Fast through the white moonlight: boss, pick up the morals

Chapter 537 Iron Horse Glacier Comes to Dream

Chapter 537 Iron Horse Glacier Comes to Dream (End)
She summoned the villagers to grow not only tea, but also vegetables and food.As long as there are victims who escaped from the front, they will help them.Not only that, but also set up a shed at the entrance of the town, donated porridge to save the world, and gave some help to the victims.

Ten years later, the barbarian war was finally put down.The Qi family signed a contract with the barbarians - within a hundred years, the barbarians will be ministers from generation to generation, and will never invade the country again.

The imperial court was full of support for Qi Zhou's ascension to the throne, but Qi Zhou refused directly. After abolishing the emperor and helping his brother to become emperor, he went back to northern Xinjiang by himself and never set foot in the capital again.

When triumphant, the first thing he did was to look for Li Weixi.

He came to the small tea garden at the very beginning.

This place was originally burned to ashes by a fire, and the stars have moved, and immature new shoots have grown on the dust of the past.

He did not find the old man.

I only saw a wooden mound standing beside the sprouts and beside the stream.

On one side of the wooden tomb, there is a "Book of Songs" that has rotted beyond recognition.

Behind them, the two generals burst into tears.

They are both surnamed Li, and they are a pair of brothers.In the troubled times of the year, the village was burned down, and all parents and relatives died in the fire.They were lucky enough to escape and barely survived.Hearing the news of General Qi's conscription, he joined the army without saying anything. Ten years later, he has grown into Qi Zhou's right-hand man.

It's a pity that they are the only ones left in the world.

After leaving this world, Li Weixi's mood is very complicated.

In terms of scoring, the main system lagged behind for a long time before giving her a judgment: Qi Zhou left without fully realizing that he fell in love with her, but the task completion degree is still there, it is not considered a success or a failure, and no deductions will be made. integral.

But because Li Weixi exchanged points to heal Qi Zhou, she now has 4160 points.

Instead of increasing, the world really set a brand new flag for her.

Liuliu criticized unceremoniously: "It deserves it."

Li Weixi raised his eyebrows: "You try to say something again? I'll give you a chance to organize your words."

Liuliu: "..."

After counting the points, it checked the chip in Li Weixi's body, and found that the chip was attached to Li Weixi's own body—that is, her appearance in the chaotic space.Other worlds are possessed, so they will not be brought to other worlds, so they will not have any influence.

But the strange thing is that even if it appears in Li Weixi's own body, it has no effect on her... Could it be that the effect of the chip has not yet been revealed?

The chip on her hand was like an ornament, it didn't respond, but it wouldn't do any harm.However, Liuliu has tried, unless Li Weixi's hand is chopped off, the chip cannot be taken out.Its program does not have the technology to take out the chip, and it can only stare blankly.

The good thing is that the master is a slut, knowing that there is a dormant danger in his hand, but he has no sense of crisis at all, and Liuliu is wondering if she forgot about the chip.

"I think... I have too many emotions accumulated in my mind," Li Weixi sighed, "Sometimes I don't know how to deal with these lingering sounds... Liuliu, every time my emotions are cleared, I put them in the where?"

Liuliu answered: "The host can be considered as data deletion, so I store it in the database, and if the host wants it, it can be recalled at any time."

Li Weixi shook his head: "Forget it, let's go to the next world."

 good night.

  In fact, this story originally came from watching the comments of NetEase Cloud's "A Taoist Friend of mine". I felt that the abuse was too poignant, and I especially liked this little joke_(:з」∠)_Unfortunately, no matter how I wrote it, I couldn't poke it for myself The feeling of the heart, poof.The next world has opened up some brain holes, which can be regarded as Weixuan.

(End of this chapter)

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