Chapter 1692
Just as the mental power around Yan Tao was released, the ice cone that was ten meters away from her just disappeared into the air, passed through the space, and appeared in front of Yan Tao.

The sharp ice blade almost pierced Yan Tao's skin.

The girl's dark eyes froze slightly, and a cold light flashed across her eyes quickly.

She stomped back a few steps, but it was still a step late, and several ice picks still pierced through the protection she had condensed with mental strength.

"you are too slow."

Qin Zong stood where he was, with a cold gleam faintly emerging from the bottom of his pitch-black phoenix eyes.

The man's slender fingers kept slicing across the air, and every time he slid, there were overwhelming icicles shooting at Yan Tao.

"The space transmission channel is not used in this way."

Qin Zong's voice was deep and deep, but it contained an unprecedented indifference.

The man's attack speed was so fast that Yan Tao was almost in a panic.

The girl's figure was flying through the universe at high speed, her peach blossom eyes fixed on Qin Zong's movements, observing the trend of his power gathering and dispersing.


The ice pick suddenly appeared behind Yan Tao, piercing straight through her shoulder blades.

Bright red blood gushed out instantly, soaking through the girl's pure white clothes.

Yan Tao didn't seem to feel the pain, her black eyes were astonishingly bright, and her hands quickly concentrated her mental strength.

The next moment, powerful spiritual power rushed towards Qin Zong's body.

In this short period of time, Yan Tao's control over the power in his body has fully doubled.

"Still too weak."

Qin Zong took a few steps back.

As soon as he raised his hand, there was a sound of wind and thunder in the universe.

Yan Tao's soles suddenly burst into flames, almost burning her to death inside.

"Do you know why the emperor class is a legendary class?"

Through the raging fire, the man's cold and deep voice reached Yan Tao's ears.

"According to the inheritance method of this universe, each person's talent is different, and the level of spiritual power is different."

"Emperor level can completely break the shackles of talent."

Qin Zong took another step forward,
In the deep and boundless universe, the figure of the man is extraordinarily cold and icy.

"The time you stepped into the emperor class is too short, and you don't have the power to control the emperor class at all."

"You can't beat me."

"This time, you'd better give up."

Yan Tao's eyes suddenly lifted up, and the coldness quickly flashed across his eyes.

She jumped up suddenly, turned over the blazing flames, and approached Qin Zong directly.

Forming a fist with his right hand, he blasted towards the man's face with a mighty force.

"Don't say things I don't like to hear."

There was a chill in the girl's voice.

Hit into the man's eyes.

Since he couldn't touch him with mental strength, he simply gave up and chose close combat.

Yan Tao had been on Chenghua Star for five full years.

The level of close combat is tempered between life and death, and it will definitely not be lower than Qin Zong.

In a short while, the two had passed more than ten strokes.

They all have no intention of holding back.

Yan Tao punched to the flesh, and a punch hit Qin Zong's chest.

However, her punch seemed to hit the cotton.

His fist sank heavily into it.Instead, Yan Tao felt a sense of powerlessness layer upon layer.

not good!

The girl's dark peach eyes narrowed suddenly, and even though she retreated, Qin Zong restrained her wrist.

The distance between the two was only an inch, and Qin Zong looked straight at Yan Tao with his dark eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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