First Allure Proud Concubine

Chapter 626 Electric Eel

Chapter 626 Electric Eel (10)

If it was before, it would be absolutely impossible for the head of the electric eel guard to give the snake demon such an unbridled opportunity.It's just that right now, after seeing Long Ming's Defying Heaven and Murong Feixue's powerful monster army, he no longer has any arrogance at all.He nodded foolishly, waiting for Long Ming, Murong Feixue, and Snake Demon to go to it more obediently than a pug.

The space is very dark, what can be seen, only a small area not far in front of the body can see the faint light.The snake demon, Murong Feixue, and Long Ming sat directly on the huge body of the golden long-tailed electric eel guard.

Long Ming still held the head of the golden long-tailed electric eel bodyguard, Murong Feixue sat in the middle, and the snake demon sat in the tail.Swimming from the back of Wangtianjian with ease...

"I'm talking about the three ancestors, I'll find you some seahorses to ride on, can you let me go?" the head guard of the golden long-tailed electric eel finally couldn't help but said with a sad face after working hard all the way.

"Stop talking nonsense." Long Ming snorted coldly, stretched out his hand and pinched the head of the golden long-tailed electric eel guard again.Shengsheng let it groan in pain and rushed out.That lightning-like speed gave Murong Feixue the illusion of flying through the clouds...

"Crack, crack, crack..."

The accelerated golden long-tailed electric eel head guard is like an arrow leaving the string.The twisting body rubbed against the surrounding water splashes, making a loud noise.The people who live on it, before their eyes are clear, can see the whitish water passing by in front of their eyes, but there are bursts of blisters, which form a series of gradually smaller blister traces behind them.Luxurious and eye-catching.

Right now, the sky beyond the Boundless Sea has cleared up.The rising sun slowly shines through the entrance of the boundless sea, under the drowning lake, at the enchantment of the boundless crystal palace, there are countless shrimp soldiers and crab generals running back and forth, people's faces are full of anxious and shocked expressions.

"What's going on? How could there be such a big shock?" People were talking and asking in a daze.

"That's right, it's simply unbelievable. For so long, the Wangtianjian of our Wuliang Crystal Palace has never made any noise. Could it be that Lord Golden Eel, something happened?"

Hearing someone say that an intruder has broken in, most shrimp soldiers and crabs will not believe it.In their eyes, this immeasurable crystal palace, not to mention the barrier outside, is unbreakable, even Master Golden Eel of the Wangtianjian is also a biochemical existence.It is simply impossible to be defeated.So in everyone's eyes, there is almost a uniform look of doubt.It's just that the facts speak louder than words, and the generals in this place were divided into two factions, and they started arguing fiercely.

"How is it possible? Master Golden Eel is a strong man in the golden realm of heaven! Those batches of explorers who came to our Infinity Palace surpassed the strength of our Lord Golden Eel?"

"However, I heard the vibration. It was like the sound made when a divine beast was upgraded! Only a fifth-tier divine beast could make such an earth-shattering sound! Maybe some fifth-tier divine beasts have sneaked into our infinite crystal palace! "

"If this is the case, we have to inform the Palace Master quickly! Otherwise, our lives will be lost..."

After the shrimp soldiers and crab generals reacted, several leaders of the shrimp soldiers and crab generals came to a small doorway at the rear.Curled up a little.It formed a shrimp ball and rolled into the door opening.

(End of this chapter)

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