Chapter 656
Rowan's complexion was obviously very bad.

So gloomy as if it was the bottom of the pot, the four team leaders looked at each other and glanced at each other.

They both saw sadness in each other's eyes.

Storms are coming, so be prepared.

The four walked into the director's office in silence.

Rowan stood in front of the window with his back to them.

"Brad, lead a team, verify the situation immediately, contact the FBI in the Nass City branch, and the local police, check the entire Central Mall one by one, and send plainclothes to watch."

Brad opened his eyes slightly, he was a little surprised, "Director, there is no need for this?"

"How credible is the news from the hackers who attacked the FBI?"

Brad frowned tightly, "Besides, he spoke Chinese at first."

Rowan turned around.

He had been the director of the FBI for many years, and he smiled when he heard this.

Rowan walked up to Brad and looked down at him condescendingly, "Brad, what if the news is true?"

Luo Wen's eyes were too intimidating, accompanied by a deep coldness.

Brad lost his words for a moment.

if it is real……

Central Mall, terrorist attack.

Two words are enough to become the breaking news in country M this year.

This means countless lives.

Brad panicked, he subconsciously resisted this Chinese hacker.

"Luo Wen, what if this is Hua Guo's conspiracy? Our relationship with Hua Guo is not friendly now!"

In this world, there can only be one master forever.

The development of Huaguo in recent years is too terrifying. Everyone can only say that it is a miracle.

Brad is a standard M countryman, and he only knows about Hua country from newspapers and magazines, and of course the Internet.

European and American countries have always reported on China with cynicism and cynicism. It seems that they can't get into the newspapers if they don't get a little black.

Rowan glanced at Brad.

His eyes were like looking at a fool.

What conspiracy could be hidden here?
"You go to work for me right away!"

Rowan gritted his teeth, "Don't forget the fuck, that guy wants money!"

Strong buying and strong selling, TM's shameless!

Who wants to buy news from him.

"We'll do it right away."

The group leader, Finn, grabbed the foolish Brad and lowered his head slightly, "I promise that there will be no accidents."

It was almost eleven o'clock.

Central Mall is in the center of Nass City.

There are many buildings with hundreds of stories.

Crowds of people come and go in and out of the mall.

"Mum, there are a lot of security guards in the mall today."

The little blond girl said in a milky voice.

Mom froze for a moment, and glanced around.

It seems to be a little different.

Today's shopping mall has a chill atmosphere.

"It's okay, there may be some activity."

The little girl said oh, and took her mother's hand and walked to the children's clothing area, "Mommy, I want that skirt."

The mother squatted down, touched the top of the girl's head with a smile, "Okay, mom will buy it for you."

At the same time, countless plainclothes policemen hid in the crowd, covering the communicators in their ears.

"The first floor is normal."

"The second floor is normal."

"...The Ninth District is normal."


Outside the mall, in a black commercial vehicle.

The head of the FBI in Nas City held the communicator and yawned.

"Is the news from above accurate? It's been more than an hour..."

"Damn chasing an idiot yesterday, I didn't sleep until early in the morning, and I had to wake up early in the morning to be a doorman..."

(End of this chapter)

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