Chapter 548 The Century-old Cake House’s Collapse (1)
Lin Yuan thought to herself that the little girl was clever and knew that she would go down the donkey along the slope, so she also showed a worried look on her face: "If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Did your lady eat or drink something? Otherwise , it cannot suddenly become like this.”

The little maid remembered the pastry that Meng Chunyan ate in the carriage, and shouted: "Oh, I remembered, my lady ate a pastry before the accident, and then suddenly asked the driver to hit the carriage next to her. However, That pastry was bought at a century-old bakery, will it be all right?"

"Century-year bakery?" Lin Yuan picked up the food boxes scattered on the ground, and using the cover of her wide sleeves, scattered the five stones in her hand, "Is this it?"

She moved very quickly and was covered by clothes, so no one could see her small movements.

However, Xia Zheng, who was as demon-minded as her, saw this scene clearly.If Lin Yuan vents his anger on his behalf, then he can let this Meng's restaurant go for the time being.

The little maid looked at the pastry she picked up and nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, this is it."

"Here you are." All the five stone powder in her hand had been put in, and Lin Yuan gave the food box in her hand to the little maid in order to avoid suspicion.

Meng Chunyan didn't know what Lin Yuan wanted to do at this time. She was still talking to her about the carriage just now, so why did she suddenly switch to pastries.She stood there in a daze, wanting to say something, the little servant girl was afraid that she would say something that would not allow her to get down the steps, so she begged her in a low voice to stop talking.

Meng Chunyan snorted, turned her head and ignored it.

Lin Yuan turned her head and winked at the six sons: "Go to Shande Hall and invite Dr. Hu."

The six sons drove away in the carriage immediately, and the Shande Hall was on the next street, and they were invited here after a while.

Seeing that Lin Yuan was picking up cakes and inviting a doctor, the people who watched the excitement didn't know what happened, but there were some smart ones who vaguely guessed some things based on the rumors about Daohuaxiang that happened a few days ago.

Lin Yuan greeted Dr. Hu, and said, "Doctor Hu, my lady was a little abnormal just now. It is said that she was like this after eating this kind of pastries. I take the liberty to invite you here, and please test these pastries. Is there anything unusual?"

Saying that, she waved to the little maid, who immediately obediently presented the food box in her hand, and asked Dr. Hu to check it.

He checked very carefully, everyone's eyes were on him, he held his breath, quietly waiting for the result.

After a while, Dr. Hu shook his head and sighed: "There is actually Wushi San in this cake!"

Dr. Hu naturally also saw the red paper on the food box, and he couldn't help sighing, and there was some anger in his tone. He was shocked when he heard that someone put Wushi powder in the pastry, but after clarifying for Daohuaxiang, he vaguely It is also guessed that someone deliberately framed it.Unexpectedly, after checking today, it turned out that there are five stones of cakes from the century-old bakery.You know, this century-old bakery has been in Zhuma Town for many years, and it has been fine. Why did it suddenly become confused today and make such an unforgivable mistake?

Five stones?Five stones scattered!
Many people recalled the rumors spread a few days ago. It turns out that it is not Daohuaxiang that actually has five stones scattered, but the century-old bakery!
Lin Yuan achieved her goal, and sighed: "I, Daohuaxiang, have been hurt by rumors before, and I know what this five stone powder means to a pastry shop. Everyone, there may be some misunderstandings, we still Don't talk about it here, after all, this pastry is just one of them, not necessarily other pastries."

(End of this chapter)

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