wolf road

Chapter 15 Wolf-like qualities

Chapter 15 Wolf-like qualities (5)
([-]) Giving people the wrong impression

In your daily work and life, you may seldom fight or hurt others.However, other aspects of your demeanor can unknowingly give people an almost equally bad impression.There are three aspects that deserve our attention:

Appearance: Dress informally to show that you are either indifferent to the other party in your communication or that you want to get ahead.Ripped jeans and scruffy sneakers make a very different impression than a crisp suit.Depending on the occasion, both dressing styles can send the completely wrong message.

Phrasing: Using rural slang without thinking can also offend people and distort the message.For example, referring to customers or customers as buddies in private seems to give people a feeling of brotherly loyalty.

But it also unwittingly conveys contempt for others.

Procrastination: Being late for appointments shows that you don't take people seriously.If someone is punctual, others will think that he cares about it and puts others in his heart, but if he is always late, it will give the impression that the content of the communication is unimportant.

All of the above send the message that you don't really have other people at your heart, or that even if you did, it's impossible to care about their perspectives and needs.

Before you even open your mouth, it's helpful to think about how to prevent communication barriers and how to create the right impression.

([-]) Not listening properly
Even if people are doing other things while you're talking, like reading a newspaper or spinning a pen, they'll also tell you that they're listening to you.However, if the listener does not act on your request, you have reason to suspect that they are not listening to you at all, because they confuse listening with listening.

If people aren't listening, it's possible that they'll hear a few words, but miss the crucial parts, because their attention has wandered, or they've only picked up some of your teeth and put them away. It counts as everything.These words may be heard and processed, but it is impossible to take them all and enter the depths of their consciousness.

When customers talk, they know how to nod in the middle and clap their hands at the right time, just like adding a little soy sauce when eating, it will definitely make the food more delicious.If you want to be an outstanding person in the sales industry, you must work hard on listening.If customers don't speak up, your business will definitely fail.If you don't understand what someone is saying, it may be because your mind was wandering and you missed a point.If you don't listen intently and actively, you'll also get the wrong message.Paying full attention to what the speaker is saying, asking questions, and clearly signaling that you care deeply about what is being said ensures that two-way communication takes place.

When listening to someone talk, you have to communicate as much as possible with the other person as if you were talking.You should be listening intently, but if you don't make that clear, the speaker won't know.If you do not respond, and no response occurs, the speaker cannot be sure that you have understood.Demonstrating interest in the content is also a form of feedback that encourages the speaker to continue.

Studies in recent years have found that 60% to 80% of a person's time in a day is spent on communication activities with relatives, friends, subordinates, colleagues or customers.Through the study of 1 successful people, it is found that a person's wisdom, expertise and experience only account for 15% of the success factors, and the remaining 85% depends on good interpersonal relationships and good interpersonal communication efficiency.

Therefore, we must pay attention to the following aspects in our daily life:

([-]) Listening to others
Listening is a sign of politeness and sincerity when others speak.In addition, it is very necessary to think about the other party objectively and listen to the other party's inner feelings to understand others.Even if you disagree with the other person, listen carefully to what he has to say.

([-]) Good at expressing

For each person, the level of speaking level, his effect is very different.For the same thing, some people talk about it, but it is always in vain; some people can turn hostility into friendship with just a few words.Being able to speak also requires continuous learning.Observe carefully at ordinary times, comprehend it by heart, and only when you use it can you speak endlessly and hit the point.

([-]) Wide range of interests

Pay attention to cultivating various interests at ordinary times, so that when you talk to people, you can have something to say, and you can have both sides.As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together, as long as you have something in common with others in terms of thinking, character, interests, and hobbies, you can't have nothing to talk about, and communication becomes an easy task.

([-]) Be kind to others

Being kind to others is conducive to creating a relaxed, happy and comfortable environment and a good communication atmosphere, so as to eliminate the other party's defensiveness and make one's opinions and opinions acceptable to the other party.As long as you pay attention to practice and accumulation, and constantly improve your coordination ability and public relations ability, you will be able to experience the joy of successfully getting along and communicating with others, so you can feel that communicating with others is also a very pleasant thing.

