wolf road

Chapter 1 Wolf Spirit

Chapter 1 Wolf Spirit (1)
The natural law of animals is the law of the jungle, which is most prominent in wolf nature.Not only because it knows how to attack, but more importantly, it knows how to retreat.It also has the spirit of tenacity, fearlessness and patience.It is always building itself, making itself more perfect in nature.

Although it is in a lonely, desolate and lonely environment most of the time, this does not prevent it from being successful.On the contrary, it is that momentary outburst of passion that makes it make the most fatal blow and freeze itself forever in an invincible position.

§§§The first section wolf tenacity

Wolf's statement:

We may not be the greatest animals, but we are the toughest animals on this planet.No one wants to make us change easily, let alone defeat us casually.

This is the great character of our wolf family!

There is a wild animal that has lived on the earth for as long as 100 million years. Mountains, wilderness, woods, and grasslands are all their habitats.They have a keen sense of smell and are good at seizing opportunities.They are always watching their target.This is - wolf.They have experienced human hunting, trapping, and poisoning, and all these changes have not destroyed them.It is precisely because humans continue to invade and kill wolves that they have created a very strong adaptability of wolves.They can adapt to complex and difficult environments, are good at long-distance raids, fight south and north, and can endure hunger and starvation.Whether it is severe heat and cold, or poor mountains and rivers, they can endure and survive.Therefore, they can be seen in dense forests, vast plains, steep mountains, rolling hills and endless deserts.Wolves are carnivores, which is the right given to them by nature, so they survive and continue their lives from generation to generation.Following the natural law of natural selection and survival of the fittest, they live in an environment full of blood and the jungle.When wolves hunt prey, they always choose a weak or old animal as the target of hunting.At first they will outflank from different directions, then slowly approach, and once the time is right, they will attack suddenly; if the prey tries to escape, they will chase after them, and in order to save their energy, they are generally divided into several echelons and take turns Fight until the capture is successful.

This is the so-called character and spirit of the wolf-survival in adversity, the king must win.

its a rising spirit
The forest is a world different from humans, and in this special world, wolves have gained unprecedented respect.Lions, tigers, and leopards are strong, fast-moving, and eat a lot.For the smaller carnivores (such as wolves) on the grassland, these ferocious big guys are undoubtedly their strong opponents in their meat competition.

In the usual sense, wolves are not their opponents at all.However, the wolves are not at a disadvantage in the competition with them, on the contrary, they often make surprising moves.

As carnivores, wolves, in this animal world of the weak and the strong, in order to prolong their lives, under various harsh environments, they have never given up on their goals from beginning to end, even at the last moment of their lives, they will not give up easily .

This is one of the laws of wolf survival - the spirit rising from the ruins.

During the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, Xiang Yu committed suicide on the Wujiang River and refused to cross the river. He was ashamed of his elders in Jiangdong. Little did he know that Xiang Yu missed the opportunity to make a comeback, and later generations often regarded it as a hatred.A death like Xiang Yu's is not enough to make a big deal.Only by looking for the reasons for the failures in the failures, and drawing lessons from them, will there be no firewood to keep the green hills?

It can be seen from this that Xiang Yu will never be a successful person in the absolute sense. In his same era, there was a real successful person, and he was Han Xin.When Han Xin was young, his life was not satisfactory, but he was full of ambitions and was not willing to be inferior to others.

One day, Han Xin was wandering in the street.A rogue boy blocked Han Xin's way, and deliberately insulted him, saying: "Han Xin, you always have a sword in your waist, what can it do?"Although you are tall, you are actually just a coward who is strong on the outside and does nothing on the inside.The onlookers all laughed, but Han Xin continued to walk forward as if he didn't hear what the rascal said.Seeing this, the rascal was even more proud, and stopped Han Xin in public and said, "If you are a man, you are not afraid of death, so stab me with your sword."If you don't have the courage, and you are greedy for life and afraid of death, you can sneak under my crotch.As he said that, he spread his legs apart, made a horse riding pose, and stood on the street.Han Xin stared at him silently for a long time, although he felt embarrassed, he finally swallowed his breath and crouched down, and slipped under the rascal's crotch.The people present roared with laughter, and the scoundrel also looked full of air.But Han Xin got up and left as if nothing happened.Later, Han Xin assisted Liu Bang to achieve some hegemony.

Such actions are enough to spread to the world. Han Xin's high evaluation in Chinese history shows that he still has enough wisdom and tolerance.This special experience in his youth tempered Han Xin's indomitable and open-minded character, and his character became the potential condition for him to become an outstanding general in the future.

