The national male god is fierce and strong

Chapter 466 Qin Dynasty, Qin Family

Chapter 466 Qin Dynasty, Qin Family

"Whoa whoa!"

At the terminal, everyone is waiting there.

Looking at a car coming from a distance, the cheers of mountains and tsunami resounded on the whole track.

"It must be a wild lion!"

"Oh my god, the crazy lion has refreshed its speed again, and it only took twelve minutes! It's incredible!"

Everyone took it for granted that the winner was definitely the Wild Lion.

Therefore, when the red Ferrari drove to the end of the track, the whole track was silent.

Everyone's eyes widened, and the expressions in their eyes were full of surprise and disbelief.

"He actually won?!"

"The Wild Lion lost?!"


The car pressed to the finish line, and the result was already obvious.

The young man pushed open the car door, stepped forward with his slender legs, and when his handsome and dignified posture caught everyone's eyes, they were stunned again.

At the starting point, it was far away, and I didn't see it very clearly.

Now, I can see clearly.

The face is like a crown of jade, and it looks like Pan An.

The extravagance is astonishing, the young man just stands there leisurely, with a tall body, he has a mysterious and leisurely charm.

The girls were so amazed that they were almost dazed.

There was only one thought in my mind: God, there are such good-looking people in this world...

"Boom" underground, the crowd exploded like boiling water!



Xiang Xiang stood in the crowd with shock in his eyes: This boy actually won?
Wang Qian, who Xiang Xiang called Wang Shao, stood up.

"Losing? Interesting."

A playful voice came from behind, Wang Qian straightened his face, turned around respectfully, and said flatteringly, "This kid is just lucky. With the strength of the wild lion, maybe something happened."


The handsome young man waved his hand and went down the stairs, "Young master, go and have a look, and get to know this young master."

The young man obviously had a very high status, Wang Qian and the others did not dare to talk nonsense, and followed carefully.

After winning the game, Qi Dong's debts were cancelled. Not only that, but he also got more than 30 yuan for nothing. He hooked Xiang Xiang's neck, "We won, more than 30 yuan! Don't try to renege on the debt!"

"The rules set by this young master, more than 30 will naturally not depend on you."

Qi Dong was taken aback.

The crowd of onlookers automatically diverted a path, and saw a young man in his early twenties coming down from the upstairs.

Yan Tao glanced sideways, and his eyes fell on the young man's face, his eyebrows and eyes were slightly surprised.

The young man jumped over the crowd, stretched out his hand to Yan Tao, and smiled cynically, "The skills are good, are you interested in joining my club?"

Before Yan Tao could speak, Wang Qian said, "This is Young Master Qin."

Qin Chao: "Your skills are very good, you can run faster than the wild lion, if you can go through professional training, you will definitely be no worse than anyone else!"

Yan Tao nodded slightly, with a rather careless expression, "What's your name?"

It sounded very rude to ask, Qin Chao was stunned for a while.

Few people ask what his name is.

Qin Chao: "My name is Qin Chao."

Hey, a dark light flashed across Young Master Yan's eyes.

Qin Chao's eyebrows are somewhat similar to Qin Zong's, so they should be relatives.

Can meet here, does it count as her fate with Zong Zong?
Young Master Yan smiled and said, "I'm not interested in the club, but you can take a look at him."

Pulling Qi Dong in front of Qin Chao, Yan Tao put one hand in his pocket, waved his hand, and turned to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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