First Allure Proud Concubine

Chapter 510 Big Sister Appears

Chapter 510 Big Sister Appears (2)

Then he turned around and went to the sixth floor of Zangshu Pavilion.Going up from the attic on the fifth floor, all you can see are some dusty stairs.

Walking up, it is a pavilion lit with candles.On the surrounding bookshelves, there are overwhelming books!At a glance, it seems that there is no end in sight.Arranged neatly in rows.Very grand.

Murong Feixue raised his hand to pull out a book, looked at the cover, it was written about some strange spells.I am already familiar with this category.Only some subtle methods are still not very clear because of lack of understanding.Therefore, Murong Feixue still smiled and accepted this high-level cheat book of strange spells.

Going further down, there are no outstanding books.It's just that the various skills recorded in the books are slightly more advanced.It's not even that obscure.

In fact, Murong Feixue didn't know that she herself was originally a soul who descended from the supreme rank.Now that I see these books, they are already things that need to be studied by the gods.Therefore, if she can understand it, others may not be able to understand it.

Seeing that there was no difficulty for her, Murong Feixue continued to walk towards the seventh floor of the Zangshu Pavilion above.

It's just to go up to the seventh floor of the library, and there are no stairs.An empty attic, completely disconnected from the sixth floor.The entrance of the black hole also looks very strange.If it wasn't for Murong Feixue who could sense that there was no danger on the seventh floor, she might have hesitated a bit.But at this moment, she directly used the strength of the fourth tail to turn from the space on the sixth floor and entered the library pavilion on the seventh floor.

The surrounding area is pitch black, and only the light coming in through the high windows can vaguely see some of the situation in the house.What is certain is that there are no books in this room!Among the bookshelves standing around, they were all empty.Not a single thing.The only thing that can be seen is a very dilapidated ancient book in the corner.

Murong Feixue slowly walked over, and every time he took a step, he could feel the sound of "creak, creak" from the wooden planks of the pavilion.

It's just that before Murong Feixue walked up to the bookshelf to pick up the books, ancient books automatically flew up in the corner of the bottommost shelf.On the books of the ancient books, bursts of red rays of light continued to emanate.As if it had eyes, it slowly flew towards Murong Feixue.

"call out……"

A voice piercing through the air was heard, and in an instant, the book was unfolded in front of Murong Feixue's eyes.A piece of subtitles printed in mid-air flew out of the book.The eloquent and majestic fonts caught Murong Feixue's eyes.

At the beginning of mending the sky, Nuwa's stone fell, and seven people were selected in total, who were attached to predestined people. When the holy stone was gathered, the hidden treasure was released, and the world was shocked.

Murong Feixue read these words slowly, and when he finished speaking the last word, he saw the subtitles in front of him suddenly disappear.The book in mid-air slammed shut.It flew into Murong Feixue's hands as if it had a spirituality.After the books were closed and Murong Feixue easily got the books.There was no other movement in the library pavilion on the seventh floor.

Murong Feixue looked down at the book in his hand, the simple texture made people feel a deep sense of foundation once he got it.As if it has been passed down for thousands of years, it makes people want to worship.

(End of this chapter)

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