Nongmen fierce girl head chef

Chapter 543 Threatening to Reveal

Chapter 543 Threatening to Reveal (2)
Lin Yuan sneered, as she had guessed, if Shunzi really wanted to drug her, why would he put the drug in such a hard-to-reach place in the shoe?It must be that he wants to take advantage of it.

Lin Yuan looked at the smaller bag in her hand, then at the larger bag in the guard's hand, and got an idea.

"Shunzi, let's not talk about the fact that you came to me to give medicine today, even if you are a thief, I can still send you to the Yamen and put you in prison."

Shunzi looked at her in horror, and shook her head violently: "No, no, eh, eh."

Lin Yuan smiled and interrupted him: "However, I suddenly had an idea. As long as you cooperate, I promise not to send you to prison."

Shunzi rolled his eyes, nodded and agreed without even thinking about it, let's escape first, can she control him after he gets out?
Lin Yuan sneered in her heart, how could she not guess what was going on in his heart?

He waved at Liu Zi, who was taken aback for a moment, and when he saw the "pill" in his hand, he hurried over with it.

Lin Yuan squeezed the pill, shook it in front of Shunzi, and smiled harmlessly: "Shunzi, in case you sneak away after I let you go, I can't find you, so, I have to wrong you to take this pill. In fact, I don’t want to give you this pill, but when I think of you as a thief, I feel really uneasy. You see, you don’t even want the medicine that shopkeeper Chen gave you. If I can keep half of it privately, I will not be able to slack off, what do you think?"

Shunzi fixed her eyes on Lin Yuan's slender fingers, which were obviously very white, very thin, and extremely beautiful.However, he just felt that this hand was no different from the ghost claw that climbed up from the Hall of Yama!
Shunzi wanted to cry without tears, biting his lower lip with the upper gum missing one front tooth, trying to refuse, but with five or six masters guarding him, is it possible for him to refuse?

Lin Yuan pursed her lips, patted him on the head comfortingly, and coaxed him softly: "Hey, don't be afraid, this pill is actually not that powerful, and it won't kill you right away. Since you came I am prescribing medicine here, so I should be very familiar with Daohuaxiang. To tell you the truth, the Dr. Hu from Shandetang who testified for us last time is an old relative of me. This medicine was made by him himself. What's the name? Let me think about it, oh yes, it's called Yi Yi Sang Ming San. Listen, isn't the name nice and cute? Its medicinal effect is even more lovely. If it doesn't resolve within a day If you take medicine, you will convulse all over your body and bleed to death from your seven orifices. What is even more amazing is that you will also feel that your internal organs are also bleeding, until all the intestines are rotten, and you still have one breath to live until The blood is all gone, and then the eyes will be closed slowly. Isn’t it cute? Come, come, eat it, as long as you finish what I told you, you can come back and ask me for the antidote .Of course, it’s only for today. If it’s too late, I can’t guarantee that his antidote will work. You know, the antidote, of course, the sooner you take it, the better.”

He clearly said the most vicious and frightening words in the world, but Lin Yuan used the most gentle and demagogic tone. Xia Zheng looked at her amusedly, thinking that he would let her be so gentle and demagogic at any time. say a few words to him.

Liu Zi and a few guards were frightened by the seemingly harmless but most vicious appearance of the proprietress. Liu Zi, who knew the inside story, was very angry and funny.
Those guards glanced at each other, and all shivered.

"How? Have you considered it? Should you eat it yourself, or let me feed it to you?"

(End of this chapter)

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