Kuai Chuan's catch the single male god

Chapter 598 13: This CV is not high and cold 56

Chapter 598 13: This CV is not high and cold 56
"I know what Xiao Gongju is thinking~"

"You're thinking very reasonably. If you don't think the male god likes you very strongly in the novel, you don't have to be with him."

"Looking at this script, what the reader asks you to complete is task 1, to save Gao Leng from a car accident. Task 2 is to let Gao Leng find his true love and obtain emotional satisfaction."

"After completing 1, your mission is basically completed~"

"It's just that the degree of completion of task 2 will affect your final value."

The system explained it in detail. Lu Yilan thinks that her goal is very simple, as long as she doesn't die in these novel worlds.

"Ah, let me ask you a question."

"What?" The long-haired man looked up at Lu Yilan.

A certain woman leaned on the window sill and asked, "Where do you put my feelings that you took away?"

Ah Wan was taken aback, he didn't expect her to ask this.

After a while, he finished thinking, gently raised his hand, and placed it on his heart, "Here."

"Your feelings are all here."


His thoughts gradually came back, Lu Yilan looked at Gao Leng in front of him, the smile on his face gradually dropped, "Gao Leng."

Lu Yilan spoke slowly and formally, which made the opponent Gao Leng nervous.

"I think feelings are a very mysterious thing."

Lu Yilan said a lot, but she mostly meant one thing.

Don't believe in love at first sight.

After being rejected, Gao Leng was slightly stunned. After he was stunned, he squeezed his teacup and asked carefully, "Then what kind of relationship do you think is more reliable?"

"Let's be in love for a long time."

She thought about it, and finally gave this answer.

Gao Leng looked at her for a long time.

Love for a long time.

She was implying that it wasn't long enough.

Or did he directly use the love at first sight to crush his love at first sight, and then tell him...she doesn't like him?

Gao Leng was very suspicious, but Gao Leng didn't dare to ask.

Because he was afraid that if he asked and got an answer he didn't want, then this story, this little poem of love he was looking forward to, would really end.

and so……

He directly chose the first answer for himself.

Does time make love?

Isn't it just love with each passing day?

Life is born, it is short now, but when time goes by, it will be longer.

Thinking of this, Gao Leng smiled with relief, "You are right."

After the words fell, the waiter began to serve the dishes.

Maybe it was because they had talked about serious topics before, so the two of them ate very quietly this time.

After the dishes on the table were almost finished, Gao Leng stopped Lu Yilan, "By the way, there is one more thing I didn't tell you."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"Luoxue and Yasha will hold a wedding next month."

"!" Lu Yilan was surprised, "So fast?"

"Yeah." Gao Leng nodded, "We've known each other for more than ten years, and they've been together for six or seven years, and they only got married in six or seven years, which isn't too soon."

"That's also..." Yasha and Luoxue were getting married.

In other words, within this year, a car accident that threatens Gao Leng's second half of his life will appear soon.

Gao Leng looked at Lu Yilan, with calculations flashing in his eyes, "They are getting married, I want to prepare a special gift for them, and I would like to ask you for a favor."

"Huh?" Lu Yilan raised his eyes, "What's the matter?"


He said these two words calmly, Lu Yilan thought for a while, then hummed lightly, "If it's about dubbing, I should be able to help."

(End of this chapter)

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