Nongmen fierce girl head chef

Chapter 1244 Sweet After Marriage Chapter Postpartum Trivia

Chapter 1244 Sweet After Marriage Chapter Postpartum Trivia

Although both of Xia Yuan were looking forward to having a granddaughter, they loved their two grandchildren very much!
No, just after leaving Lin Yuan's place, Xia Yuan didn't have time to go back to his room to rest, so he happily asked his servants to report the news everywhere.

In his own words, Xia Yuan already has a grandson, and now he has two grandchildren, just wait for the old men in the capital to envy and hate him!

"Hurry up and bring the young master to my mother-in-law to see!"

Princess An Le hurriedly asked the maid to carry the child, and after a while, two wet nurses came over with two water-blue swaddling babies.

As soon as Liu entered the door, he first looked at his daughter, and seeing the two little grandchildren carved in jade, he was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth.

"Look, look, my two little grandsons are so handsome!"

As soon as Mrs. Liu finished speaking, Xiao Linshuang, who came to see her sister, said in distaste: "Where are you handsome? I think they both look ugly, wrinkled, and so dark!"

Princess Anle was amused by her unrestrained words, and Lin Yuan was both angry and funny.

Xiao Linshuang was right, the newborn baby was indeed very ugly, because it was soaked in the amniotic fluid, and its whole body was wrinkled.

And because they are twins, the weight of these two little things is not too heavy, and the small fleshy skin all over the body is tightly attached to the body, not at all as cute as a chubby little doll.

Mrs. Liu pulled her little daughter to her side, and said with a stern face, "What do you know! Newborn babies are like this. When they grow up a little more, they will look better with more flesh on their bodies!"

Xiao Linshuang curled her lips, but after being reprimanded by Mrs. Liu, she still eagerly approached the two little things, and took out two small yellow and golden bracelets from her small purse.

There are three small bells hanging on the bracelet, which jingle when shaken, very cute.

"Although you two are a bit ugly, but Auntie will not dislike you! Come on, come on, this is a gift from Auntie for meeting you, and Auntie spent her own money to buy it for you, sure. Can't lose it!"

As he said that, he was still clumsily going to put them on the hands of the two of them.

Children have thin arms and legs, and they will be injured if they are not careful. The nurse is a little worried.But seeing that Princess Anle and Lin Yuan didn't say anything, they had no choice but to keep their mouths shut.

Facts have proved that the two of them did worry too much. Although Xiao Linshuang is young, but she is a doctor, how could she hurt a child?

"You girl, I let you take the lead."

Liu's gift hadn't been delivered yet, but Xiao Linshuang made the move first, and couldn't help poking her forehead a little amusingly.

Saying that, Mrs. Liu also took out her gift, which was a pair of emerald Ruyi with excellent appearance, which was used to put the two little buns as pillows.

"This is a gift from your grandfather, and this pair of longevity golden locks is a gift from your grandmother, good boy, grow up quickly, your grandmother is waiting for you to play with!"

After Mrs. Liu gave the gift, Lin Wei also took out her own gift. The two small boxes each contained a piece of handkerchief. The handkerchief was embroidered with gold thread to symbolize auspicious clouds, which was very beautiful.

Even Xiao Yongyan prepared gifts for his two little nephews, but because he was still too young, the gifts he gave were not expensive, they were just an ink painting drawn by himself.

But don't look at his young age, but the paintings he draws are extremely vivid.

In the painting, a family of four is having fun in the mountains and forests. Just by looking at the servants and the expressions of the characters, it can be seen that the two adults are Xia Zheng and Lin Yuan, and the two little guys chasing the butterflies are none other than Xia Zheng and Lin Yuan. Babies who are still in their infancy.

"Is this painted by Yongyan? It's so beautiful!"

Lin Yuan poked her head out to look at the painting, and couldn't help but be full of praise.It's not that she praised Yongyan Xiao on purpose, it's that this painting is indeed very good.

It seems that it is still very useful for Yongyan to learn painting from Lin Jiaxin's side.

Even Princess Anle took the painting and looked at it carefully for a long time, and she was full of praise.

After talking for a while, Lin Yuan's eyelids began to fight. Seeing her daughter like this, Mrs. Liu hurriedly took a few children and prepared to leave.

But before leaving, I still didn't forget to tell Lin Yuan again and again that she must pay attention to confinement, but she must not be careless.

At first, Lin Yuan didn't realize how difficult confinement is, but it was not until a few days later that she finally realized the pain.

The ancients attached great importance to women's confinement, especially the female relatives of wealthy families.

I couldn't get out of bed for a month, I couldn't wash, I couldn't even comb my hair.The doors and windows in the room were tightly closed, airtight, and they ate and drank while it was still hot on weekdays, almost scalding Lin Yuan's tongue several times.

