Chapter 165 Gu Yuanbao

Gu Jiujiu lay in Shen Kuo's arms for a while, and before she knew it, she also fell asleep in a daze.

In the morning, Gu Jiujiu and Shen Kuo didn't go to eat, and Yan didn't call them either.She knew that Shen Kuo came back from the Yamen just before dawn, so he must be catching up on sleep in the house now.

Sister Yuan drank a bowl of white rice porridge and watched the chicks in the yard all morning. Seeing that it was almost noon and her sister and brother-in-law hadn't woken up yet, the little guy felt strange, so she pushed Gu Jiujiu away. Their door is ready to see.

Yan fed some fresh fodder to the cows in the thatched shed, and as soon as she walked to the yard, she saw Yuan's sister walking to her daughter and son-in-law's house on her short legs.

Frowning, Yan Shi hurriedly followed.

Sister Yuan walked into the room, and before she got to the bed, her small body was carried out by Yan Shi.

After Yan put Sister Yuan down, she glanced at her daughter and son-in-law who were sleeping on the bed, she smiled and closed the door of the house for them again.

"Mother, why are sister and brother-in-law still sleeping so late?" After being carried out by Yan Shi, Sister Yuan looked up at Yan Shi with a puzzled expression and asked.

"Your brother-in-law came back late from the yamen. I saw your brother-in-law come back from the yard when my mother got up to make breakfast in the kitchen." After explaining lightly, Yan looked at Sister Yuan again and said, "Last night , your brother-in-law didn't sleep all night, so we need to let them sleep for a while, you know?"

"Oh." After understanding, Sister Yuan nodded obediently, "I see."

Shen Kuo had always been a light sleeper. After Yuan's sister was carried away by Yan Shi, he woke up. He looked at his little wife in his arms fondly, and couldn't help but leaned over to press a kiss on her lips.

Feeling her lips being kissed by a soft one, Gu Jiujiu subconsciously opened her eyes. Seeing that her little wife woke up, Shen Kuo simply grabbed her little head and deepened the kiss.

I don't know how long it took, until both of their tongues were slightly numb, he finally let her go and got up.

Gu Jiujiu looked at Shen Kuo who was already fully dressed in a blink of an eye, and lifted the quilt to get up.

After Yan's lunch was ready, she saw Gu Jiujiu and the young couple walking in, smiled and asked them to sit down, and placed the bowls and chopsticks on the table.

While eating, Yan looked at Shen Kuo casually and asked, "Son-in-law, why did you come back so late yesterday?"

"Something happened in the yamen, so I came back late." Seeing Yan's question, Shen Kuo replied with a smile.

"So that's the case." After speaking, Yan didn't ask any more questions, but just smiled and asked Shen Kuo to eat more.

There was crab that Gu Jiujiu liked to eat on the table, so Shen Kuo peeled a small bowl and put it in front of her for her to eat slowly.

"Brother-in-law, I want it too." Sister Yuan saw that Shen Kuo had peeled so many crabs for her sister, the little guy smiled and looked at Shen Kuo and asked her to peel them.

Seeing Sister Yuan's cute and cute appearance, Shen Kuo also peeled off a few for her with a smile.Sister Yuan couldn't eat much, so she stopped after eating a few crabs.

After eating, a man about 30 years old came from outside the yard. When he saw Yan, he tentatively asked, "Sister-in-law, don't you know this is brother Yuanbao's home?"

"You are?" Yan Shi didn't know the man in front of her, so after the man finished asking, she didn't answer his question, but looked at him with a puzzled expression.

(End of this chapter)

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