School grass's runaway sweetheart

Chapter 229 The hard work of making the cake was thrown away!

Chapter 229 The hard work of making the cake was thrown away!

She wished so much that she was mistaken, but when she hurried back to her seat and saw the empty desk drawer, she was instantly convinced...

The cake she made after studying hard for a week was ruthlessly thrown into the trash can, the cream cake was smeared everywhere, and the carton was even more messy...

This is a gift she hasn't had time to send out yet!
Tong Luoluo's tears fell down all at once, as if her heart had been gouged out fiercely by a knife, the pain was severe.

Gong Aojie sensed that something was wrong with Tong Luoluo, seeing her strange and complicated expression, she couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with you?"

Tong Luoluo didn't look up at her, but silently wiped away the tears she fell with her hand, lowered her head and stood up quickly, and ran out from the back door of the classroom with a broom and dustpan.

Humiliated enough, isn't it?
Why should she humiliate herself and ask if he dropped the cake? After all, the note on the cake was for him. Given his status in school, who would dare to throw away the cake for him? Gift?

Therefore, the cake could only be thrown by him himself, because he hates her and he hates presents, so no matter whether the cake was made by her hard work or not, he can throw it away mercilessly, throwing away all her heart...

Tong Luoluo ran back to the lawn, biting her lips desperately to keep herself from crying.

She quickly cleaned the lawn, trying to erase the sadness in her heart with her busyness, but the sadness could not be eliminated, and it intensified instead, which made her completely collapsed and sat on the lawn to cry... …

Tong Luoluo cried sadly and aggrieved for an unknown amount of time, until the bell rang for morning self-study, she hurriedly cleaned up the remaining rubbish, and returned to the classroom with the broom and dustpan.

The classroom was filled with the sound of reading, Tong Luoluo put the things back next to the trash can, and glanced at the miserable cake in the trash can, his heart couldn't help but tighten even more painfully!
She hurriedly withdrew her gaze, lowered her head and returned to her seat, clenched her fingers tightly, desperately pretending that nothing happened.

Her whole heart has been ruined, and she actually wrote a note full of her heart in advance, hoping to get his forgiveness. Now it seems that the note really shows her stupid irony!
Did he sneer at her when he saw that note?
Thinking of that scene, Tong Luoluo felt extremely humble, pinching her fingers desperately, lying on the table with her back to Gong Aojie.

As soon as Tong Luoluo came in, Gong Aojie noticed something was wrong with her.

Before she had time to ask what was going on, Tong Luoluo lay down with her back to him.

Gong Aojie couldn't help being a little unhappy, what's wrong with this stupid man?He left him to go to school early in the morning, and now he is still ignoring him.

Today is his birthday, it's fine if she doesn't express anything, but she is still so indifferent to him...

"Stupid." He raised his voice and called out.

Tong Luoluo heard him calling her, but was afraid that when she turned her head and saw his face, she would uncontrollably want to cry again, so she simply pretended not to hear, and lay still on her stomach.

Seeing that Tong Luoluo hadn't moved for a long time, Gong Aojie became even more unhappy.

The tone of voice also turned cold in an instant: "Stupid, look up at me!"

There was a hint of order in his tone, Tong Luoluo hesitated for a while, and finally was a little scared, straightened up slowly, but stared stubbornly at the table, not at Gong Aojie.

As soon as Tong Luoluo raised her head, Gong Aojie could clearly see the red and swollen eyes and the tear stains on her face.

She was crying!

  Xixilai makes a statistic, do you hope that Xiaozheng likes Luoluo too much, or doesn't he? ? ?

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(End of this chapter)

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