Lin Yuan sighed more than once. Fortunately, she was in confinement in winter. If it was summer, she doubted whether she would suffer from heat stroke.

If it was said that the most unacceptable thing for Lin Yuan during the confinement period, it should be not being able to wash and bathe.

It was only the third day, and she felt that her mouth was about to deteriorate.

It is a miracle that I eat and drink non-stop every day, and I can't brush my teeth. I don't have bad breath.

Once, Lin Yuan just had a meal and was bored, so she hooked her finger at Xia Zheng.

"what happened?"

Xia Zheng thought that Lin Yuan had some orders to hurry over, but who knows, as soon as he sat next to her, his head was clamped by someone's hands, and then, a gust of poisonous gas rushed towards his face.

Xia Zheng's face was turning green, his breath was poisonous!

Ha ha ha ha.

Lin Yuan lay on the bed and couldn't stop laughing as she watched Xia Zheng's miserable state of vomiting.

In ancient times, people raised their children with wet nurses. Before Lin Yuan gave birth, she had already selected two excellent wet nurses.

Not only in terms of physical fitness, but also in terms of character, they are all extremely outstanding.

However, Lin Yuan insisted on breastfeeding herself even though there was a wet nurse with the baby.If your own milk is not enough, let the nursing mother continue to feed.

Since it is breastfeeding, it must be a lot of hard work, and the first hard thing is to breastfeed.

As a first-time mother, the milk usually comes down in the first three days, and the baby needs to suck more.

I don't know if it's because Lin Yuan is too weak. Her milk comes down slowly, and on the third day, it's just some clear water.

The two little buns were like wolves and tigers, and they couldn't eat anything after eating for a long time, so they burst into tears immediately.

When the little thing cried, Lin Yuan felt unhappy and cried along with her.

The child was crying, and the wife was crying too. Xia Zheng was so anxious that he almost cried in his arms.

Women should not cry during confinement, otherwise it will be bad for the eyes.

While persuading his daughter-in-law, Xia Zheng went to his old man to ask for a prescription for breastfeeding.

Seeing him in such a hurry, Lao Fan was not in a hurry anymore, he stroked his white beard and looked at him amusedly, finally found a chance to laugh at him to his heart's content.

"Old man, what did I say at the beginning? Don't think that you are happy after having twins. Ha, look, who is the one who suffers now? Isn't it you? Haha, back then, your old man almost collapsed after only messing with your elder brother, not to mention You messed up all at once? Haha, look at you, you are so disheveled, I don’t know which beggar’s den you thought you crawled out of!”

It's no wonder that Lao Fan speaks harshly, it's really that Xia Zheng's appearance at this time is too embarrassing, not to mention the messy hair, there are a few very suspicious stains on his usually clean clothes at this time, look It looked like Xiao Baozi happened to be touched by him when he was spitting milk.

The most embarrassing thing was his face, with big dark circles and bloodshot eyes, which could be seen from lack of sleep.

"You can say sarcastic words!"

Where does Xia Zheng have the energy to argue with Lao Fan?After finally finding a chance to rest, he quickly sat on the chair and squinted for a while: "Hurry up and find a prescription for me, and don't forget to wake me up later, let me squint for a while."

"Hey? What are you doing? You use my place as your room? You want to sleep and go back to your place!"

Lao Fan chanted for a long time, but still didn't have the heart to wake up Xia Zheng who had fallen asleep, hummed and went outside the house.

In fact, he had already helped Lin Yuan find a prescription for breastfeeding, but because he didn't know what was going on there, he couldn't rush to send it over there.

Unlike Tian Hui, the prescription for Lin Yuan's breastfeeding not only contained Tongcao, but also added some herbal medicines for nourishing qi and blood.

"Boy, if I didn't see you so tired, old man, I wouldn't make medicine for you myself!"

Lao Fan waved his tattered cattail fan, looked at the beeping and bubbling medicine jars and couldn't help complaining again.

He would not admit that he just wanted Xia Zheng to rest more.

It is said that the child will not be very tired if he is taken care of by a wet nurse.

But just like Lin Yuan, Xia Zheng also wanted to take care of the child himself, so he asked the wet nurse to live in the cubicle with the child.

Children always wake up several times a night, and there are two children, one wakes up and cries, and the other cries too, so there is almost no time to sleep that night.

Sure enough, if you don't raise children, you don't know the kindness of your parents. After only taking care of the two children for a few days, Xia Zheng and Lin Yuan have deeply experienced the hardships of being parents.

Lao Fan's medicine really worked. After taking two doses, Lin Yuan felt her breasts swell the next day.

Seeing the little guy in her arms eating deliciously, Lin Yuan felt that her face was full of happiness.

Although she cannot go out during confinement, relatives and friends can visit her.

Needless to say the members of the Liu family, Tian Hui and Brother Wang came the most.

