Evil Young Army: Girl, you've been arrested!

Chapter 334 Danger Comes Quietly

Chapter 334 Danger Comes Quietly

In the hotel, Mo Ziyan changed out of the diving suit and put on orthodox clothes, and will end the video call with the one who temporarily ruined their honeymoon trip.

Just when he got up and was about to look for Ling Xihan, for no reason, he suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his chest.

The throbbing pain, as if something had been dug out of his chest, made Mo Ziyan feel a little flustered for no reason.

"To Male."

The inexplicable feeling of heartache that inexplicably rushed to his heart made Mo Ziyan feel very uneasy, and immediately ordered the assistant on the side in a cold voice.

Those coaches who lost Ling Heather over there and haven't found Ling Heather for a long time feel that the situation has become serious, so they can only tell Mo Ziyan about the matter.

As soon as he got on the boat, Mo Ziyan received a call. When he finished listening to the content on the phone, not only the expression on his face, but also the breath around him changed.

"Immediately dispatch helicopters and boats to carry out search and rescue work. Even if the entire Kamandu Island is turned over, I must find people!"

The breath around his body has become cold, and the veins of the clenched fist are exposed.

And even though he was worried that Ling Xihan was terribly worried, he still suppressed his emotions, tried his best to maintain a calm and calm state of mind, and immediately issued an order to search.

And on the other side, in a city that spanned the country.

Xia Guo, full of sadness and loss, walked the streets that she and Xu Shaowei walked through when they were a couple for a day.

Walking the road that I have walked, even though the place next to me is still empty, and the person who is thinking about it is not standing next to her, but looking back all the way, Xia Guo still feels sweet.

It's just that sweet, but accompanied by a little bit of bitterness.

"Hey, Mom."

When she walked to the coffee house where they successfully sat hand in hand for the first time, the phone on her body rang, and Xia Guo quickly restrained her emotions.

When he answered the phone, there was no trace of unpleasantness in the tone.


Not knowing what was said on the other end of the phone, Xia Guo's face was stunned for a moment, followed by a nod, with a feeling of resignation that was unwilling but unable to refuse.

Looking at the coffee shop, the original thought of going in for a sit down disappeared because of this sudden phone call.

Looking up at the place near the window, a young couple is sitting there.

The boy's face is doting, and the girl's face is full of happiness.

"Perhaps, we really have nothing to do with each other."

The words overflowing from his lips seemed to be lamented, with a feeling of unwillingness to express, but in the end it was just a wry smile.

Ended this early, her walking tour of memories alone.

Just now her mother called her from the United States and said that she had arranged a blind date meeting for her.

The man's family conditions and his own conditions are good.

Graduated with a Ph.D., young and promising, tall and good-looking, all of them are first-class.

The most important thing is that the parents have contact with their family, so it can be said that they know everything.

She told her that she was not young anymore, not to mention getting married right away, but when she met, it was like making friends.

If the two get along well, have a good eye, and feel good, it is also a good home for her.

Between the lines, everything was for her sake, when she couldn't refuse.

There is no reason to refuse either.

Two in the afternoon.

Xia Guo arrived at the agreed place as promised.

It may be because she came early and the other party hadn't come yet, and there was no man sitting alone in the whole coffee shop.

Xia Guo had no choice but to find a place to sit and wait.

On the other side, just as Xu Shaowei got into the car and put on his seat belt, the mobile phone on the side rang.

"Hey, Jay, why did you think of calling me today?"

"Look at what you said, I usually call you often, okay?"

"Oh, there is a pause in the tone, it seems that what I said is a bit guilty."

"Hey, there's a little thing I want you to do me a favor."

"Help? My helpful counterpart is just a beautiful woman."

"Of course I know. Although I am not a beautiful woman, the other party is said to be a beautiful woman."

"The other party? What do you want me to help you with?"

"My mother somehow arranged a blind date for me. You know, I have no idea of ​​getting married yet, and I can't shirk it if I don't want to. So I think of you as a good brother."

"You really have something 'good', the first thing you think of is me."

"Haha, it looks like you're single, brother. Mother Xu has mentioned it to me many times, and said that if there is a suitable girl, I must introduce it to you."

"If you're pleasing to the eye, then it's the best of both worlds. Otherwise, you, Young Master Xu, have spent so many years in the flowers, and it's only a matter of minutes if you want to reject a girl."

"Okay, okay, don't talk about me, leave this matter to me, when and where is the appointment?"

"I'll send you the address later."


"Thanks then, brother, I will make an appointment another day to treat you to dinner."

"Then you'd better live frugally for these two days..."

"Haha, it's done."

After hanging up the phone, as if he couldn't wait to throw out something, he quickly sent the address and the appointed time.

Xu Shaowei glanced at it, shook his head with a broken smile, turned the steering wheel, and the car turned a corner. It didn't take long before it stopped at the agreed place.

As soon as he entered the coffee shop, Xu Shaowei looked around, but saw nothing but Xia Guo who was sitting by the window, facing the door.

She was facing the scenery outside the coffee shop, and the spoon she held in her hand hadn't been stirred for a long time. It was obvious that she was already looking at a certain side and she was fascinated.

After hesitating for a while, Xu Shaowei still took a step and didn't walk towards Xia Guo.

It's just that he began to regret that he had accepted Xia Jie, otherwise, if he met Xia Guo here, he could have walked over generously.

Although, without Jay, he wouldn't turn back here.

However, just as he was about to find a more secluded place to sit down, Xia Guo, who was originally looking fascinated by the outside, suddenly turned his head.

His eyes met Xu Shaowei's.

Both of them froze for a moment, then Xu Shaowei could clearly see the astonishment on Xia Guo's face, and, dodge?
Sensing that Xia Guo had the intention of avoiding him, Xu Shaowei moved towards Xia Guo in a step that he had originally moved away.

Before he even had time to figure out why, his own steps had already walked towards her.

Seeing Xia Guona's increasingly overwhelmed appearance because of his approach, Xu Shaowei's mood became depressed.

At this moment, Xia Guo gave him the feeling that he was obviously restless.

What Xu Shaowei didn't know was that Xia Guo was just restless.

Seeing him approaching step by step, she already thought of running away.

"It's really you, Xia Guo. I thought I was wrong. Are you drinking afternoon tea here?"

(End of this chapter)

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