The national male god is fierce and strong

Chapter 1672 Her dead?

Chapter 1672 Her dead?
Just one month.

The processing files on Xuan Ming's desk changed from those of the Canglan galaxy to those of the entire empire.

Documents are always delivered faster than he can process them.

The industrious Lord Xuan Ming worked hard to work overtime with dark circles under his eyes every day, and he was looking forward to giving Yan Tao a holiday when he came out of customs.

But found it when I looked back.

Why are the files on my desk not reduced, but more than before? !

Xuan Ming collapsed and squatted under the desk while holding his head.

I'm going to resign!

I'm resigning, I'm resigning!

Yan Tao became the emperor of the empire.

According to the normal procedure, at least you have to give an inauguration speech or something.

However, during this period of time, Yan Tao did not appear in any public occasions.

Even the invitations sent by the heads of a group of aristocratic families were directly rejected by the Yan family.

There was no inauguration ceremony.

There is no formal announcement of his appointment on Starnet or in public.

The emperor of the empire is like this, naturally and extremely simply excessive.

"Two months."

Yun Kuo sat outside the room, glanced at the still closed door: "There is still no movement."

"Master Yun Kuo, don't worry, the marshal will definitely succeed."

While gnawing on the fruit, Yan Rong confidently comforted Yun Kuo.

"Master Yun Kuo."

Suddenly, Yun Kuo's communicator beeped randomly.

Yun Kuo scratched away casually.

It turned out that the communication was from the Federation.

"what's up?"

The person who requested the communication was his bodyguard who stayed in the Federation to protect Nebula.

The guard spoke quickly and reported: "Lord Yun Kuo, Princess Xingyun is gone!"

"At noon today, Her Highness the Princess made an excuse to go out to buy some things, but we were not allowed to follow. Our people were watching secretly, but they were thrown away by the Princess in a small shop."

"We are worried that Her Royal Highness may already know the news of Emperor Star Wars' death..."

Yun Kuo's handsome eyebrows frowned slightly.

"Send someone to look for it right away."

"I have to find her no matter what."

Although Xing Yun is not weak in talent, she is too simple.

Once something unexpected happens...

Yun Kuo's face was condensed, and he spoke quickly: "When she heard the news of the death of Emperor Star Wars, she will definitely find a way to return to the Empire. You spread people at various exits of the Federation, and stop them no matter what."

"Smuggling boats are also searched!"

"Yes, Master Yun Kuo."

Yun Kuo's arrangement was very thorough, but when he hung up the communication, he frowned deeply.

After half an hour, I'm afraid... Xing Yun has already escaped from the federation.

At first, in order to protect Yunkuo, Xingyun chose an underdeveloped city to settle down.

Unexpectedly, it happened to give Xingyun a chance to escape.

An ordinary small town is not as heavily guarded as the main star.

On the main star, all entrances and exits have official handles from the empire.

Entry and exit from official entrances and exits are subject to tax.

And this tax is beyond the reach of many ordinary people.

In the small town where Xing Yun lived, there was only one official entrance and exit. Besides, there were many illegal entrances and exits.

It can be used by civilians and some small businesses.

On the nebula is a commercial spacecraft for civilian use.

It is also a secret smuggling route known to ordinary people.

At this moment, she was sitting on the spaceship, looking at the dark blue universe outside the window with a dazed expression.

The hand hanging by his side was clenched tightly.

In the ear, the news just heard is still echoing.

"Have you heard that the emperor over there is dead!"

(End of this chapter)

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