During the Three Kingdoms period, Cao Cao, together with Bao Xin, commanded an army of 50 and launched an attack on the Yellow Turban Army.The Yellow Turban Army has a strong military force. Although it claims to be in the millions, its actual strength is [-].There is a great disparity between strength and weakness, Cao Cao has repeatedly fought and lost, but he still has repeated defeats and battles.Finally, after many times of hard work, the counterattacking Yellow Turban Army was defeated in one fell swoop.

If suffering is the eternal theme faced by human beings, then what Zhang Haidi's spirit represents is a very powerful way of self-salvation for human beings when they are in trouble.

Another person who choked fate with both hands is the famous music master Beethoven.After Beethoven held a concert of his works in April 1800, he established his status as a composer.At this time, his hearing gradually declined.In 4, he wanted to commit suicide because of the fear of deafness and loss of love.After finally overcoming the crisis, he lifted his spirits and continued to compose.Over the next 1802 years, he experienced intense turbulence in thought and life.He was completely deaf until 10, and still wrote the third to eighth symphonies, the fourth and fifth piano concertos with tenacious perseverance.It was this kind of environment and experience that inspired Beethoven to challenge fate, choked fate by the throat, and wrote the shocking "Ninth Symphony" and "Ode to Joy".

Whenever we start to do something, the blow of failure is always inevitable.If you are afraid of failure, you will accomplish nothing.Parents often say: children can walk as long as they can stand, and they can run as long as they can walk.Every parent knows that children cannot learn to walk and run without wrestling.And when they see their children learn to walk after falling, they are very excited.In fact, all people grow up like this.

As in life, so is work.Only in failure can we truly learn our skills.If you want to grow up and win the first place, you should remember to rise from failure.

British novelist and playwright Clover Smith once said: For us, the greatest honor is that everyone has failed.And get up whenever we fall down.

It is precisely because of the continuous suffering that makes us stronger.There are eight meetings in Japan.It's a rallying cry for those operators who just went out of business due to bad luck.Their leader once gave a speech to the members of the Eight Movements on the topic that failure is a cane that opens the way, which greatly encouraged the people present at that time.

Indeed, people learn more from failures than from successes.

There are many reasons for failure.Among them are arrogance, excessive complacency, boasting, abuse of power, and so on.In short, it is generally because of some small things that lead to huge losses.Han Feizi in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period once said: People will not be overwhelmed by a mountain, but they may be stumbled by a stone.

Therefore, a true aspirant must possess the following two qualities:

First, be able to withstand the blow of failure and dare to challenge failure. Only in this way can we win career victory and success in life.

Second, the long-term struggle for self-realization, don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself.

No matter what kind of failure, as long as you can get back up after falling, the lessons of falling will become useful experiences to help you achieve future success.Rising from the ashes of failure should not only have successful skyscrapers, but also failed homes of will.This is the true embodiment of the wolf's law of survival.

Therefore, only by learning to survive in adversity, our talents will not be worn down, but will be more dazzling, just as Balzac said: setbacks are like a stone, which is a stumbling block for the weak and a stumbling block for the strong. But it is a stepping stone.

When wolves hunt, they often encounter desperate resistance from prey, and some large prey sometimes threaten the life of wolves.But as long as the wolf locks on the target, no matter how far it runs, how much time it takes, and how much risk it takes, it will never give up. It will never give up until it catches the prey, and it will never give up.

This is another success factor of the wolf - tenacity.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, a father and his son went to war.The father has become a general, but the son is only a pawn.Another burst of trumpets sounded, and when the war drums thundered, my father solemnly held up a quiver with an arrow stuck in it.The father solemnly said to his son: This is a treasured arrow from the family. Wear it by your side. It has infinite power and must not be drawn out.

It was an exquisite and gorgeous quiver, made of thick cowhide, trimmed with faintly shining copper edges, and looking at the exposed arrow tails, one could immediately recognize that it was made of fine peacock feathers .The son was very happy, imagining the shape of the shaft and the arrow, as if there was the sound of arrows whizzing by his ears, and the enemy's coach snapped his horse and died.

Sure enough, the son wearing the arrow was brave and invincible.When the horn sounded, the son could no longer hold back the arrogance of victory, and completely forgot his father's instructions. His strong desire drove him to pull out the precious arrow, trying to see what kind of arrow it was.Suddenly he was stunned—a broken arrow, and there was a broken arrow in his quiver.

It turned out that I had been fighting with a broken arrow all the time, and my son broke out in a cold sweat, as if the house lost its pillars in an instant, and suddenly its will collapsed.

The result is self-evident, the son died tragically among the rebellious army.

