Chapter 468 I Just Follow His Ideas

At the same time, the police had come to Zijing.

"Put the gun down!" they ordered again.

Zijing didn't have the slightest intention of resisting.

As soon as she let go, the gun fell from her hand to the ground.

"What are you doing here?" a policeman asked.

"I have an appointment with someone." Zijing replied calmly.

"What about people?"

Zijing took a look inside the car before turning around: "Dead."


Zijing is in the police station.

The first person to wait was Cheng Hongyu.

"Zijing!" A lawyer followed behind him, and ran up to her anxiously, "Are you all right? They didn't make things difficult for you, did they?"

Zijing shook her head lightly: "No."

She has been very cooperative with the police.

Although once the body in the car was found, she was immediately taken away by the police.

Seeing her calm expression, Cheng Hongyu also seemed relieved.

"It's fine if you don't have one." He straightened up and pointed at the lawyer behind him, "I've brought the lawyer here and issued bail for you. Don't worry. You'll be fine."

Zijing looked at Cheng Hongyu for two seconds before lowering her eyes.

She had something on her mind, but it was impossible to tell Cheng Hongyu.

After a few seconds, she said: "Did you find out what kind of bullet shot him through the head?"

Cheng Hongyu was stunned for several seconds before looking at the lawyer behind him.

"Miss Ying, don't worry," the lawyer took a step forward, "Although the pistol and bullets that killed the victim are consistent with your pistol and bullets. But don't worry, there is not a single bullet missing in your pistol. Gun It has just been identified, which proves that there is no sign of friction recently. So this should be a frame-up incident against you. I will definitely win this lawsuit for you."

"Thank you." Zijing continued to say flatly, "What time is it now?"

"Five o'clock." This time it was Cheng Hongyu who answered.

Zijing raised her head and looked at him: "How do you know I'm here?"

Logically speaking, only Qi Chehuan would know.

Cheng Hongyu was startled for a moment, and then he smiled wryly: "It's my aunt... You had an accident, so of course I informed the Shi family, and my aunt called me in the middle of the night..."

"She didn't ask you to save me, did she?" Zijing interrupted him.

Cheng Hongyu smiled wryly and shook his head: "She is happy."

Zijing stood up.

"Thank you."

Her tone is still light.

She followed Cheng Hongyu out of the police station.

Before going out, someone put all her related items in a plastic bag and returned them to her.

Except for that gun.

"You are not the one who registered the gun. So it cannot be returned." Cheng Hongyu explained.

Zijing nodded.

Her words were a little less than usual.

Cheng Hongyu drove her back to Shi's house, and everyone was speechless along the way.

When she was about to arrive at Shi's house, she suddenly said, "Just here. I want to go for a walk alone."

Cheng Hongyu stopped the car obediently.

Zijing got down, but he didn't drive the car away.

When she left, he followed her slowly beside her.

It was extremely cold in Penang in the early hours of the morning.

Not long after Zijing had gone, Cheng Hongyu suddenly stopped the car.

He opened the car door, followed, and suddenly took off his coat and put it on Zijing's shoulders.

Zijing's footsteps paused, but this time, she didn't even say thank you.

Cheng Hongyu said, "If it was my cousin, he would definitely do this. I just thought so. He definitely doesn't want to see you catch a cold."

(End of this chapter)

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