Sir, kiss me again

Chapter 638 Gossip

Chapter 638 Gossip (3)

For film and television shooting, it takes several months to shoot in several fixed locations, and it takes several months to shoot, which is boring and boring.

During this period of time, some of the crews in charge seldom arranged visits, basically a group of people were locked in a fixed area, and they had enough time to cultivate their feelings.Moreover, everyone is handsome and beautiful, and they have to act in emotional scenes, so sparks can easily be sparked. That's how the couples of the crew come together.

This kind of thing is too common, unless you want to hype it, otherwise everyone will be surprised and talk about it in private.

If it wasn't Huang Mi, but someone else, it wouldn't be doubtful at all.It's just that Huang Mi is too cold and unkind in private, not to mention actresses, female producers, and female investors. It's not easy for female investors to come to him.Being able to help Xue Feifei stand out is worth pondering in itself.

In particular, the two of them have to act in emotional dramas. Although there is not much contact outside the drama, it can be seen that these two people spend the longest time together every time they talk about each other.The effect of the performance is also quite good.

I heard that Xue Feifei also came in through a relationship, so it should be Huang Mi's relationship?
Although Huang Mi didn't make it public, I heard that he has a girlfriend outside the circle, so he is also secretly helping the little lover outside?Otherwise, why would an artist who is not even counted as an [-]th-line artist be introduced to play the second female lead.

"That's not true. Although the two of them are quiet at night, they are the ones who communicate the most. They are talking about the scene. But the two of them have an emotional scene. Who knows if they are talking about the scene or are they really talking about feelings?"

"Perhaps that's how the female number two came about. Anyway, after a few months of filming, the crew broke up. Isn't his girlfriend an outsider? As long as there is no publicity, no one will know."

Yu Sixing frowned.He was still following his assistant, and he was embarrassed to ask the assistant to check on Huang Mi and his girlfriend outside the circle.If the assistant told the Yu family about him and Xue Feifei at this juncture, Xue Feifei would definitely distance himself from him. If he couldn't get Xue Feifei to be his wife, could he just go back and marry Qin Zhimei?He doesn't want it.

He remained calm, anyway, the next scene was Huang Mi and Xue Feifei's scene, so he simply stood aside and watched the situation.

The lighting engineer adjusted the lighting, and the set changed a few points according to the plot.While preparing, the director was talking to Huang Mi and Xue Feifei.This scene is played by Xue Feifei, the second female lead, who wants to seduce the male lead for some purpose, but the male lead hates her approaching, and on the other hand, pretends to be in love with her.

The scene has to be shot very charmingly, and the careful thoughts of the two people have to be shot, and the tense atmosphere outside has to be shot.Huang Mi has a lot of experience, but Xue Feifei's acting skills have not yet reached the standard and it is a little difficult.If you don't grasp the speed well, you will become Pan Jinlian, who is too reserved and can't get the effect.Although there is no kissing scene, there is a lot of contact, and the cooperation of the two must be required.

During the rehearsal, there were already a lot of pulling and pulling movements. When the filming officially started, Xue Feifei gave full play to the foundation of learning dance and practicing for a month or two before, as well as the foundation of continuous physical exercise in the past few years. Close to the male lead, but the foothold is still steady.The feeling of wanting to be seduced, but being able to stand up instantly is quite good.

(End of this chapter)

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