This story tells us that tenacity cannot be acquired overnight, let alone brought by any external objects, it comes from long-term tempering.Only when we sharpen our will to be as tenacious as an arrow can we be invincible.Take a look at the great Italian painter Leonardo da Vinci, he started from painting eggs, and as the seasons come and go, he painted more than tens of millions of eggs?If it is not because of perseverance, how can there be such a masterpiece as "The Last Supper", how can there be the mysterious smile of Mona Lisa?Look at our Chinese nation, Li Shizhen, a world-renowned medical scientist, has been trekking mountains and rivers for 30 years to collect herbs. If he hadn't been determined and tenacious, I am afraid that "Compendium of Materia Medica" would not have come out!Let's talk about the well-known little story of the iron rod being ground into a needle.I think even children know the truth of this: as long as you work hard, an iron pestle can be ground into a needle.And the kung fu here is not Shaolin Kung Fu, not boxing kung fu, but long-term persistence, single-minded goal, and a tenacity and strength of perseverance and perseverance.Thousands of years of perseverance, water drops can wear stone.

What about people?With that kind of spirit and perseverance, with that kind of goal and belief, people can also work and study more smoothly, so they are one step closer to the other side of success.As Xunzi said: Perseverance can carve gold and stone.

Humans and grass are the same, their life course is intertwined with contradictions and pains, full of hardships of seeking, full of thorns and ups and downs.We only have to be like the unknown weeds, sprout tenacious sprouts, make it impossible to be destroyed at all, even if we are hit, we must rely on our tenacious will, tenacious spiritual perseverance and unremitting pursuit of ideals to succeed. Only by stepping forward step by step can we get extremely rich fruits of victory.

A wolf looking for food in the wilderness will always move forward no matter what difficulties it faces, while a person with a strong will should be open-minded, unyielding, self-disciplined, and flexible in doing things.We must believe that we are tough wolves that can survive in any environment!Remember not to give up easily under any setbacks.

Zeng Guofan is one of the more influential figures in Chinese history, but his talent was not very high when he was a child.One day when he was studying at home, he repeated an article for countless times, and he was still reading it aloud, because he hadn't memorized it yet.At this time, a thief came to his house, lurking under his roof, hoping to get some benefits after the scholar went to sleep.But I waited and waited, but I didn't see him sleeping, and I still read the article over and over again.The thief is very angry, jumps said: "What book does the level like you read!"Then he recited that article and walked away!

The thief is very intelligent, at least smarter than Mr. Zeng, but he could only become a thief, but Mr. Zeng became the human Chairman Mao Zedong all admired: "The most capable person in modern times."

That thief has a really good memory, he can memorize the articles after listening to them several times, and he is also very brave, he can jump out and get angry when he sees other people not sleeping. out, and walk away.But it is a pity that he is unknown, but Mr. Zeng's tenacious will has affected his life, making him one of the most influential figures in Chinese history.

Overcome yourself, this is the tenacity of the wolf.

There is such a group of students in school—problem students. They are the most persevering students in the school. In the classroom, I listened to the lessons taught by the teacher every day, did not speak, did not move, did not doze off, and did not do other things.It should be said that they are also the students who can bear setbacks the most, because they have experienced endless exams and failed repeatedly, but they can still fail repeatedly.They are often criticized, satirized, ridiculed and even beaten. They have long built a Great Wall against setbacks. If they fail again, they can face life bravely and optimistically.

Their character is so simple and noble, their will is so tenacious and strong, their mind is so beautiful and broad!Although they are slightly inferior in the ability to master knowledge, they have these advantages in personality and quality. What else can't be overcome, overcome, or tolerated?
There are also some people who will germinate extreme ideas when encountering difficulties or setbacks. If we say that cultural, political, economic, spiritual stimulation and other factors are likely to make people have extreme ideas.Then the direct factor that makes them germinate extreme ideas is personal frustration tolerance, and it is the most important influencing factor.In the same cultural, political, economic, and social conditions, sometimes many people are in the same motivational conflict and mental stimulation of frustration, but after all, very few people have suicidal behavior.Obviously, this is related to people's psychological endurance. If each of us can have the tenacious will to persevere like a wolf, then in the face of very serious setbacks, we will become very tenacious and persevering without panicking. , decadent and depressed, devastated.

Peng Duanshu told such a story in "For Learning": There were two monks in the remote area of ​​Sichuan with great disparity between rich and poor. They both wanted to make a pilgrimage to the South China Sea. ; With only a water bottle and a begging bowl, the poor monk reached the South China Sea on foot and returned victorious.

(End of this chapter)

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