Di Shao wants a name every day

Chapter 456 Do you still want to compete fairly?

Chapter 456 You Still Want to Play Fairly

Di Qingyan directly avoided the microphone in Yukong's hand, and turned to the speaker of the mobile phone.

Gu Qingjiu sat on the second floor, watching Di Qingyan's movements and smiled.

"Really?" Gu Qingjiu slightly relaxed his vocal cords, allowing his voice to recover a bit light and clean.

And I can't tell if it's a man or a woman.

"Bravely robbing people?" Gu Qingjiu's voice was threatening and warning, mixed with a kind of persecution.

Tana never thought that Di Qingyan would do this.

The person on the other side of the phone didn't know if it was Gu Qingjiu's voice, but they carried a warning!

"I am sincere to Di Shao. If possible, I hope we can compete fairly!"

Tana's courage really made people feel powerful, and it was already frightening to confess to Di Qingyan.

Now there is still the courage to compete fairly with the person Di Shao likes?
The sleeping pills I took the night before, the effect of the medicine has not worn off the next day...

"What qualifications do you have to compete fairly with me?"

This time the voice did not ring from the phone.

People followed the sound and looked in the direction where Gu Qingjiu was coming.

With a slightly eloquent posture, the young man slowly walked towards Tana.

Finally settled in the audience.

With slightly frivolous eyes, looking at Tana above, even standing under the stage, Gu Qingjiu had a faint look on his body, and there was an attack from the same aura as Di Qingyan's.

When he finally stopped, he raised his eyebrows.

"After all... the gender is not right..."

At the end, Gu Qingjiu sighed helplessly, feeling a bit rascal.

Tana tightly held the microphone in her hand.

"I know he may not accept anyone other than you, but he may not be able to marry you in the future."

Gu Qingjiu put his hands in his trouser pockets, "It doesn't necessarily mean marrying me, and it definitely doesn't mean marrying you."

Gu Qingjiu's eyes were so faint, and when he rolled his eyes lightly, that look seemed to be cold in his heart.

The Queen of England also realized that her daughter seemed to have hit an iron nail, and hurried to her daughter.

"Sir, I'm sorry, my woman may be offended, sorry."

The reason why the Queen of England can achieve her current position is inseparable from her mellow conduct.

Even though Gu Qingjiu's status may not be very high, or he may not have any status at all, but as a high-ranking person in the hall, not everyone can achieve this kind of demeanor.

It's just that Tana didn't learn it at all.

Gu Qingjiu looked at the Queen of Ying with narrowed eyes, no matter how arrogant he was, he still had some emotional intelligence.

"The empress was joking. It may be that Gu Mou spoke too directly and hurt your daughter. I'm sorry."

Di Qingyan frowned in displeasure, his Gu Xiaojiu, when is it his turn to apologize.

"Sorry for what?"

Di Qingyan pulled Gu Qingjiu into his arms like a calf.

He looked up at the Queen of England.

In the calm eyes, there is a kind of overlooking from the superior.

Even the Queen Ying, who monopolized the power of the country, was a little afraid of Di Qingyan's sight after staying in this position for so many years.

Even though he was only in his 20s, a man who was still a child to her, looked at her lightly, with a sense of oppression.

Di Qingyan glanced at Empress Yingshi warningly, without saying a word, Empress Yingshi knew what Di Qingyan meant by that.

Turning to look at Tana and said in annoyance.

"You... go back to your country, don't let me see it again."

Do you dare to ask Gu Xiaojiu to apologize to her?
(End of this chapter)

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