Nongmen fierce girl head chef

Chapter 471 The Love Rival Meets Extraordinarily Jealous

Chapter 471 The Love Rival Meets Extraordinarily Jealous (2)
"Everyone, there have been countless rumors about my Daohuaxiang recently. Some say that I put five stones in the Daohuaxiang pastry, and some say that I am stingy and don't even give a small pastry."

Lin Yuan glanced around at the people in front of her, and said with a smile, "So, Daohuaxiang, we are here today to make a clarification in front of everyone, and please neighbors to be witnesses for us."

Suddenly, someone in the crowd snorted disdainfully.Hearing someone start it, other people also started talking about it. Anything deliberate, pretending, or hypocrisy, all came out.

Lin Yuan had expected such a reaction a long time ago, so she was not in a hurry or annoyed, but just looked at them quietly and smiled.

Lin Yi's eyes were sharp, and he had already discovered who was the leader of the crowd. He flipped his palm inadvertently, and a small stone flew out. .A pair of eyeballs whirled and turned in horror, not knowing whether he had bumped into a ghost or was possessed.

Without these two people taking the lead in booing, the crowd's voice quickly subsided.

Lin Yuan then pointed to a plate of pastries on the table, and said with a smile: "First of all, what I want to talk about is that our Daohuaxiang is stingy. Everyone has visited the shop. I would like to ask everyone, whether you buy something or not, first let How many shops do you taste for free?"

Someone in the crowd immediately shook his head: "If you don't buy it, you will be allowed to eat for free? You are dreaming!"

Someone started, and the others were quickly led away.That's what a leader does.

Lin Yuan smiled, feeling that the person who spoke seemed familiar, but she didn't have the time to think about who it was, nodded and said: "What this little brother said is that everything in someone's house is not blown by strong winds, it is impossible for you If you don’t buy it, you can still taste it for nothing. However, in my Daohuaxiang store, you can. I think, when I opened Daohuaxiang, you should have not forgotten those pastries that you can taste for free, right?”

"How could I forget? I decided to buy it after I ate that pastry! It's really delicious!" the little brother muttered, which immediately resonated with many people, especially those who live in West Street. People, even more so.After all, the opening day of Daohuaxiang was spectacular.

Lin Yuan glanced at the little brother, and continued: "So, may I ask everyone, is my Daohuaxiang stingy?"

Seeing that the crowd began to murmur again, but this time the content was mostly in favor of Daohuaxiang, Lin Yuan felt much happier.

"Everyone, thank you for your support to me Daohuaxiang. Next, I'm going to talk about the second thing, which is also the most important thing." Lin Yuan's expression became serious, "I've heard a lot about my There are rumors of Wushisan in Daohuaxiang's cakes. To be honest, when I heard this rumor, I was very shocked, and I thought that there was something wrong with my cakes. However, after I checked all the cakes in the store, don't say The five stones are scattered, but there is no dirt at all. So, how this happened, I am very puzzled."

"Sometimes, I think that maybe some customer bought the pastry in question, but I have waited for such a long time, but I have not seen a customer come to the store to ask for an explanation. I think everyone should remember that I was in Daohuaxiang As I said on the opening day, as long as you buy pastries with quality problems in my shop, I, Daohuaxiang, will definitely double the compensation. Since this is the case, I, Lin Yuan, would like to ask the person who spread the rumors, have you heard from my shop? Bought such pastries in the store? Why didn’t you bring them back to face to face when you bought them! If you didn’t buy them, what is your intention in spreading such rumors!”

(End of this chapter)

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