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Chapter 695 So, does Young Master Lu want to bet with me?

Chapter 695 So, does Young Master Lu want to gamble with me?

"Bring it." Lu Shiyan still looked at the children playing around not far away, and asked lightly, "How is she?"

On the other end of the phone, Jiang Yichen smiled slightly, and raised one corner of his lips slantingly, "I really didn't realize that Young Master Lu is so infatuated!"

"Jiang Yichen," Lu Shiyan called out his full name, with a cold tone, "I'm not a very good-tempered person, and I don't like to repeat myself when I've been asked."

Jiang Yichen was not frightened by him at all, and there was still a naughty smile in his voice, "Coincidentally, I am not a very good-tempered person, and I don't like to repeat what I said a second time!"

Lu Shiyan was standing against the light at this time, his handsome face was buried in the shadow, and the expression in his deep eyes was unclear.

However, if you look carefully, you can find that his thin lips are tightly pressed, and even his whole body exudes a chill.

After enduring it again and again, he sneered, "Since Mr. Jiang is not sincere, then it's fine if we don't make this deal."

Hearing this, Jiang Yichen lifted his lips, and said calmly, "What? Lu doesn't intend to go back on his word and stop making this deal?"

"Since Mr. Jiang answered Jiang Lai's call, I haven't heard her voice, and you haven't sent me any news about her at this time." Lu Shiyan's expression was cold, he sneered, and his lips were thin One by one, he said slowly, "Can I think so, Mr. Jiang didn't catch Jiang Lai, he was just bluffing from the beginning to the end. I'm afraid there is no such cheap thing to want to be a white wolf."

"If you caught it, you caught it. If you didn't catch it, you didn't catch it. I'm a person. Although I'm not a good person, I don't really like playing tricks."

"Who knows!" Lu Shiyan chuckled, and turned his gaze to the layers of white clouds in the distant sky, "If Mr. Jiang can't produce evidence that Jiang Lai is still in your hands, then I will leave first."

Jiang Yichen's phoenix eyes drooped slightly, and he chuckled softly, "So, does Young Master Lu want to gamble with me?"

He knew very well how important Lu Shiyan regarded Jiang Lai.

So after leaving Jiang Lai in the abandoned factory, he called Lu Shiyan directly.

Unexpectedly, now that they are about to meet and deliver goods, this man suddenly makes such a request.

He bound Jiang Lai originally to show the two Jiang family disciples who were with him, and after they went to report to Jiang Zongyi, he left Jiang Lai in that warehouse.

He deliberately found the warehouse with windows to lock her up, but it was just to leave a way out for her.

He believed that with Jiang Lai's ability, he would definitely be able to find a way to get out of there.

However, he didn't leave any means of transportation and communication for her, and it would take a long time for her to contact Lu Shiyan when she returned to the city.

This period of time is enough for him to get the inheritance and key from Lu Shiyan.

Anyway, the person has already been tied up, as long as he gets back the inheritance and the key, Jiang Zongyi should not care about why he failed to bring Jiang Lai back to the Jiang family.

Unfortunately, now it seems that his wishful thinking was wrong.

Lu Shiyan seemed to have noticed something, and now he actually put forward a condition to see Jiang Lai, which is a bit difficult.

After thinking about it, the duck that is almost reaching its beak cannot be allowed to fly again.

Therefore, Jiang Yichen could only bluff.

However, Lu Shiyan is not so easy to fool.

"It's okay to gamble once."

After finding the Mercedes-Benz that Jiang Lai drove away, Lu Shiyan not only called Li Entai, but also sent the location of that section of road to Zuo Xiao.

(End of this chapter)

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