I'm covering this wretch

Chapter 497 Boss, can't you afford it?

Chapter 497 Boss, can't you afford it?

King Mo was not happy at that time.


The daughter-in-law actually told the dead bird that she loved her, and the daughter-in-law had never said love to herself.

Don't talk about love.

I just like it, and I never said a word!
It seems that it is very necessary to implement the bald hair curse.

Mo Xiaoyan Bai secretly snapped his fingers with his hand hidden in his sleeve.

The bald hair curse fell on Qingluan quietly.

Qingluan's body shook.

It just feels deep in the soul, as if it was glued to something dirty.

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

It was so uncomfortable that she didn't even have the thought of acting like a baby by holding her master's arm.

Immediately afterwards, something that shocked her even more happened——

She took a step forward and shed a hair.

The cyan feathers fell to the ground piece by piece.

Qingluan: "..."

Although she is now in human form, the feathers are real.

Should drop or will drop.

Bald Curse...

Really down? !
Qingluan turned her head with grief and indignation, and stared at King Mo with accusing eyes.

Boss, can't you afford it?

King Mo's bad mood suddenly recovered. He kept his eyes on his nose and nose and his heart, and looked calm, pretending that he didn't see Qingluan's accusing eyes.

Qingluan o(╥﹏╥)o
Her hair!

Cyan feathers!

There is no bird that does not cherish its feathers!

She's just a baby, not yet an adult, why should she suffer this kind of pain that doesn't match her age!
Go all the way, fall all the way.

After a while, the hair on the right side of the head became much thinner.

That's right.

The specific reflection of feathers on the human form is the hair.

"Huh? Where did you get the bird feathers? It's pretty pretty."

Qiu Shui was always behind, pushing Mo Wang's wheelchair and walking forward.

Suddenly, seeing a three-inch long, bright blue feather flying past in front of my eyes, I immediately felt very novel, so I freed up a hand, grabbed it in the air, and grabbed it directly in the palm of my hand, and looked carefully at it. Get up, "It's really beautiful. In the center of the feathers, there is a dark blue circular pattern, which looks like eyes. Is it peacock feathers?"

Qingluan didn't dare to say anything.

It is impossible for people to find out that she was transformed from a bird.

If the secret of being a divine beast is discovered, how many greedy humans will be chasing and beating him.

After all, she is a 11-year-old beast, and her soul crystal nucleus is so precious that it makes everyone greedy.

Mo Wang said coldly: "Feather."

Qingluan: "???"

Boss, this is too much.

Dare to say that the beautiful phoenix feather is a chicken feather (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

Qiu Shui stared at the cyan feathers, looked at them several times, shook his head, and said, "How can there be such beautiful chicken feathers. The chickens in Phoenix City are all yellow native chickens. It’s so beautiful and refined. Look at it, it’s either a peacock or a phoenix. Isn’t there a legend about the appearance of a phoenix in Phoenix City since ancient times?”

Qingluan was so moved that she was on the verge of tears.

Qiu Shui, I blame you.

You are a nice person wow!

good man!
A very good person with good vision, I guarantee that I will never hate you in the future, and I will protect you in case of danger!

King Mo said indifferently: "The feathers of the chicken dragon are colored, and there are blue feathers on the tail."

Chicken Polong is a variant evolution of chicken.

(End of this chapter)

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