Chapter 459: Great Results
"I'm sorry, I was so happy to see my uncle. I can only go back to my toys and let you each choose one. I promise I won't forget it again tomorrow."

Pei Jie was annoyed and frustrated, he silently mourned for his toys for a few seconds, and hoped that the two younger brothers would be merciful and don't be so rude to pick out his most beloved toy.

Have the courage to admit mistakes, do not shirk responsibility, and can bear the consequences.This has always been the focus of the Pei family's education of children, and it is also a fine tradition of the Pei family. It is the idea that every child has been instilled in since a very young age: You can do wrong things, but you can't find various reasons to shirk responsibility, and even more so. You need to have the courage to admit your mistakes and bear the consequences of your mistakes.

Since they were given free time to move around every day, the three brothers were often punished in various ways for playing too much outside.The worst thing is that the parents of the three of them are quite domineering, and they always implement continuous sitting.For example, if two of the three came back on time, and the other was a step late, then I would be embarrassed, and all three would be punished.

It's not that the triplets haven't protested. The three of them actually didn't seem to be united on the surface like they are now.In the beginning, the three of them didn't go in and out at the same time, they actually tended to play their own way in their hearts.

After all, even though they are triplets, the three have different tempers and preferences, so they have to be able to play together until they get out.

At first, the three little friends would scatter as soon as it was time to let the wind out every day. As a result, one of them came back late today, or the other tomorrow would not be in time. No matter how they warned each other, it was still easy to make mistakes from time to time.

Sad reminder, parents are heartless, they don't care how the triplets plead, they always stick to the principle, even in the end because they dislike the triplets and talk too much nonsense, as long as they hear someone begging, they just don't ask the young queen. doubled the punishment.

Parents are too domineering, and the three small psychological shadow areas are showing a straight upward trend.But the arm couldn't twist the thigh after all, and it was useless to seek help from Grandpa Zeng, Grandma Zeng, Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle, etc. The last three had no temper after being abused, but they were unwilling to accept their fate like this.

Being poor is changing.

If you don't accept your fate and you can't change your parents, you can only change yourself
The triplets found that no matter how much they cared about it, no matter how much they envied and hated their eldest brother for not being a triplet, it didn't work.

So the three of them finally learned to be good, and they started to act together every time they went out to play, and they also learned that they must wear their own small watches to strictly control the time when they go out.Later, the three of them found that it was not fun to always stare at the time when playing.

In the end, the three of them discussed in private, taking turns to make decisions on where to play and how to play every day, just like one of them took turns reminding the other two about the time every day, and came back quickly when it was almost time.

The advantage of this is that you can rotate to play the items you want to play, and at least two days in three days can be played easily and without burden, and you don't have to worry about delaying the time to go home all day and being punished for joy.

Having tasted the sweetness, the three brothers felt that the idea they came up with was very good.But gradually, they found that there are still shortcomings in the fly in the ointment.Occasionally, the little buddy who was in charge of reminding the other two brothers would forget the time because he was too involved in the game, and eventually the three had to go back together to receive punishment.

For the triplets who have grown up, soaked in medicinal baths, and have been exposed to spiritual and physical training, accepting punishment is actually very easy and does not feel that there is anything terrible.For them now, being punished is more about losing face.

People need face and trees need skin, how can you lose face casually?
In the end, the three brothers got together to discuss again, and whoever failed to fulfill the responsibility of reminding had to accept the "punishment" of the other two.

How can punishment make people feel pain and long memory?The three of them thought hard, and finally decided to set a small rule among themselves: the little partner who didn't serve as a reminder must not only add two more reminder tasks, but also donate his "private toys" to let him be free. Two of them choose to take one.

So at this moment, Pei Jie failed to remind the two brothers in time, not to mention how frustrated they were. Although the three finally did not cause serious consequences because of Lu Jinsheng's reminder in time, this did not mean that Pei Jie could escape the small punishment between their brothers. reasons and excuses.

While losing face, Pei Jie still felt sorry for his beloved toy.Brothers and sisters can't love each other, they are used to kill each other.Thinking of the other sloppy younger brothers deliberately picking away his two most beloved toys, Pei Jie gritted his teeth with hatred, and vowed not to reveal which toy was his true love next time, so as not to be careless again Lost loved ones.

"Er Treasure, it's all because Uncle forgot about it, why don't Uncle give you another copy of those two toys so that they don't know anything?" Lu Jinsheng quietly comforted his nephew, not seeing his nephew's annoyance and self-blame.

"No, uncle, we can't do this." Pei Jie quickly shook his head, and said to Lu Jinsheng righteously, "If a man is wrong, he is wrong. Knowing his mistakes can make a big difference. If I accept what uncle gave me in private to compensate them If I know about it later, I will feel that my uncle is biased, and will look down on me because of it, so I won’t be able to control them.”

Pei Jie patted his chest: "I am their second brother. I am the oldest besides the eldest brother. The eldest brother said that I must set a good example for the younger ones."

"Okay, forget it then." Lu Jinsheng blushed a little, his ideological awareness was not as good as that of a five and a half year old kid, woo woo woo, it seems that it is time for him to self-criticize——
But before Lu Jinsheng began to self-examine, he heard Pei Jie say to him in an expectant voice: "But, uncle, can you give us another one of that rotary launcher when you come back next time?"

As long as Pei Jie thinks about his most beloved toy gun, he still can't let go, and once again murmurs to Pei Sen who chose that gun a few times. He provocatively said that he just likes to play with one another.

Alas, his poor toy gun wants to wait for the second kid to "find" him after making a mistake, and he doesn't know how long he will have to wait, so he might as well just ask his uncle for another one, just to save the two of them by the way.

Pei Jie thought helplessly.

Lu Jinsheng was dumbfounded, and looked at Pei Jie a little uncertainly: "But you just said--" To be a role model? ? ?

"Uncle, I didn't make special toys in private. You saw our toy gun broke and bought it for us again. You are considerate of us, aren't you?" Pei Jie blinked innocently at Lu Jinsheng and smiled harmlessly. .


Lu Jinsheng suddenly wondered whether it was his sister and brother-in-law who were too good at educating children, or was his little nephew, who was only five and a half years old, too monstrous?
"Uncle--" Seeing Lu Jinsheng's slow refusal to agree to him, Pei Jie couldn't help but look at him strangely, then hugged his thigh and shook it. In his little heart, the uncle's situation like this was too abnormal.

Usually, after he and his two younger brothers finished making the request, the uncle would be very happy and readily agree to it. What's the matter today?
(End of this chapter)

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