually wants to wear this kind of ghost thing for her, is this going to imprison her here forever?
Also, many people will come to teach her a lesson soon.

Although she is skilled, she is no match for many fellow seniors.

Also, she can only defecate in such a damp and dark dungeon!

In a few days, she will be stink to death here!

"Gu Tianyou, you're a jerk! You're a jerk, a jerk!"

Ye Luo called Gu Tianyou by his name for the first time in history, and she cursed viciously for a long time.

Finally, when she got tired of scolding herself, Ye Luo simply sat on the pile of straw, randomly grabbed a handful of straw and threw it towards the door.

Tossed and thrown.

All the grievances poured into his throat, and then dripped down his eyes, his heart was sour and astringent.

so sad.

"If I had known earlier, I would have left with Black Star's people! Why would I still be here!"

(End of this chapter)

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