Mr. Jun, you are in love

Chapter 533 Jun Yihan...he...below...

Chapter 533 Jun Yihan...he...below...

She knew that he must be below, must be there, he cannot die, absolutely not.

Her fingers were already dripping with blood, but she continued to push away the stones, as if she didn't feel any pain at all.

"Yi come out!" She roared, her voice was already hoarse.

"Yi Han, please...don't leave me behind, you said you wouldn't leave me behind!" She shouted, with tears streaming down her face, and her hands didn't stop at all.

Thick smoke billowed everywhere, and the floor beneath him was trembling. No one knew how long he could last.

Song Shunian didn't even know, she didn't have the time to pay attention to these things, she just wanted to find Jun Yihan quickly, she must find him.

Her vision became more and more blurred, and she was almost out of sight, and the surrounding smoke enveloped her, making it difficult for her to even breathe.

Consciousness gradually weakened, but she still gritted her teeth and persisted.


She can't stop, she has to keep going!

Jun Shao...

You bastard, didn't you promise her not to bleed for her anymore?


You are a big bastard!

Tears could not be stopped, Song Shunian tried hard to push away every stone in front of her, she didn't care about anything, nothing mattered anymore, if he died today, then she would definitely not live alone.

"Jun Yihan..."

A man's voice came, and Song Shunian was startled. Who is this voice?

It sounded so familiar, but my mind suddenly short-circuited, and I couldn't remember who it was.

"Jun Yihan, did you hear me? Jun Yihan? Song Shunian?"

The sound continued, louder than before, mixed with the sound of burning flames, as if right next to my ears.

At this moment, Song Shunian realized, she remembered the voice, those friends of Jun Yihan's who were very close friends, what were they called Gu, no, no, they were called Mo Lenghan.

Yes, it's Mo Lenghan, she can't hear me wrong.

This is Mo Lenghan's voice, is he here?Does it mean that they came to rescue them.

After hearing it clearly, she immediately shouted: "I...we...we"

Her voice was hoarse, but she still shouted as hard as she could.

"We are here……"

"We are here……"

Again and again, she shouted as loud as she could.

Soon, the approaching voice stopped, Song Shunian suddenly felt scared, she kept shouting.

"We are here."

"We're here..."



Soon, she heard footsteps coming this way, and then, a hazy voice appeared in front of them.

"Jun Yihan..."

Hearing Mo Lenghan's voice approaching, Song Shunian looked at the figure in front of him, immediately grabbed Mo Lenghan's trousers, and said excitedly: "Jun Yihan...he...below...he... "

"What?" Mo Lenghan stared at Song Shunian who was so embarrassed on the ground that he couldn't even tell who it was, and he froze in place.

" him, he...he..." Song Shunian grabbed Mo Lenghan's trousers, her consciousness gradually lost, and finally, when she completely lost consciousness, she faintly saw the figures of Gao Guang and Ye Ying rushing over .



Gao Guang and Ye Ying looked at her nervously. The moment they saw them, Song Shunian's tense heart seemed to relax at this moment.


Finally someone came.

In this case, does it mean that they don't have to die?
Easy cold!

Did you hear it?
Ye Ying and the others are coming, they are coming!
(End of this chapter)

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