As the big brother, Brother Wang was very curious about the two pink and tender little brothers, and he opened his little hands to grab them as soon as they came.

Tian Huisheng was afraid that the child's hand would hurt the little ones seriously, so he hugged Brother Wang tightly to prevent him from going to the ground.

But the child who is almost two years old, where can he live free?After sitting in Tian Hui's arms for a while, she clamored to go out to play.

Tian Hui had no choice but to let the maid carry him outside to play.

When there was no one else in the room, Tian Hui didn't have much scruples about speaking, so he took Lin Yuan's hand and told her what he had heard in the past two days.

"You also know that father-in-law, who was looking forward to having a baby girl at home, but we both failed to live up to it, and gave birth to three boys one after another. I see, father-in-law is really in a hurry!"

Speaking of this, Tian Hui laughed very unkindly, with a hint of cunning in his eyes.

Lin Yuan has been lying on the bed these days, not to mention the outside, even the cubicle is not allowed to go out casually.

She was bored for a long time, and she just wanted to hear these gossips!
"What's the matter? Did you hear something?"

Tian Hui is not the kind of woman who gossips casually, and what she can bring forward must be very explosive news.

Sure enough, it was very explosive, especially explosive!

"Well, that day I was planning to ask my mother-in-law about celebrating the full moon for you, so I went to the mother-in-law's yard. Who knows, I was stopped by Dongmei before I entered the yard. Dongmei is the most stable girl, but You laughed like a flower that day, what do you think will happen?"

Tian Hui covered her mouth with a handkerchief and snickered. Although she didn't say it clearly, Lin Yuan had already guessed it.

In broad daylight, the door of the two of them was closed tightly, and the maid was still guarding the door. Isn't it obvious what they did in the house?

Although it was a bit unkind for a daughter-in-law to talk about things between her parents-in-law behind her back, the two of them laughed tacitly.

But after laughing, both of them prayed together, let Princess Anle have a daughter quickly, so that the two of them don't have to bear the pressure of their father-in-law.

Speaking of the full moon, Lin Yuan remembered that she had been in labor for more than 20 days, and she would be able to leave the customs in seven or eight days.

I can finally get rid of the prison of confinement!
There is no need for Lin Yuan to worry about the full moon, but she is a little curious about the names of the two children. The tradition of the Xia family is to be named by the elders at the full moon, but she has no news from Xia Zheng.

"I heard from your elder brother that my father-in-law has been thinking about the names of the two children recently. I heard that he has never liked reading, but he is about to rip through the books at home these days!"

Tian Hui smiled and said, "It was the same when I named Brother Wang. It seems that my father-in-law still attaches great importance to naming."

It is indeed important, in fact, Xia Yuan has already chosen the name at the beginning.Just because Princess Anle swears that this baby is definitely a girl, Xia Yuan thought of dozens of girls' names early on.

It's just that he didn't expect that Princess Anle made a mistake, and those names could no longer be used, so he had to keep flipping through the books to think of new names.

As for the baby names of the two children, Lin Yuan chose them herself.It's very simple, the older one is called Awen, and the younger one is called Awu, which means that the two children are both civil and military.

In fact, the name was changed at Xia Zheng's strong request. If it had been according to Lin Yuan's previous wishes, the names she had chosen for her two sons would be more easy to understand. The meaning of a child's gold and silver slam.

Xia Zheng expressed strong dissatisfaction with this, and finally persuaded Lin Yuan to change his mind by forcing him to die.

However, although she changed her mind, Lin Yuan still called her two children Ajin and Ayin in private, and she didn't think there was anything wrong with this name at all.

Apart from Tian Hui, Yan Ruchun, Xu Muqing and Tian Xuan were the ones who often came to visit her.

Yan Ruchun and Wei Boyu's wedding date was set in November, which happened to be during Lin Yuan's confinement period, so she couldn't go to add makeup to Yan Ruchun in person, but she still didn't forget to send her makeup gift to someone.

If anyone was the most excited about Yan Ruchun and Wei Boyu getting married, it would definitely be the little fat Xu Muqing.

Every time she came to Lin Yuan's place, Xu Muqing's face looked like a flower had grown, and she kept smiling while hugging Lin Yuan's arm.

"Yuan'er, sister-in-law and elder brother are married, and it will be brother Rong and I next! After waiting for so long, I will finally be brother Rong's daughter-in-law!"

"Yuan'er, do you know that brother Rong gave me so many beautiful clothes! And they are all red!"

"Brother Rong came to my house to give a betrothal gift! Haha, I'm so happy, but my mother just doesn't allow me to meet Brother Rong in the front yard! However, I still secretly saw him in the flower hall!"

