Chapter 457

Yan Tao hung up Qi Zhi's call, and Cao Hongyi, who had escaped the catastrophe, hurried over with his golden thighs.

"Jin—" Ah, that's not right, "Young Master Yan, I've bought everything you ordered."

Yan Tao glanced sideways at Cao Hongyi, avoiding his smile with disgust, "Do you know where the main hall of the Green Gang is?"

"The main hall of the Green Gang?"

Cao Hongyi jumped up in shock, "What are you going to the Youth Gang for?"

Yan Tao smiled: "It seems that I know, come with me."

As a policeman representing justice, Cao Hongyi led the way to the gang leader's lair fearfully, "That's it, you go in, I'm leaving!"

Young Master Yan dragged him in, "Why are you in a hurry, let's go in and have a stroll together."

Cao Hongyi...! ! !
I am a policeman!

Into the lair of gangsters, the fuck thought I was here to find fault, what if I was shot and killed? !
"Head of the house, someone is visiting."

Chu Hengzhi was still wearing a light-colored Tang suit, with a handsome and elegant face, holding a writing brush in his bony hand, the tip of the pen fell on the white paper, and the handwriting was calm and rigorous.

Wen Yan only raised his eyebrows, "Who?"

"She asked her subordinates to speak for you. Is that unusual business going smoothly?"

Chu Heng's hand paused slightly, and black ink stains splashed on the paper, ruining the entire page.

His light eyes tightened, he took out the handkerchief and wiped his hands, and smiled warmly, "So it was him...bring him here."

"He's in charge, he even brought Cao Hongyi here."

Gangsters, talk to the police.

No matter how harmonious it is on the surface, it is still difficult to deal with it deep down.

And Chu Hengzhi didn't seem too surprised that Yan Tao had brought Cao Hongyi here, a faint smile overflowed from the corner of his lips, "Please come in together."

When Cao Hongyi entered the door, he looked like a cat whose fur had exploded, he was vigilant, and was grabbed by the shoulder by Young Master Yan and dragged into the living room.

In the hall, a dignified and upright man sat at the head, looked at Yan Tao and smiled slightly, "Young Master Yan, long time no see."

Yan Tao: "Long time no see."

"Captain Cao, please stay safe."

Chu Hengzhi's attitude towards Cao Hongyi was very gentle, so gentle that Cao Hongyi felt like he was dreaming.

"Mr. Chu, I'm here today, and I want to talk to you about a business." The young man took a sip of tea and said his intentions straightforwardly.


Chu Hengzhi raised his eyebrows slightly, a little surprised. His brows were soft, like moonlight and water, gentle like spring, and his demeanor was more like a teacher.

Instead of the leader of the black gangster with bloody hands.

Yan Tao didn't know about these things.

Cao Hongyi understood very well.

Chu Sheng of the Green Gang has a face like jade and a heart like iron.

People on the road would rather get into trouble with ghosts, gods and monsters than go against Chu Hengzhi.

In front of Chu Hengzhi, his little captain of the criminal police is not counted as P.

"What business does Mr. Yan have, can you do it with me?"

The handsome young man rested one hand on the chair, and sat in a comfortable position, "Mr. Chu acquired a piece of land recently?"

The young man's tone is leisurely and loose.

As if he said it casually, all the members of the Qing Gang standing next to him frowned, and the whole hall was so silent that even a needle dropped to the ground could be heard.

Chu Hengzhi raised his eyes, his eyes were cold.

He did have a piece of land in his hand, and he got it by some tricks.

Only a few people who followed him knew about this matter, not even the top executives of the Green Gang nearby, how did Yan Tao know?
As soon as these words were uttered, they fell into the ears of the Qing Gang members, and they all carried a sense of threat.

For a moment, the atmosphere became tense.

(End of this chapter)

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