Smile warm time

Chapter 390: Self-inflicted Evil, Cannot Live

Chapter 390: Self-inflicted Evil, Cannot Live (3)

Gu Nianchu asked directly, and Mu Liangshi didn't hide it from her: "Yes."

The two of them didn't continue to ask this question. Gu Nianchu wanted to go to the hospital to see Li Mo, but Mu Liangshi didn't stop him, and drove her to the hospital.

The words from the hospital were similar to what Mu Liang told her yesterday. Gu Nianchu also saw Li Mo's husband and a couple with gray hair in the distance. She thought they were Li Mo's parents, but when she asked Only then did I know that they were her parents-in-law.

Gu Nianchu talked to them for a while, knowing that Mu Liangshi had already found the top medical team for Li Mo, and the thoughts of their family members, Gu Nianchu's heart finally fell to the ground.

On the way back to the manor from the hospital, Sunan answered a phone call, turned around and reported to Mu Liang Shihui: "President, the Su family is looking for the best lawyer, and they want to file an appeal."

Mu Liangshi leaned against the back seat of the car, his face showed no reaction. Gu Nianchu glanced at him and frowned: "Does she still need to file a lawsuit? The evidence is solid."

Mu Liangshi put his arms around Gu Nianchu's waist: "Intentional murder and intentional injury have different sentences."

A simple sentence solved Gu Nianchu's doubts, and Mu Liangshi continued, "Don't worry, leave it to me."

Gu Nianchu nodded. Of course she hates Su Anqian, but she knows that these things are out of her control. She has a big life, and her child has a big life, so she survived. What she has to do now is to protect the child in her stomach. , other things, just leave it to the man in front of you.


Li Mo left City Y half a month later and returned. Gu Nianchu originally wanted to see her again, but her family had already made an arrangement before notifying her, so they didn't see her again.

Gu Nianchu didn't think much about it, but Sunan on the other side was a little uneasy. It wasn't Gu Nianchu's fault, but Mu Liangshi didn't want her to know the truth, so he gave the family a hush money of 2000 million. They also asked to prepare a villa and a Mercedes-Benz car for them in that city, and to send them a special plane to take them back.

"President, the hearts of the people are not enough, if they get worse in the future, where is the wife...?"

Mu Liangshi raised his head indifferently: "Give them what they want, but also let them know the benefits, notify the people over there, and keep an eye on them."


After another half a month, Su Anqian's case officially opened. The Su family is also a well-known family. They found a top-notch lawyer in the world, but it was of no use.

The evidence of Su Anxi's deliberate murder was confirmed, and the possibility that she tried to use the mental illness to get rid of the crime was also broken by a paper diagnosis.

What was even more unexpected was that Mu Liangshi, as the victim, actually appeared in court in person.

When Su Anqian, who was in handcuffs, saw him, her eyes were red and she couldn't hide her despair.

Even if the Su family moved up and down, it did not affect the verdict. After all, the name of the Shidi Group is there, and even those who can deal with it don't have the courage.

Goodbye to Mama Su, Gu Nianchu found that she was much older than before, and she had lost her dignified demeanor, which was very vicissitudes.

After all, they were well-educated people, and they didn't take their anger out on Gu Nianchu. Although they tried to trust others and begged Mu Liangshi, they also understood that it was their daughter who did the wrong thing after all.

Su's mother looked at Gu Nianchu, with pleading eyes: "Miss Gu, I know that Anxi is sorry for you, but I still ask you, can I go see her?"

(End of this chapter)

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