My princess is sweet

Chapter 505 The Way of Survival

Chapter 505 The Way of Survival
First of all, she is the mother of a country, and secondly, you, a monster catcher, can only catch monsters and not kill people. "

Yi Sheng's face became even more ugly, "The co-authorship is to restrict me and Miss Bai? I, a monster catcher, can't touch them, so Miss Bai, a little maid, is not only the one who is abused? Maybe the queen said something, directly If the palace maid is killed, then we are still looking for a fart in there. I said ancestors, you are clearly cheating people, you don't want us to find Tianshui Yixin, let alone be the last one to come out."

The ancient servant explained: "This is the way of survival. Human beings are not born equal. No matter which world or space they are in, people are divided into different classes. How to walk the road of life depends on one's own choice. There is no absolute fairness in the competition. But you can rest assured that your competition this time is related to the title of the number one goddess, so some of the things you do in it can be seen by everyone in Wangdu. Of course you can kill people wantonly in it, even You can kill each other, but you have to think about how the people in Wangdu think of you? Will it affect the ranking of the number one goddess. Now the ice girl is slightly ahead, that's because she has a kind heart."

Bingyue didn't know why, listening to the last sentence of the ancient servant, there was always some irony.

"Remember what your purpose of entering the ancient battlefield is. First, try to find Tianshui Yixin. Second, who stays in the world the longest and comes out the latest. Third, you have to make the people in Wangdu like you and appreciate you. .”

Yisheng raised his hand suddenly, "Wait, I still have one question I don't understand."

The ancient servant rubbed his brows, he felt that his explanation was detailed enough, why does this kid still not understand?

"You said."

"Then what if Bingyue found Tianshui Yixin, but Bingyue died suddenly, and Miss Bai was the last one to come out, but what if she didn't find Tianshui Yixin?"

Bingyue was not happy when she heard Yisheng's example!

Why give an example that she died?
Why not give an example to others?
Why are you always targeting her?
"On that day, Shui will choose the last person to come out."

"So, as long as you find out who comes out last, whoever wins, right?"

"Of course, you have to worry about the praise of people in Wangdu. After you come out, let's see who is the number one goddess..."

Yisheng nodded, "I understand, co-authoring means doing anything in it, just for people in Wangdu to see."

"That's understandable."

"That's all right, let's go." Yi Sheng simply stood behind Bai Xingyan.

He took a deep look at Huaying and already remembered who she was.

little princess.

After he goes in, he will definitely find Huaying.

Never let anyone hurt her one iota.

"By the way, there is one more thing." The ancient servant suddenly interrupted everyone's preparations.

Yisheng's eyebrows twitched, "What else?"

"There are still two people who haven't come." As soon as the ancient servant finished speaking, someone was brought here again.

Hua Xi and Long Su.

Huaxi and the others know each other.

They didn't pay attention to the little brown bear at all. It was just a bear anyway, so it didn't matter.

And Qingxuan obviously followed behind.

Qingxuan had recovered from the fact that he hadn't found the Qinglian holy fire seed, so he deliberately rushed over with Huaxi.

(End of this chapter)

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