Chapter 541

Later, Suning and Lu Yilan still left halfway.


At noon in May, the sun is also very bright.

The seats outside the Civil Affairs Bureau were so hot, and when Lu Yilan sweated, Suning felt overwhelmed. In the end, he took Lu Yilan and rolled back without struggling for 2 minutes.

"Sister Cheng, we'll come back tomorrow!"

"Yeah." Lu Yilan wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Just figure it out."

"Let's get up early tomorrow too." Suning was still a little worried.

Lu Yilan coughed twice, "As long as you are happy."

"it is good!"


The next day.

Suning and Lu Yilan also came early, and the moment the Civil Affairs Bureau door opened, the staff piapia pasted a note on the door.

In dire need of repairs.


After many twists and turns, Suning and Lu Yilan finally got a certificate here after the sex was over.

On the day of receiving the certificate, Lu Yilan's mouth was still a little swollen because he ate a lot of abnormally spicy skewers, and Suning's face was a little swollen because he drank some wine.

So the photos of both people are not so perfect.


Love, he is perfect.

Life, too, is perfect.


Suning, Su of Suzhou, peaceful Ning.

Tranquility, is my mother's name.

I have lived a happy life since I was a child, very happy, with loving parents and loving mothers. Before I was six years old, I always felt that I was a person favored by God. It was not until I was six years old that I gradually realized.

My happiness is all an illusion.

The seemingly cheerful mother actually suffers from depression, and the seemingly affectionate father, the mistress can be arranged from our house to the school.

When I was six years old, my family fell apart because of an illegitimate child.

My mother suffered from depression and tried to die many times. My grandfather put pressure on me everywhere. My father couldn't resist my grandfather, but he didn't want to face his mother, so he just left home.

Mother probably loved her father very much, and when he left, she wanted to commit suicide.

Grandpa only thought that my mother wanted to use this method to tie down my father. Only I knew that she was serious and really wanted to die.

It was about six and a half years old. After making a promise to me that I would never leave, that I would cover you all my life, love you forever, and let you have no sorrow or pain, etc., my mother took my hand and left forever. , die with peace.

Afterwards, my life became difficult.

My father knew that I had some of my grandfather's resources, and he was afraid that I would make a comeback and suppress him, so he was jealous of me.

Maybe it was because he was thinking about family affection and looking at me as a waste, so he never 'killed' me.

I thought life would just go on boringly step by step like this, step by step, let me take revenge, and then kill the boring life bit by bit.

until she shows up.

She pulled all the ugliness in the depths of my soul, the depths of my character.

My desire for monopoly, my extreme thoughts, and distorted thoughts were all pulled out in an instant.

because i want to...

Let each other's world be only each other.

I drive away all the men around her, and even imprison her to achieve my goal.

But she was sick.

When she got sick, I panicked. Imprisoning a person for a long time will cause the whole immune system to collapse. I can't, I can't watch her get worse, so I... I let her out.

She said that she would take me to find the feeling of first love, to let me let go of myself, and to find the true love for myself.

I can not find it.

But I found her tenderness to me, her understanding of me, so I pretended to be gentle, peaceful, wise, and... just like a normal person.

However, she doesn't know.

Whenever I see her communicating with her subordinates, talking to other men, or even seeing other men approaching her, killing intent flashes in my heart.

I want to kill every man in the world except me.

Of course, I'm just thinking about...

This is crazy.

I just want to.

Suppress all this, even if I step on the tip of a knife, I don't want to scare her.

I just want to bend down with a smile, bow my head, stretch out my hand, and say to her with a smile, "Sister Cheng, let the normal and normal Suning walk with you in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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