Nongmen fierce girl head chef

Chapter 398 Chasing away the loudspeakers and making noise when meeting

Chapter 398 Chasing away the loudspeakers and making noise when meeting (1)
Lan Hua was overjoyed at first, then thought of what happened just now, and felt a little guilty. Lin Yuan trusted her by entrusting the tofu shop to herself, but what did she do?She actually let this shameless woman ride on her head, and she was so pressed that she couldn't refute a word. She was really ashamed to see Lin Yuan again.

The other women all had embarrassing expressions on their faces, and they were all reflecting on whether they had said something that should not have been said just now for Lin Yuan to listen to.

However, after a moment of daze, the loudspeaker took it for granted, slowly stood up from the small stool, and greeted Lin Yuan with a smile: "Yo, the boss is here? Come, come, hurry up." Sit down and sit down."

Lin Yuan glanced at her, then at the spoon that had just been kicked away by the loudspeaker, walked slowly over, bent down to pick it up: "Why is this spoon on the ground?"

The big trumpet's face changed, it was the one she threw away and kicked just now.

"Oh, that's me. Just now, I accidentally dropped it. I haven't, I haven't had time to pick it up yet!"

Lin Yuan raised her eyebrows, said oh, and casually put the spoon into the large basin used for cleaning kitchen utensils, but the water in the large basin was a bit muddy at this moment.

"Who is on duty today?"

In order to facilitate management, the people in the kitchen implement division of labor and cooperation. Each person is responsible for cleaning up the kitchen after everyone is on duty for one day, and they must always pay attention to what is dirty and messy in the kitchen, and clean it up quickly. just do.

And today, as it happens, the big speaker is on duty.

The big speaker looked at the water, and knew why Lin Yuan asked such a question. He quickly picked up the basin and said with a smile that I was on duty, and walked to the door of the kitchen, and casually put the water in the basin. Water was splashed in the yard.The originally tidy and clean yard became greasy because of the water she splashed.

Lin Yuan frowned, and asked the loudspeaker that was still shaking the remaining water in the basin: "Is this how you usually pour dirty water?"

Big Horn was stunned, and blinked a little guilty. On the first day of working here, Lanhua told everyone that the dirty water should be poured into the sewer next to it, and it should not be thrown away casually.But she thought it was a bit far there, and she was too tired carrying a big basin, so she dumped it in the yard.

In the beginning, Lanhua said to her a few times, and she still listened to her at first, but then she felt that this little girl is just a stern and introverted master. When she reprimanded her again, she only went in one ear and out the other, jokingly saying that she would not be like this in the future , but it is still the same when it is time to pour dirty water.Unexpectedly, today, my boss ran into me.

"That, that, no. Today I am..."

Before the big speaker could finish speaking, Lin Yuan turned to look at Lan Hua and asked, "How many times?"

Lan Hua was still thinking about being sorry for Lin Yuan, when she suddenly heard what she asked herself, she gave a dumbfounded ah, and a woman next to her whispered a few words in her ear, and she quickly recovered and said: "Several times, at first she still listened to what she said, but then..."

Later, I ignored it and sprinkled water everywhere.

"That sewer is too far away, and this basin is heavy, wouldn't it be just right to dump it in the yard?" Big Trumpet was still making excuses.Speaking of the distance, it was only a dozen or so steps away. The loudspeaker was too lazy to go there by itself, so it had to be blamed on the sewer.Lin Yuan almost burst out laughing, she couldn't think of such a frustrating excuse.

Lin Yuan didn't shed tears when she saw that she couldn't see the coffin, and asked the other women who worked with her, "When you poured water, did you pour it in the yard like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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