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Chapter 508 Who gave you the guts to hurt her?

Chapter 508 Who gave you the guts to hurt her?
Jiang Lai got out of the box and ran towards the elevator.

While running forward, she still didn't forget to turn her head to look behind her.

Seeing the three people chasing after her, she glanced at the stairway next to the emergency exit, pushed open the door and ran down the stairs desperately.

Her left hand was scratched by glass, and blood kept flowing down her arm.

However, she didn't have time to pay attention to the wound, so she could only keep running down the steps.

"Stop! You bitch, stop!"

"You'd better not let me catch you, or I will tear you apart!"

Behind her, three gangsters yelled at her, chasing and scolding her.

Jiang Lai turned a deaf ear to their words, she only knew to get out of here quickly.

Taking advantage of the pain suppressing the effect of the medicine, she wanted to run faster, faster!
Only by running out of the cafe and shaking them off completely can she escape safely!

Four floors is not considered high, she staggered down, walked through the long aisle, and rushed out of the gate.

Outside, the sun was just right, which was the opposite of the cold atmosphere in the cafe.

Jiang Lai stood on the side of the road, breathing in the fresh air, feeling that he was finally alive.

"Bitch! Where are you going?"

Suddenly there was a cold shout in my ear, and it was the three gangsters who came after me.

Jiang Lai watched them approaching step by step, turned his head to look at the empty street, and his heart skipped a beat.

The north of the city was already very deserted, and the location of this coffee shop was very remote, so it was difficult to get a taxi here.

At this time, the medicinal effect on her body has not completely receded, and she is just relying on the pain to keep herself awake.

If she doesn't think of a way to get rid of them, her end today will only be miserable!
Regardless of the pain in his arm, Jiang Lai gritted his teeth and continued to run forward.

However, after the cerebral cortex got used to the pain, her speed gradually slowed down.

Seeing that the three gangsters were about to catch up, Jiang Lai ran to the intersection ahead with all his strength.

However, suddenly, her legs went limp, and her body rushed forward due to inertia.

Unsteady, she fell to the ground all of a sudden.


His hands were pounded on the ground, and there was a burning pain in the palm of his hand where the glass scratched.

There was also more blood seeping from the scratch on his left arm.

However, Jiang Lai had no time to care about the wound, and tried to get up from the ground with both hands and feet.

It's just that her hands and feet are no longer in control, and she tried to stand up several times but failed to stand up.

"Little bitch! Where are you running now?"

After a while, the three gangsters chased after her and surrounded her.

"Bitch! Where are you going now?"

The gangster who was kicked by her to the important part rushed forward, grabbed her hair without any explanation, and then pulled it down hard.

His strength was too great, Jiang Lai only felt that his scalp was about to be torn off.

She was forced to look up at him, looking at this vulgar face, she snorted coldly, "Either you kill me now, or I will make your life worse than death!"

"How dare you speak hard when you are about to die?" Hearing her contemptuous tone, the gangster became even more angry, and raised his arm to slap her.

It's just that before his hand fell, a slender and powerful hand clasped his wrist.

'Crack! '

Accompanied by the sound of dislocation of the joints, the bastard suddenly screamed, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead on the spot from the pain.

"Who gave you the guts to hurt her?"

A deep and mellow voice sounded slowly, the tone was cold, and the chill penetrated into the bone marrow.

(End of this chapter)

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