Chapter 179
Xia Zheng looked disgusted: "Nine years old? Nine years old is so small?" He jumped out of the carriage while talking, and made gestures on the top of Xiao Linzi's head and his chest: "My lord grew so tall when he was nine years old. , not like you!"

Xiao Linzi's face was flushed, and he bit his lower lip tightly. He wanted to say something but he didn't say it in the end. What could he say?It's nothing more than that when I was a child, I worked hard and didn't have enough to eat, so of course I didn't grow up.

Fearing that the two would fight again, Lin Yuan quickly pulled Xia Zheng aside: "Don't make things difficult for Xiao Linzi, he still has to show me the shop, if you run away in anger, who will show me?" shop?"

"Master, come!" Xia Zheng agreed without thinking, and then regretted it. Lin Yuan doesn't go to the tofu shop every day, if I show her the shop, can I still see her?
Throwing the whip in his hand to Xiao Linzi: "Can you drive a carriage? Don't say you can't, just look at your hand and you know you can."

Then, without waiting for Lin Yuan to react, Xia Zheng put his arms around Lin Yuan's waist, carried her into the carriage, and then jumped up himself, said to the east of the city, and then got into the carriage and disappeared. sound.

Xiao Linzi looked down at his hand full of scars, silently clenched his whip and started to drive away. After wandering in Zhuma Town for so many days, he didn't learn anything else, but he touched Zhuma Town all over. Know where the east of the city is.

Xia Zheng suddenly carried her into the carriage and got into the carriage. Lin Yuan was still a little dizzy when she saw this guy also get in.

"Don't you always sit outside?" She stretched her feet forward, stopping Xia Zheng's body from continuing to enter the carriage. She usually sat in the carriage by herself every time she went to the tofu shop.

The corners of Mr. Xia's lips curled up, avoiding Lin Yuan's life-threatening chasing legs, and sat down beside her, grinning and annoyed, "Isn't there someone driving the car outside? What's the use?"

"Then you have to sit outside." Lin Yuan moved her butt to the side to keep some distance from him. This was the first time for the two of them to sit alone in the carriage, and she felt a little uncomfortable.

However, before she could sit still, Xia Zheng's buttocks over there also moved over: "I don't want to sit with that milk baby! Little girl, what's the matter with you? Is my father so frustrated? It makes you feel so uncomfortable? You don’t even let a milk doll go, why don’t you know that Master Kua Kua appreciates his handsomeness?”

Lin Yuan was amused by what he said, and this guy started again, but to be honest, Xia Zheng is really handsome, and he can see it from the first time she met, otherwise Lin Siyu wouldn't think about it all day long. Looking forward to being able to stay with him forever.

Lin Yuan gave Xia Zheng a blank look, and Lin Yuan couldn't help joking: "You also said that Xiao Linzi is a milk baby, so you are still serious with him? You are so narrow-minded!"

"It's fine for others, who made this word come out of your mouth!" Xia Zheng muttered in a low voice, and when he lowered his head, he saw Lin Yuan's little hand resting on his knee, with one of those white and pink little fingers The roots are exceptionally cute.This was the first time he looked at a girl's hand so seriously. He hadn't noticed it before. Looking at it this way, it was really beautiful. The hand was small and tender, without any scars or fine lines.

Thinking of those delicious and beautiful delicacies made with such two hands, Xia Zheng couldn't help but feel a surge in his heart, wondering what it would feel like to hold these little hands in his hands?

Just as he was thinking, Xia Zheng stretched out his hand out of nowhere.


"I'm sorry, girl, I, I didn't see that there is a hole there, you, are you okay?" Xiao Linzi's sorry and anxious voice sounded outside. It's been a long time since I drove the carriage, and I'm a little rusty, otherwise Then he won't miss a small pit.

"Well, it's okay, don't worry, just be careful." Lin Yuan exhaled foul breath, and instructed Xiao Linzi, then remembered Xia Zheng next to him, and quickly turned to ask him: "How are you?"

Before she finished speaking, Lin Yuan chuckled happily, and then remembered that the carriage suddenly bumped just now, and the place next to her was not exerting any strength, one hand grabbed the window frame of the carriage, and the other hand seemed to be grabbing something. .

As for what it was, looking at Xia Zheng's red right ear now, Lin Yuan understood.

Isn't that Mr. Xia's ear?No wonder it is soft and a little cool.

"I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose just now, I really have no place to catch." Holding back a laugh, Lin Yuan stammered and explained. I sympathize with him to death.

Xia Zheng covered his ears with a distressed expression on his face. He didn't have a pain in his ear, it was obviously a pain in his heart. He just wanted to touch her little hand. Why did he end up like this?It's all the fault of Xiao Linzi, it must be on purpose, didn't he just say that he is a milk baby, as for punishing him like this?

Xiao Linzi, who was driving the carriage cautiously, suddenly sneezed and rubbed his nose. Xiao Linzi frowned suspiciously. Could it be that he caught a cold in the shower just now?

With the lesson learned just now, Xiao Linzi drove more and more smoothly, and he arrived at the gate of the tofu workshop in a short while.Because of Xiao Linzi's matter, Lin Yuan arrived late today, and she was about to leave at this time.

As soon as she got off the carriage, Lin Yuan felt that something was wrong today. Usually, when she came, there were not many people to greet her at the door, but there were quite a few young men working in and out.But why is there no one here today?
Going further inside, there is no one in the front hall.It wasn't until she walked through the front hall and came to the place where it connected to the back hall that Lin Yuan heard the voices of the workers, but they were not working, but chatting.

"This board is not bad, it must be comfortable to sleep with at night."

"Come on, be careful, the boss will see you in a moment!"

The young man who spoke before snorted, and said disdainfully: "He? He still took things by himself, and he still has the face to accuse me? By the way, why didn't the boss come here today? What time is it? I don't think he will come. ?”

The answer was a sound of knocking on a cigarette pot, followed by the older voice just now who said: "I don't think you're coming anymore, you went to sleep without looking at it. Tell me, although our boss is just a Little girl, but the boss can't bully her like this, she pretends to be working hard when she comes to see her, and when she doesn't come, she just sleeps like a cat, really, ugh!"

"What is it? Hey, why didn't you say it? You choked on the pot?"

It wasn't until Lin Yuan walked in front of the two of them that they suddenly realized that they hurriedly stood up and stammered for a long time without saying the word "My boss".

Lin Yuan acted as if she hadn't seen the two of them, and walked back without looking sideways.

Xia Zheng followed her without saying a word. These people looked down on her and bullied her, so they had to show her methods, otherwise there would be a second time in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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