Many people often don't start doing this until they realize the need for professional communication, but by then it may be too late.Especially in the case of a sluggish job market, this kind of professional communication delay and lag often brings more serious harm to job seekers than they can realize.Some experts reminded that the employment trend may change in some aspects. If you want to seize the opportunity, you should carry out active professional communication.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when communicating with people in your life:
([-]) Keep your eyes open and look for communication opportunities

Regardless of your employment status, you need professional communication at all times.Moran, who considers himself extroverted, would introduce himself to strangers at coffee shops not far from his home, and keep in regular contact with them—even the one he worked for as a teenager. McDonald's manager.In this regard, he explained: I think professional communication is the simplest and most important skill required for career development.

Don't rely solely on a few events in the industry for professional communication.The experts interviewed agreed that attending big generic trade shows, applying for jobs via online ads, calling unfamiliar companies and sending resumes to each company's human resources department is a real waste of time.

([-]) Broaden horizons

Everyone wants others to pay attention to their own existence.One way to keep your workplace connected and build a strong network is to stick to your office wall with reminders to make an effort to communicate professionally every day, as experts suggest.

([-]) Pay attention to open up the field of communication

How you communicate with people is important, as is who you communicate with.

You may need to communicate with the executives of various companies by e-mail before meeting them face-to-face, which may take several months.However, after the previous communication, if you ask for a meeting, most managers will be able to squeeze out 5 minutes for you during coffee time.What should you do if they tell you that their company has no recruitment plans for at least the next six months?Smile and tell them you'll be back to talk to them when the time comes.

In today's society, the competition is increasingly fierce, and in the face of tremendous pressure, we need communication even more.

Next, let's look at a case.

The 33-year-old Luo Yang is a producer. When she received psychological counseling, she had already achieved a small amount of success in her career.

However, she also encountered very headaches at work.She described to experts: I am preparing a music-themed film, because I don't know much about music, so I invited a professionally famous friend to be my assistant.However, he humiliated me in front of the entire staff.

It's not him in particular that makes me angry, but my own 'powerlessness' in the face of the situation!In the beginning, he was always sarcastic about my suggestions, which made me nervous to meet him.Sometimes I really want to fire him!

In this case, experts suggest that many women cannot face provocations from others, mostly because they underestimate their own abilities.Another situation is that the ability to control the environment and situation is not strong. After this situation occurs, calmly analyzing one's own strength is the best way to get out of the embarrassing predicament.

After Luo Yang listened to the expert's opinion, she calmly and carefully analyzed her situation at the time. Although her knowledge of music was indeed not as good as that expert's, it did not mean that Luo Yang was inferior to him in making programs.During the rehearsal of the program, Luo Yang said to him: I am very grateful for your dedication to work.Since I am not very familiar with this field, you have been of great help to me.But at the same time, I really hope you understand that I have about 10 years of experience in making programs, so there are some practices that I disagree with you, and I hope we can communicate well in the future!In the days to come, their cooperation was basically very pleasant.Luo Yang felt that after analyzing the situation between himself and others in detail, it would be more helpful to eliminate his psychological fear by directly expressing his inner thoughts.

This problem-solving method can also be applied in your daily life. For example, you are watching a movie you like very much in the cinema, and a person next to you keeps talking on the phone-very annoying, isn't it ?When you finally couldn't bear to remind her in a low voice, but she glared at you, what would you do at this time?Probably many women will choose to continue to endure and even feel embarrassed as if it was you who did the wrong thing instead of her!In fact, you should use your strengths in this situation.You have the right to take a stand: would you please go to the break room and make a call?Because of this, I really can't hear the movie dialogue!However, maybe you will meet her rebuttal, but you have to understand that you are right, and people who also want to watch movies in peace will definitely be on your side.

This method of analyzing the situation and solving problems is often very effective in various embarrassing situations. You may wish to use it more in your daily life. At the same time, it is also a good way to improve your self-confidence.

Although the above two methods cannot completely solve all the problems you encounter in work and life.