Lin Yuan had been lying on the bed for a month, and she was probably the happiest when she saw Xu Muqing, not only because this girl brought her the outside news, but also because she looked shy and excited at times. , is enough for Lin Yuan to be happy for several days.

The days of confinement are either short or long, and in a blink of an eye, Lin Yuan will be confinement.

Thinking about the hardships of this month, Lin Yuan really wanted to sigh that it was too hard.

However, every time I saw the two babies sleeping soundly in my arms, it was worth it no matter how much I suffered.

It is said that a newborn child looks different every day, and it is true.

Don't look at the two of them who were wrinkled when they were just born, but in the past month, they have really grown a lot, their little faces have become fatter and whiter, and even their little arms and legs are stretched by the growing flesh. Peeled.

At first, Lin Yuan was worried about the child's problems when she saw it, but Liu said with a smile, this is a symbol of the child's growth, and the skin on their body will grow a new layer, and then the new skin will grow It will be more pink and white.

When Liu Shi gave birth to Xiao Yongyan, Lin Yuan was busy with the business in the town and had little time to pay attention to the changes in him, so she didn't know that such a situation would happen after the child was born.

But since Mrs. Liu said she was fine, she must be fine, and Lin Yuan felt relieved.

The full moon banquet was held in the General's Mansion, and there were quite a lot of people who came that day, and many dignitaries and nobles in the capital came to the door with gifts.

Naturally, Lin Yuan's good sisters were not left behind either, Xu Muqing and Wei Borong, the newlyweds Yan Ruchun and Wei Boyu, Tian Xuan and Cheng Haoxuan, and even the long-lost Madam Cheng also came.

Mrs. Cheng's health is not good. Although Wang Langzhong and Xiao Linshuang have taken care of her in the past two years, they still haven't been able to change the trend of her body losing money day by day.

But even so, Mrs. Cheng's spirit is still very good. On the one hand, Cheng Haoxuan and Tian Xuan's marriage has been settled;

It is said that heart disease still needs heart medicine. Although Cheng Haoxuan's biological father never came back, Mrs. Cheng seems to be no longer obsessed with this matter.

After a month of postpartum recovery, Lin Yuan's body has already recovered, but her figure has become more rounded. When Xu Muqing saw her, she immediately burst into a big grin.

"Haha, Yuan'er, you couldn't tell when you were lying on the bed, but now when you stand up, you realize, you, you are so fat! Haha, look at your butt and your waist, whoops, where is your waist? , the whole thing is a bucket!"

Lin Yuan's face turned dark, and she naturally knew that her figure had changed.

When I saw Tian Hui before, two months after giving birth, she regained her previous good figure. Where it should be convex, it should be convex, and where it should be concave, it should be concave.What Lin Yuan envied the most was Tian Hui's breasts and buttocks, which seemed to be rounder and sexier than before she was pregnant.

Looking at her again, I thought that I was younger than Tian Hui and could recover so quickly.

Unexpectedly, her breasts and buttocks are getting rounder, but her waist is even rounder. There is no curve at all from top to bottom. It is really no different from the bucket Xu Muqing said!

"You still laugh at others, and you don't look at yourself, aren't you a bucket?"

Yan Ruchun squinted at Xu Muqing, and unceremoniously listed all her "strengths".

Xu Muqing, who was laughing, suddenly lost his voice, curled his lips dryly, and really stopped talking.

Mrs. Cheng, who came with her, saw that Lin Yuan's face was not very happy, and comforted her with a smile: "It's okay, you gave birth to twins, and naturally it takes more time to recover than others. And, according to your mother, You are feeding the children yourself, so don't be careless, don't stop eating for the sake of looking good, and make the two children suffer."

Lin Yuan naturally understood this point. If she really cared about her figure, she wouldn't insist on feeding the child by herself.

I was a little unhappy just now, but because Xu Muqing said it too bluntly, I couldn't accept it for a while.

After figuring this out, a smile appeared on Lin Yuan's face again, and the maids hurriedly brought over the newly baked pastries.

However, when preparing pastries for Xu Muqing, Lin Yuan unkindly prepared several extra plates. Didn't this girl say she was a bucket?Then let her become the biggest bucket by herself!

The cook for the full moon banquet was invited from Dongtian, and Lin Yuan was responsible for all the dishes at the banquet. In addition to a few signature dishes of Dongtian, she specially prepared several new dishes that had never been seen before.

And these new dishes are undoubtedly very popular among children in later generations, such as sweet and sour pork, pineapple rice, eight-treasure porridge and so on.

In addition to these specific dishes, Lin Yuan specially prepared a lot of exquisite and beautiful snacks as a return gift.

At this time, Lin Yuan regretted why she didn't give birth to a girl. If it was a girl, she could have arranged the full moon banquet as a fairy tale and dreamy princess theme, which would definitely surprise the guests attending the banquet.

(End of this chapter)

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