Apocalypse Awakening

Chapter 569 Corpse Spirit Evolved From Corpse King

Chapter 569 Corpse Spirit Evolved From Corpse King
When they were in Nandu, Pang Xiaobo and Jiang Ling fought side by side with Ning Qiu. This was witnessed by Ning Xiao and the others when they left.

Therefore, finding Pang Xiaobo and Jiang Ling basically means finding Ning Qiu's whereabouts.

Han Shiyu looked forward to it, she really hoped that Shen Yi could tell him that Ning Qiu was back.

However, Shen Yi shook her head and said, "There is no news about Ning Qiu for now."

Hearing this, Han Shiyu's tears immediately dripped down, and her breathing trembled.

She covered her mouth with her hand and turned away, completely unable to control her tears.

In fact, when Shen Yi knew that only Pang Xiaobo and Jiang Ling came back, she was also very sad. Although she didn't cry, she definitely felt no better than Han Shiyu.

If you want to say that the woman who has the most relationship with Ning Qiu is Fei Shenyi.

"Ning Qiu didn't come back, so it doesn't mean that he died. At least Pang Xiaobo and Jiang Ling appeared, but we can know Ning Qiu's whereabouts from them." Shen Yi said hastily.

"Yes, yes, they must know, I'm going to the Alliance of the Awakened now." Han Shiyu stopped crying, and was about to leave.

"Don't be in a hurry." Shen Yi pulled her back, and then said, "The situation of Pang Xiaobo and Jiang Ling is not very optimistic. According to the inspection, they seem to have been traumatized in their souls, and their mental state is particularly unstable. Been in a coma for a long time."


Shen Yi nodded and said, "It was a mercenary team who went out who found them."

Over the past year, the Awakened Alliance has been looking for Ning Qiu and others, and the Mercenary Association has actually issued reward tasks.

Although the bounty was very high, no one took up this task because everyone thought they were dead.

And in that mercenary team, there happened to be an awakened person from Nandu who was also from the Apocalypse Academy, so when he saw them, he was also taken aback.

This is called pie in the sky, and there are a lot of them.

However, since they were discovered and sent to the Awakened Alliance in the Eastern Capital, they have never woken up and have been in a coma.

The Awakened Alliance has sent the best healing Awakened to treat them, but it is a bit tricky to identify the soul injury.

After Ni Tingting learned of this, she couldn't help being excited.

They wanted to know the news about Ning Qiu so much, it can be said that they were eager to see.

"After Pang Xiaobo and Jiang Ling wake up, we will know the result. I think, both of them are fine, and Ning Qiu is definitely fine."

That being said, it would be a lie to say that I am not worried.

Both Pang Xiaobo and Jiang Ling showed up, but it turned out that only Ning Qiu had no news, maybe some accident happened.

However, just when they were worried, Dongdu suddenly sounded the siren.


"what happened?"

"The tide of corpses is coming?"

It can be clearly seen from the sound of the alarm that it is the highest level of red warning.

With the strength of Dongdu, it is absolutely impossible for an ordinary corpse wave to set off a red warning. It must be a huge corpse tide, or something more terrifying.

As soon as the red warning is sounded, all troops and awakened people in the city must act impulsively.

Only when the danger of destroying the city is reached, can a red warning be sounded.

At this time, Han Shiyu and the other three left the manor immediately and headed for the battlefield.

In the south of the Eastern Capital, there is already a mass of corpses, and the number may have reached [-].

This is indeed a Potter wave, but it's more than that.

Immediately, three corpse kings appeared in the group of zombies, one of them was the eight-armed corpse king, who was tall and could be seen clearly from a distance.

The leader of the Eastern Capital Awakened is Jian Jianfeng, who is a strong holy soul with fire and weapon souls.

He stood on the city wall, looking at the sun in the west, his brows became more and more wrinkled.

It was already mid-afternoon at this time, and there was a wave of corpses at this time, which was definitely not good news for humans.

Although it has been modified, a tent has been built to block the moonlight.

However, at night, under the light of the scarlet moon, the zombies will become very ferocious.

If it's just an ordinary corpse tide, they can fight it quickly, and then this is a huge zombie tide, and there are three corpse kings in the corpse tide.

Compared with advanced zombies, the corpse king is more likely to absorb the energy of moonlight, and the evolution rate is very fast.

For example, the eight-armed rotting corpse king, the ordinary eight-armed rotting corpse king is usually as high as [-] meters tall, and the eight-armed rotting corpse king who absorbed the bloody moon is much shorter in height, only a dozen meters high, but his combat effectiveness is even higher. More than twice as strong as before.

Most importantly, become smarter than before, and can speak.

Since the appearance of the blood moon, there have been no less than five corpse hordes in Dongdu, but this is definitely the scariest one.

All the soldiers were already in their positions, and the awakened ones climbed onto the city wall one after another, and the battle was imminent.


Tens of thousands of zombies are roaring, and the momentum can't help but make people's hearts tremble.

"Fire!" A certain commander gave an order, and immediately there was a deafening sound of machine guns.

"Da da da……"



"Whoosh whoosh..."

The sound of machine guns, as well as the sound of various supernatural abilities shooting and whistling in the air, mixed together, like a terrifying symphony.

"Huh? Did you see that golden zombie?" Whoever spoke first.

Everyone looked from a distance, and saw a golden zombie appearing in the tide of corpses. He was about three meters tall, and the muscles all over his body seemed to be poured with gold. Stop him half a step.

"Hmph! Weak human beings, do you only have this ability?" The golden zombie roared, and the sound was transmitted directly to the city wall.

"He...he spoke?"

"Zombies can talk?"

"This is impossible!"

"Oh my god! Are you sure it's a zombie?"

After hearing the sound, everyone couldn't help but tremble in their hearts, and were almost scared out of their wits by the roar.

Jian Jianfeng's face changed drastically. Of course he knew that the Corpse King had absorbed the energy of the Scarlet Moon, his IQ had increased, and he could speak.

However, at this time, it has been concealed by the military and the Awakened Alliance.

But starting today, I am afraid that this matter will no longer be hidden.

"Who can tell us what's going on?"

"Why can zombies speak?"

Educate everyone from textbooks since childhood. Compared with zombies, the biggest advantage of human beings is wisdom.

When one day, the wisdom of zombies begins to approach humans, it may be the real beginning of the end.

The golden zombie has golden skin. From the appearance, it is no different from human beings at all, except that it is tall.

"That's not a zombie, that's a corpse spirit." Finally, an officer who knew the inside story said.


"Aren't corpse spirits only found in Ten Thousand Corpse City?"

Since the incident in Nandu, the Awakened Alliance has announced the matter of the corpse to the world.

Because the corpse spirits were all wiped out, even if it was announced, there was nothing to worry about.

Corpse spirits, also known as zombie humanization, are no different from human beings in terms of IQ, and can speak.

Although it wasn't made by Ten Thousand Corpse City, the golden zombie does meet the standard of corpse spirit.

Including the zombie killed in the city of zombies, it is also a corpse spirit.

It's just that the original top ten corpse spirits were created by Kong Shou.

Today's corpse spirit is evolved from the corpse king after absorbing the essence of the blood moon.

(End of this chapter)

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