Chapter 522

"Please note, this is my real dream, don't get me wrong!"

Qin Zong bent down and leaned slightly, the loneliness in his phoenix eyes fell on the young man, and he said slowly and methodically, "The definition of fantasy and dream is different. What you are talking about is fantasy."



I will get you home sooner or later.

Little Seven nodded heavily: Well, then Jiang Jiang Niang Niang~

Is Lao Tzu like that?
Xiao Qi...

You are not like this, what kind of person are you?

Qin Zong: "It is not allowed to recruit ghosts to solve the case, and it is not allowed to use any metaphysical techniques."

Otherwise, the little hooligan's gamble is sure to make a profit.

After sealing Young Master Yan's shortcut, Master Qin raised his chin respectfully, "What else do you want to say?"

Yan Tao: "You are smart and you are proud."

You like it.

"Let's go then."

They also spent a lot of time outside.

Qin Zong was still holding the young man's hand, he seemed to have forgotten about it, Young Master Yan glanced at it casually.

The thief smiled: Hahaha! ! !
Xiao Qi...

Scared me into a cold sweat.

Master Yan wiped the "unaware" Master Qin, and walked into the gate of the FBI happily.

Qin Zong casually glanced at the young man: You seem to be a little careless...

A group of FBI offices.

The huge office is chaotic and noisy like a vegetable market.

Officer John was sitting on the office chair. He was scolded bloody by the chief just this morning because of the bone case.

At this time, he was already very busy, and the case materials were almost arranged like a mountain on the table.

"Oh shit!"

When will that kid get over here!

The real one can't come, but the fake one has already arrived outside the office.

Yan Tao grabbed a female police officer casually, smiled slightly, and asked about John's office.

The female police officer who was holding the documents pointed him in the direction without looking up, "It's the one at the end of this corridor. John is sitting in the office of the first group. You can find it after a quick glance inside."

"Okay, thank you." The young Qingyue's pleasant voice came into his ears, and the female police officer was taken aback for a moment, attracted by the voice, and took advantage of the opportunity to look up at him.

The young man who entered the target had a handsome face, but a pair of dark and deep eyes were surprisingly romantic and beautiful, but it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was mesmerizing if he picked it up lightly.


Where did such a handsome man come from?
Yan Tao got used to the amazed gazes of others, so he moved his long legs and walked straight to the room at the end of the corridor.

The female police officer stood where she was, suddenly thought of something, turned her head and looked at the backs of the two of them.

He exclaimed in a low voice, "Oh my God, that's Joshua?!"

Can't believe it!
But changing clothes, it seems like a different person...

Joshua Newman is well-known in the FBI.

However, that was all a joke.

They have many consultants, and they are basically well-known experts in the industry, or retired old police officers.

Only Joshua is an exception.

"Knock Knock~"

The noisy office covered up the knock on the door, and no one answered, so Yan Tao stretched out his hand to unscrew the door of the office and stepped in.

When two equally handsome young men stood at the door of the office, the office gradually fell silent.

The busy police officers suddenly noticed a change in the surrounding atmosphere.

Why is it suddenly quiet?
He also raised his head, and immediately saw Yan Tao and Qin Zong.

Suddenly... there was a burst of exclamation.

Two young people, one free and unrestrained and the other cold and lonely.

Standing in one place, the impact caused by the super high value is almost like an earthquake...

(End of this chapter)

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