School grass's runaway sweetheart

Chapter 661 The Last Retention

Chapter 661 The Last Retention
"A person who has lost his dream, a person who has run away, do you think he will live well abroad? Do you think he will come back!"

Do you think he will come back!
Do you think he will come back!
Do you think he will come back!
These words kept echoing in Tong Luoluo's ears. She seemed to be stunned, standing where she was, speechless.

Yesterday at school, Yan Bichen's weird expression flashed through his mind countless times. He was often in a daze and behaved strangely, but when she asked him, he covered up his thoughts calmly and told her it was okay Let her not worry.

Because he knew that he was leaving the next day and would never come back again, so he, who was always gentle, saw her being bullied by other girls and warned the whole class in a rage.

Since he knew he was leaving the next day and would never come back, he sincerely invited her to dinner, almost begging...

Because he knew that he was leaving and would never see her again, so just now he ignored Gong Shao and wanted to ask for a parting hug...

A sourness welled up in her heart, a layer of water vapor appeared in front of her eyes, and Tong Luoluo squatted down involuntarily.

What's going on, he clearly told her that he was going to the competition, and he also promised that after she became a professional stylist, he would help her to sell celebrity autographs.

He obviously helped her recreate a good-looking hairstyle. He is obviously very talented in hairdressing dreams, and he is obviously only one step away from his dream, but... But at this moment, why did the dream get lost?

Tong Luoluo finally couldn't help crying. While crying, she hurriedly took out the phone from her bag, pressed her fingers several times, and finally found out Yan Bichen's number.

"Quickly answer the phone... quick answer the phone, quick answer!"

Tong Luoluo stomped on the spot anxiously, the phone rang twice, she held her breath and waited for him to answer.

However, after ringing for three lives, a mechanical and cold female voice came from the phone: "The number you dialed has been turned off, please try again later..."

He actually hung up her phone and turned off the phone...

This kind of can clearly be seen that he is determined to leave...

Confident about her guess, Tong Luoluo cried even harder. She dialed again without giving up, but the cold female voice still came from inside...

Finally, couldn't help breaking down and crying.

"Hurry up and answer the phone, hurry up and answer the phone... Why didn't you even say a word, just left like this..."

She hugged her knees and murmured.

Gong Aojie felt distressed watching it, but he didn't know how to comfort her...

It's not that he never thought of wanting to hold back Bichen, but instead of selfishly using his status as a friend to restrain him, it's better to let him go abroad to find new life values. He knows Yan Bichen, and Yan Bichen yearns for freedom in his bones.

If he stayed in China, he would have to study business under the oppression of his parents. At that time, he would only be a walking dead. He Gong Aojie didn't want to see such a scene...

In the plane that was about to take off, Yan Bichen looked at the scenery outside the window, closed his eyes and let out a deep breath.

The phone rang suddenly, and he opened his eyes to see that it was a call from Little Cutie...

The tip of the thumb paused in mid-air for a long time, but it still didn't fall down. He frowned fiercely and turned off the phone...

It took 10 minutes before he turned on the phone again, and many missed calls popped out.

(End of this chapter)

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