School grass's runaway sweetheart

Chapter 624 Torturing Your Lover Under Your Eyes

Chapter 624 Torturing Your Lover Under Your Eyes

Gong Aojie spat on Junhao fiercely, and immediately there were spots of blood on Junhao's face.

He suddenly stood up from the ground, touched the blood on his face with his fingers, and shouted angrily: "Hit me! Keep beating! Beat to death!"

Several men immediately stepped forward again, vigorously kicking Gong Aojie, Tong Luoluo cried so much that she was about to faint, but her hands and feet were tied up, so she couldn't move at all...

She kept begging Junhao to let the young master go, but Junhao's eyes were already reddened by the scene in front of him, he couldn't listen to anything at all, and continued clamoring and beating hard like a devil...


Gong Aoze drove the car all the way, followed by more than a dozen police cars.

Suddenly the phone rang, and he answered it, and Yan Bichen's voice came from inside: "Ao Ze, how are your brother and Luo Luo doing now?"

Because of worry, Yan Bichen didn't sleep well all night because of anxiety, and he didn't even practice hairdressing. He wanted to see how the little cutie was doing, but he didn't know how to go to her. He was afraid that he would go over After that, it will only stimulate her emotions even more...

So after thinking about it, he decided to call Ao Ze and ask.

"The situation is not good. Luoluo and brother had an accident, and now they are in the ruins of the Xu family!" Gong Aoze said hurriedly, while quickly turning the steering wheel, turning the car to another road.

"...The Xu family?"

"The Song family that disfigured Luo Yin back then!" Gong Aoze gave a short reminder, and Yan Bichen on the other end of the phone immediately understood.

He contacted the matter back and forth, and immediately guessed that it was almost inseparable. He hung up the phone quickly, picked up the car keys and coat, and rushed out of the room...


Tong Luoluo didn't know how long she cried, and finally she cried until she was so dizzy that she passed out.

Gong Aojie was also beaten to the point of exhaustion, and finally passed out, and was tied to a pillar in a corner of a room with a rope.

A pot of cold water was poured over his head, Gong Aojie frowned, and slowly opened his eyes, Junhao and his party stood in front of him, Junhao was holding a lighter in his hand, and there were two metal buckets next to the bucket. It's full of liquid inside.

Gong Aojie immediately understood what was in that bucket!
He glanced at Tong Luoluo who was sitting on the chair in panic, and suppressed his voice angrily: "You said that if I came to replace her, you would let her go!"

Junhao glanced at Tong Luoluo who was sitting on the chair with his head lowered in a coma state, and said with a sneer, "That was my previous thought, but now it has changed!"

Gong Aojie looked at Junhao nervously, with an ominous premonition in his heart.

"I want you to be tied to this pillar and watch your most beloved woman being burned, screaming in pain, but you can't do anything—"

"Gong Aojie, compared to torturing you, torturing the one you love will cause you more pain, right?"

Gong Aojie looked at Junhao who looked like a devil in front of him, wishing he could eat him alive, but he was tied up powerlessly, he could only roar hoarsely in pain like a trapped animal.

Seeing that Gong Aojie was about to collapse, Junhao burst out laughing, and gave a loud order, and immediately someone came in from outside the door with two bundles of branches.

Under Gong Aojie's nose, they placed the branches around Tong Luoluo, and finally, Junhao personally poured gasoline from an iron bucket on the branches...

(End of this chapter)

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