But very general.Facing the coming pressure, you might as well muster up the courage to try to face the pressurer directly, after all, communication is the most effective way for people to communicate with each other.

equal communication

When an adult wolf meets a pup, it bows its head to show it is equal to the pup and to make the pup bark.In fact, it is saying: good!Although I am a big guy, I am no different from you, we are all members of the same clan.Modern enterprises pay more and more attention to humanistic management. The so-called humanistic management aims at shaping and coordinating interpersonal relationships so as to create great group synergy.It emphasizes equal communication between managers and employees, just like the communication between the wolf pack and its members, in order to achieve a certain strategic understanding.

As we all know, telecommunications giant Huawei always puts humanistic management first in corporate management.

Its president, Ren Zhengfei, pays special attention to equal communication and exchanges with employees.Under normal circumstances, after the president of an enterprise has surpassed specific affairs management, he often only considers the development strategy of the enterprise all day long, and it is often difficult to form a resonance with the cadres and employees under him.The innovative management theory of modern enterprises proposes that after the president does not manage specific affairs, he should return the focus of management to humanistic management that directly communicates with every employee.That is equal communication.

In modern society, market competition is increasingly fierce.Among the world's top 500 companies, there are not many companies that can persist in doing business for ten years.

Zhang Ruimin said: He feels like walking on thin ice every day, like facing an abyss.Liu Chuanzhi said: They have been setting up a mechanism so that their operators will not fall asleep. Once you fall asleep, the opponent's opportunity will come.

Bill Gates said: Microsoft is only 18 months away from bankruptcy forever.The idea of ​​the presidents of these companies is to communicate with every employee of the company through effective humanistic management, move employees with sincerity and passion, and warn employees with crises and kind words, so as to eliminate employees and the president and other senior managers. estrangement.In an enterprise, any member only needs to face his own limited position rights and responsibilities, while the president is responsible to all employees.It is necessary for every employee to feel that they are not isolated and separated, but that they are a whole of interests.

From the point of view of interests, they are all equal.Then on this basis, to achieve equal communication between managers and employees is a magic weapon for enterprises to remain invincible in the competition.

In 2000, Huawei's sales reached 220 billion yuan, and its profit ranked first among the top 29 electronics companies in China with a profit of [-] billion yuan. Ren Zhengfei, the president, is managing this company, which ranks first in terms of profit indicators on the list of China's top [-] electronic information companies. When a company whose profit rate is four to five times that of Haier and Lenovo, it is painstakingly and creatively using the essence of humanistic management.Through the contagious president's speech, equal communication between superiors and subordinates is achieved, and the relationship between people in Huawei is coordinated, which enhances the affinity among all Huawei people and improves the cohesion of Huawei's corporate spirit, thereby effectively eliminating Enterprise internal friction.Ren Zhengfei is a mysterious president who has very little contact with the media, but his employees can have a high degree of corporate awareness with him, which is also due to his equal communication with employees.

From Huawei's successful humanistic management, we can see the importance of equal communication in enterprise management and enterprise development.

Among the production factors of enterprises, people, money, and things, people are the first. The famous American emotional psychologist Lazarus pointed out that the degree to which the current event touches personal goals is the primary condition for all emotions to occur. When the progress of the event promotes the realization of personal goals, positive emotional emotions are generated, and on the contrary, negative emotional emotions are generated.

Equal communication can resolve the complaints of subordinates and can create miracles.

Many interpersonal misunderstandings, contradictions and even conflicts originate from interpersonal communication barriers.According to a survey, 80% of employees' complaints are caused by trivial matters, or complaints caused by misunderstandings.For such complaints, managers must not take it lightly, and must give serious and patient answers, because sometimes the rift caused by misunderstanding can never be repaired.The other 20% of complaints are often due to problems with the management of the company.For such complaints, managers should communicate with employees on an equal basis in a timely manner, calm them down first, and then take effective measures to resolve them as soon as possible.Communication can resolve the complaints of subordinates to a certain extent, and any idea of ​​underestimating communication is wrong.

Equal communication can also stimulate employees' creativity and cultivate employees' sense of belonging.

Equal communication does not form naturally, nor can it be resolved by an administrative order.Managers must be active advocates of equal communication. They must first take the initiative to communicate with employees. Only then can an atmosphere of equal communication be formed over time to stimulate employees' creativity.This can be seen in the rise and fall of corporate Japan and the United States.

Japanese companies were very successful in the 80s and [-]s, and were cited as a model by the global economic circles.

(End of this chapter)

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