Chapter 747 La la la

Duan Zhangze was stunned for a while, choosing a day is worse than hitting the sun, he really thinks this kind of technical operation is just like playing!
"I don't have any preparation and data, how can I make a design on the spot! Aren't you aggressive!"

Gu Qing didn't speak for a long time.

But the technicians feel that it is a bit too much. After all, taking the data is equivalent to taking other people's ideas.

If the data is clear enough, then with reasoning, more ideas may be reasoned out.

"My data, as long as a technician with a little brain can implement it on other software, giving it to you, you think too much of yourself?"

Gu Qingjiu took a step forward and suppressed the man's aura to death.

Playing wild in Lao Tzu's territory, it depends on the master.

Just so blatantly wanting to see the process of her data results, isn't this just wanting to take her things, adapt them, and make them her own.

Do you really think she is being taken advantage of?Not brainy?

It's still too confident in myself, and I think too highly of myself.

"Today, if you don't change, then get the hell out of here now!"

Gu Qingjiu's words were full of righteousness.

But the technicians began to worry that this person was sent by the country after all, and it would be bad to drive him away if he disagreed with him.

Gu Qingjiu could see everyone's worry.

Just silent.

Duan Zhangze, I was completely irritated by Gu Qingjiu's words, "Who do you think you are! You want to drive me away! You drive me away, do you think Huaji still has a chance to be on the international stage!"

Gu Qingjiu chuckled lightly, he hated this kind of people who pretended to be powerful and used chicken feathers as arrows the most.

"Yukong is interested in Huaji. If you give up this opportunity because of you, why do I, Huaji, believe that he can lead us further?"

Gu Qingjiu asked back.

"If you don't change today, get out!"

Gu Qingjiu looked at Duan Zhangze, every word, every word.

Duan Zhangze didn't dare to leave Huaji casually, because after this handover, he might be promoted again, but now that Gu Qingjiu said such words, he was really at a loss.

Yukong's personality is unknown, so people dare not guess casually, so what Gu Qingjiu said made him hesitate.

Secretly suppressed his anger.

Duan Zhangze sat down. "So what if I change it?"

Gu Qingjiu smiled slightly, "It's simple, all these data processes are given to you."

Duan Zhangze smiled gloomyly.

He took out Gu Qingjiu's software information, and quickly captured the key points.

On the latest software system published by Gu Qingjiu, Duan Zhangze tried to strengthen certain weak points, and found that if he used Gu Qingjiu's idea, process and technical process, he would not only update the software bit by bit, but It is not a problem to upgrade the software to the best one.

Since it was to be shown to Gu Qingjiu, Duan Zhangze wanted to follow this line of thought to make the best one.

It never occurred to him that even if he did it, so what, wouldn't he follow Qingjiu's operation procedure?

This afternoon, everyone in the technical department was staring at Duan Zhangze's operation.

The hand speed is very 6. There are legends that Gu Qingjiu's hand speed is against the sky, but few people have seen it until now. There are a few videos that seem to be about Gu Qingjiu's hand speed, but because of the pixel distance, so I watched it Not sure.

But Duan Zhangze's hand speed is really good.

In this talented technical department, such hand speed is indeed fast.

(End of this chapter)

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