School grass's runaway sweetheart

Chapter 345 Check out the young masters of the Gong family

Chapter 345 Check Out the Young Masters of the Gong Family

As soon as Song Zhixin got home, she immediately started searching the Internet.

She used almost any website where detailed information could be found, and searched desperately inside. After a full hour and a half, she finally found a piece of suspicious news.

It was in a commercial post bar. This kind of post bar usually mentioned leading companies in various industries, and the Gong family was the boss of a certain industry.

Among them were gossip about the Gong family, many of which were about the marriage of the Gong family and the marriage between a gifted man and a beautiful woman. There was a post that had sunk to the bottom, and was turned up by Song Zhixin.

The post said that Mrs. Gong gave birth to twins in a hospital in Los Angeles in 1999!

Only this post said that Mrs. Gong gave birth to twins...

Song Zhixin rummaged through posts about the future heirs of the Gong family, and they all said that the Gong family had only two male heirs, one was the eldest son of the Gong family, Gong Aojie, and the other was the young master born in 2011...

If Mrs. Gong didn't give birth to twins back then, why would there be a post saying they were twins?
Anything... will not be groundless!
She knew about the young master in the Gong family, but now she is extremely suspicious that the Gong family really hides a pair of twins, that is to say, Master Gong has a twin brother or a twin brother!

At this moment, Song Zhixin was almost certain that the boy she saw in the orphanage that day was not Young Master Gong!

Since Mrs. Gong gave birth to a pair of twins, this is a festive event, why should she hide it from the outside world?

Song Zhixin sat in front of the computer and thought for a long time, the huge impact made her bit her fingers involuntarily, her fingers were trembling desperately with excitement.

The Gong family seems to have a big secret hidden. Recently, my father has been moaning that there are some problems in the family business, and he has always wanted to cooperate with the Gong family business, but the Gong family is very dismissive, which makes my father very embarrassed.

Wouldn't it be easy if she could find out this secret thoroughly...

At that time, her father will definitely look at her with admiration, and when Jie has the confidence to hold it in her hands, is she still jealous that only Tong Luoluo can get Jie's love!
Thinking of this, a trace of hope and joy suddenly appeared in Song Zhixin's eyes. She immediately picked up the mobile phone next to the computer and made a call.

"Hey... I want you to help me find out something about the Gong family."

The person on the phone didn't know what to say, Song Zhixin suddenly slapped the table with vicious eyes: "Why are you so timid?! I just asked you to check the Gong family! Let me explain clearly, as long as you finish With this ticket, you can definitely live comfortably! Take your sloppy old lady with you!"

The corner of Song Zhixin's mouth curled into a sneer, and following the voice on the phone, her smile gradually spread.

"Remember to be detailed, especially to check whether there are really only two young masters in the Gong family..."

After hanging up the phone, Song Zhixin showed a cold smile on her face.

Jie, it doesn't matter if you don't like me, anyway, I, Song Zhixin, will definitely get you, it's just a matter of time...

Song Zhixin let out a hearty laugh, and stood up from her chair to look for Song Luoyin.

Shut her up in that dark and damp room. I don't know if she regretted escaping back then. She is going to teach her a lesson. By the way, tell her that she, Song Zhixin, is about to take down Jie...

(End of this chapter)

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