Apocalypse Awakening

Chapter 510 Small Rock City Similar to City of Ten Thousand Corpses

Chapter 510 Small Rock City Similar to City of Ten Thousand Corpses
After the meeting, Song Yiting found Ning Qiu alone, and wanted to ask him what was going on?

"You don't have to take me away, but please take Xiaoyu away, she loves you very much, if you just leave her like this, I'm afraid she won't be able to accept it." Song Yiting said.

"No, she can't go with me." Ning Qiu shook his head.

"Why?" Song Yiting didn't understand.

"There are some things that I cannot and cannot explain to you."

Although they have been intimate with sisters surnamed Song many times, they have not officially confirmed their relationship so far.

Song Yiting also knows that Ning Qiu and the others have a lot of secrets, which can be seen from their understanding of zombies and their terrifying strength.

"Then tell me, will you come back?"

"Perhaps." Ning Qiu sighed.

Hearing this non-affirmative answer, Song Yiting couldn't help feeling cold.

She felt that Ning Qiu said this because he didn't want to speak so bluntly and wanted to give them hope.

But Ning Qiu didn't think so, because he wasn't sure what he would gain from going to North America this time.

The next day, after packing up some things, bringing dry food and water, Ning Qiu and the others were ready to set off.

Almost everyone came to watch the leader leave, only Song Shengyu did not appear.

Perhaps it was because she was afraid of seeing Ning Qiu leave and feel sad, so she simply kept out of sight and out of mind.

Before Ning Qiu left, he specifically told Xiao Xia to help Song Yiting well.

After all, if a girl were to be the leader, many people would be dissatisfied.

In the Yecheng security base, Xiao Xia's personal strength is definitely the strongest. If it is 200 years later, he can barely be regarded as a junior superhuman awakener.

Xiao Xia is absolutely loyal to Ning Qiu, with him assisting Song Yiting, there shouldn't be any problems.


To North America, there are only two ways.

One is by plane and the other is by ship.

If it is by boat, it will take too long.

So, first they had to find a plane, and besides that, they had to learn to fly it.

Jiang Ling knows a little bit about flying an airplane, but that is an airplane 200 years later.

However, the piloting technology of aircraft in this era is slightly older, as long as you are familiar with the functions, you basically know how to use them.

It took a lot of time to go all the way north, and finally arrived at the boundary of Shandong.

Along the way, they encountered many safe bases formed by survivors, and visited some places, just to find a pilot.

Unfortunately, they didn't find a pilot, but they got a lot of books on piloting.

"Actually, there's nothing to look at. You'll find out if you fiddle with it after boarding the plane." Ning Qiu said.

"Did you think it was a car?" Jiang Ling gave him a white look.

This is an airplane, thousands or even tens of thousands of meters above the ground,

If something happens and falls from above, it will be life-threatening.

I'm afraid that even with a physique as strong as Ning Qiu's, if he falls from such a high place, he will either die or be disabled.

After entering the Shandong area, find the airport of a certain city.

Once an aircraft is selected, inspections begin.

There are many zombies in this airport, and it is precisely because of this that a lot of food is stored in it, so that it will not be plundered by the survivors.

It took half a day, after all the zombies were eliminated, all the food was carried to the plane.

The plane they chose was a relatively small passenger plane, but it was still too extravagant for only four people.

As the sun set, the four of them boarded the plane, and Jiang Ling and Pang Xiaobo drove it, while Ning Qiu and San San sat in the cabin.

The plane took off and headed north.


The United States is the birthplace of the zombie virus.

Ning Qiu asked Dr. Qin before, and found out the city where the scientific research bureau is located.

The city was called Little Rock, and it seemed insignificant in a superpower like the United States.

The original E-type enhanced gene research project is a non-public research, which is a state secret.

Therefore, it is not easy to be suspected in such an insignificant small town.

What's more, according to Dr. Qin, the experimental base is not built on the ground, but underground.


The next day, arrived in Little Rock.

The four got off the plane, took some food and water, and started looking for the experimental base that Dr. Qin mentioned.

However, they did not expect that there were more zombies in this city than they had imagined.

Generally, zombies are distributed in urban areas, but this city is not.

From the time they got off the plane, they kept encountering corpses.

Although the crowd of corpses did not pose a threat to them, it felt like it was difficult to move an inch.

You can't keep advancing while killing zombies, can you?

Besides, they didn't come to visit. If this continues, when will they find the experimental base.

So they found a hotel next to the airport, blocked the door, and the four stayed temporarily.

"We need to get a map of this city first." Ning Qiu thought for a while and said.

Pang Xiaobo had already gone to clean up the zombies in the hotel, and the four of them stayed in the same room.

After a long time, Pang Xiaobo came back and said, "Brother Qiu, there must be too many zombies in this city. I just went upstairs and took a look. The streets near the hotel are densely packed with zombies."

Ning Qiu thought for a while and said, "This is the origin of the spread of the virus. It is not surprising that there are many zombies."

Pang Xiaobo still felt something was wrong, and said: "I suspect that zombies from other places are also gathering towards this city, otherwise there would be so many zombies, obviously a city like this does not have such a large population."

Ning Qiu didn't speak, but fell into deep thought.

He suddenly remembered that he had also been to the United States once 200 years later.

According to the historical records and the notes of some adventurers, there should be many terrible zombies in this country.

However, when Ning Qiu went to North America, he didn't encounter any particularly troublesome zombies at all, not even an Asian corpse king, let alone a corpse king.

Of course, he met Dr. Ryan and all kinds of artificial zombies he created.

But these are not evolved by zombies independently, but transformed by humans.

If the United States is a country with many terrifying zombies, then why didn't Ning Qiu meet such terrible zombies?

After thinking for a long time, Ning Qiu suddenly realized.

"Because those horrible zombies have gathered in Little Rock City."

This is the birthplace of the virus, just like a garbage dump, which will continue to attract flies and mosquitoes and make them gather here.

"Zombies gathered?" Thinking of this, Ning Qiu couldn't help being taken aback.

He remembered that Ten Thousand Corpse City was a place that could attract zombies, especially advanced zombies.

"Could it be that there are some similarities between this small rock city and the City of Ten Thousand Corpses? Or, the City of Ten Thousand Corpses built by Kong Shou is actually imitating this city?"

(End of this chapter)

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