Kuai Chuan's catch the single male god

Chapter 520 12: The Selfish Little Prince 41

Chapter 520 12: The Selfish Little Prince 41
Is it?

Lu Yilan stared at Suning steadily for a while, then slowly withdrew his gaze, "Do you want to stay and follow up?"

"En!" Suning said with a high-end atmosphere, "After all, this project may require half of the Su family's funds to be invested."

Anyway, Suning is talking nonsense with his eyes open.

This kind of project, no matter whether he follows up or not, as long as there are still clear-headed people in the gang, they will generally not agree.

and also……

Even if I live here from time to time, it is impossible to follow up the progress of this project all the time, after all, this is a family secret.

Therefore, it is Sima Zhao's heart that Suning wants to stay, and everyone knows it.

Lu Yilan didn't think too much about the peach color speculation, but according to the plot, in a few months, the original heroine Chang Min should also appear. Now Suning has not grown up, and has not yet reached the position of King, so come to Chengjia Press and hold for a while to avoid certain things.

"Okay, anyway, there are many guest rooms here, you can just pick one yourself." Lu Yilan sandwiched a piece of pork ribs for Suning, "Did you buy this outside? It tastes good."

"No." Suning was quite proud, "I did it myself."

"I woke up at five o'clock in the morning to wash the pork ribs. Do you think it's delicious?" He raised his head arrogantly, as if I was asking for praise, which made Lu Yilan's whole heart crumble.

There is a kind of person, you clearly know that he is dangerous, but he is so charming, even though his whole body is full of poison, but he still makes people flock to him.



"Delicious." Knowing that Suning's inside could not be what it looked like on the surface, Lu Yilan still patted him on the shoulder lightly, "It's amazing."

"I know I'm good."

After being praised, Su Ning quickly lowered his head slightly, under the sun, half of his face was still so... shy.

Time passed in such a warm and quiet way.

Liu Mingzhi felt very uncomfortable when he knew that Suning was going to live for a long time, and even more so after knowing that Suning was already living with Lu Yilan.

Because it was too unpleasant, he also moved to the base.

Occupying the original owner's body, it's not good to kill the original owner's childhood sweetheart too much, so Lu Yilan didn't comment too much on this matter.

This 'cohabitation-style cooperation plan' lasted for about a month or two. Lu Yilan really wanted to develop the Su family and the married family together, so she was very busy for a while.

Only occasionally when I have time, I can talk to Suning about the details of the cooperation. Liu Mingzhi was directly out of the cooperation project by three strikes.


People who are ignored will always be unwilling.

For example, Liu Mingzhi.

It took him a week or two to figure out Lu Yilan's approximate work and rest time, and then took advantage of the loophole.

After nine o'clock at night, he knocked on the door of the study.

The sound of "knock knock" sounded, Lu Yilan was stunned for a moment, and then immediately called out, "Come in."

"Cheng Jingjing."

Seeing Liu Mingzhi, Lu Yilan felt a little uncomfortable, she stood up, "Mingzhi, why are you here?"

The man kept staring at her, staring at her, and then didn't speak.

Lu Yilan felt a little nervous when she saw this look, she coughed twice, "Ming—"

Liu Mingzhi has already pounced on it.

The man's speed is very fast and his goal is clear, but Lu Yilan is not a vegetarian.

Possessing systematic martial arts, Lu Yilan dodged subconsciously, and at the same time pulled Liu Mingzhi along the way, causing him to slam into the small sofa in the study.

(End of this chapter)

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