Chapter 436

"My sister and I are going to pick herbs." Before Gu Jiujiu could answer, Sister Yuan said softly.

"Picking herbs?" After hearing Sister Yuan's words, they thought it was Yan's poor health, so they smiled and said, "Miss Gu, you are a filial child. Your mother is not in good health. It's so late. You even brought your younger sister out to gather medicine for her."

When Gu Jiujiu heard the woman's words, she was stunned for a moment, knowing that she had misunderstood, so she simply explained, "Ma'am, it's not that my mother is not in good health, but that my brother Zhuang was soaked in hot water. I have nothing to do right now, so I went to the village to pick some herbs for him to apply on the wound."

"Brother Zhuang got burned? Didn't your fifth uncle take him to see a doctor at the pharmacy?" Uncle Gu is honest and honest. All the women in the village know that he is very good to Brother Zhuang. Don't take him to see a doctor.

"My fifth uncle will take Brother Zhuang to the market to grab medicine tomorrow." Gu Jiujiu said with a smile.

"So that's how it is." After those women understood, she was busy going back to make dinner for her husband, so she went back without asking any more questions.

Seeing those women left, Gu Jiujiu took Yuan and continued to look for herbs.

In the past, when she and Yan Shi went to the market to sell herbs, they often went to the village to collect herbs, so she knew where there were many herbs, and where the herbs for reducing swelling and blood stasis were available.

Gu Jiujiu took Sister Yuan to deliberately choose a place with a lot of herbs, and soon, she saw a herb she needed.

Overjoyed, Gu Jiujiu put down the vegetable basket, bent over and prepared to dig out the herbs she needed and put them in the basket.

Sister Yuan knew that the herbs that her sister dug up were what Brother Zhuang needed, so the little guy also squatted down to help collect the herbs together in a dignified manner.

Because sister Yuan didn't have a small hoe, the little guy grabbed the herb with her small hands and pulled it out forcefully.

After picking half of the basket of herbs, Gu Jiujiu saw that it was almost done, so he casually put the small hoe in the basket, and planned to take Sister Yuan back with her.

Just a few steps away, Gu Jiujiu found a man and a woman embracing each other, the man's big hands seemed to be rubbing the woman's chest, and felt that the two were somewhat familiar.Gu Jiujiu raised her eyebrows, searched the memory in her head, and found that the woman was none other than Brother Zhuang's mother.But that man is Liu San, who is known as a lazy eater in the village.

This Liu San not only can't earn a few silver coins a year to take back to his daughter-in-law to subsidize the family, but instead asks his daughter-in-law for money all day long.His daughter-in-law gave it to her, but if she didn't, then Liu San would beat her daughter-in-law severely.

Liu San's daughter-in-law married Liu San for five or six years, and gave birth to two children in a row, both of whom were sisters. At first, her father-in-law and mother-in-law would persuade Liu San to beat his daughter-in-law. Later, seeing this The daughter-in-law can't have a son, and can't inherit the incense for the old Liu family. Every time he sees his son beating someone, he not only doesn't help and persuade her, but also points at her daughter-in-law's nose and scolds her for not living up to her belly, and gives birth to useless things Come out to waste rice.

Gu Jiujiu couldn't help being surprised that brother Zhuang's mother had only been back for less than a month, and she was getting involved with Liu San in the village.

Sister Yuan saw that her sister stopped suddenly after walking a few steps. The little guy felt strange, so he raised his head and looked at her suspiciously, "Sister, why don't you leave?"

(End of this chapter)

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