Chapter 130 Give You a Daughter!

After changing her dress, the stylist helped her do her hair and light makeup.

Jiang Lai looked at himself in the mirror, looking like a young and invincible beautiful girl!

The more she looked at it, the more she liked it. She happily brushed the broken hair on her cheeks, and posed a few poses in front of the mirror.

There is quite a scientific basis for the saying that people depend on clothes!

The stylist turned around and respectfully said to the man sitting on the sofa, "Mr. Lu, it's all right."

Lu Shiyan raised his eyes and looked at the girl who was looking smug in the mirror.

Big clear eyes, pretty straight nose bridge, light pink cherry lips, the facial features are beautiful yet cute.

The knee-length dress skirt was very slim, which made her bulge and back, which was extraordinarily attractive.

A pair of slender legs, with slender lines and perfect proportions.

There was a look of satisfaction in the man's deep eyes, but it was fleeting.

Withdrawing his gaze, he commented flatly, "It's okay, let's go."

"Tch! No vision!" Jiang Lai rolled his eyes at his back, looked in the mirror again, and followed him.

After getting in the car, she lay down by the window and ignored him.

When passing a certain street in the city center, Jiang Lai inadvertently caught a glimpse of an old man selling cotton candy outside.

Her eyes lit up, she patted the car window, and shouted, "Stop, stop, stop!"

Li Entai didn't know what she wanted to do, he looked up at the rearview mirror, and he stepped on the brakes only after getting approval from Lu Shiyan's eyes.

Before the car stopped, Jiang Lai couldn't wait to open the door and rushed down.

She forgot that she was wearing high-heeled shoes, and walked so fast that she almost sprained her ankle.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough to hold the car door in time, so he didn't fall down.

Walking in front of the old man selling cotton candy, Jiang Lai said to him, "Grandpa, I want two cotton candy!"

"Okay!" The old man made the marshmallow and handed it to her with a smile, "Little girl, take it."

"Thank you." After paying the money, Jiang Lai was about to leave when he suddenly found a lot of people around the booth next to him.

She glanced curiously, and it turned out that a foreigner was playing tricks.

The stalls are full of antiques, including jade earrings, jade hairpins, wooden combs, small glass bottles, snuff bottles, and copper coins from various dynasties.

The rules of the circle are very simple, 50 yuan, ten circles.

As long as it is fully encased at a certain distance, you can take away the things in the circle.

This foreigner is about 50 to [-] years old, with short curly hair, profound and handsome features, and a pair of dark green eyes are particularly charming.

Dressed casually, anyone who knows the goods can see that the fabric is exquisite and famous.

Standing in the crowd, his stalwart and tall figure stood out from the crowd, with a personable demeanor and an extraordinary temperament.

Beside him, stood a sexy and beautiful mixed race beauty.

She has an oriental face, well maintained, and her real age cannot be seen.

Pointing to a jasper ring at the innermost side of the booth, she said in substandard Chinese, "Smith, if you help me fit that ring, I will promise to give you a daughter!"

Upon hearing this, the foreigner named Smith's eyes lit up, "Really?"

He has only three sons in his life, and each son is particularly worrying.

Therefore, his greatest wish is to have a daughter who is as beautiful as his wife.

"of course."

Receiving an affirmative answer, Smith threw the bamboo ring in his hand even harder.

However, until he polished all the dozen or so bamboo rings in his hand, he still couldn't get the jasper ring Mrs. Smith wanted.

People watching the excitement around shook their heads and made sarcastic remarks.

"It looks like I can't have a daughter!"

"If there is such a beautiful woman willing to give birth to a daughter for me, even if I risk my life, I will still get the ring!"

"Playing in circles also pays attention to skills. How can foreigners know how to play with the gadgets of our country?"

 All the beautiful girls, pass by and vote for me, leave a message to make your face familiar!What!

(End of this chapter)

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