Chapter 719 Bikini

The degree to which Ling Hanchen loves Mu Guoguo makes people around him envious...

Under Ling Hanchen's doting gaze, Mu Guoguo ate, kept eating, but didn't see what Ling Hanchen ate into his stomach.

Mu Guoguo stood up, took the initiative to walk to Ling Hanchen and sat down, Mu Guoguo turned her head to meet Ling Hanchen's gaze: "I eat mine, you eat yours."

Mu Guoguo ate the vegetables by himself. Ling Hanchen stared at Mu Guoguo without moving his chopsticks. Mu Guoguo frowned slightly, dissatisfied: "You don't want to eat? Are you hungry?"

Is there any reason not to be hungry?Ling Hanchen drove the car all morning: "Guoguo, have you ever heard such a saying that courtesy is reciprocal..."

Ling Hanchen gave it to Mu Guoguo, Mu Guoguo should respond to Ling Hanchen, Mu Guoguo chuckled: "Are we in such a polite relationship?"

No, not at all.

Mu Guoguo said to Ling Hanchen on her own initiative: "You eat obediently."

Mu Guoguo imitated Ling Hanchen, stroking Ling Hanchen's head, and said dotingly.

Ling Hanchen's deep eyes sank slightly, and there was a dangerous aura emanating from the bottom of the eyes. In Ling Hanchen's view, Mu Guoguo's actions... were to lure Ling Hanchen. Looking at Mu Guoguo who was completely unaware, Ling Hanchen shook his head helplessly, only Can pretend not to understand.

After lunch, Ling Hanchen took Mu Guoguo's hand and walked along the beach.

The life Mu Guoguo imagined is roughly like this. When he wakes up every day, he sees the sun in the sea and listens to the sound of the waves. Mu Guoguo’s mood is not ordinary happiness. , all gone.

Mu Guoguo stepped on the beach, deliberately walked to the shore, and waited for the waves to beat up. The cool sea water penetrated into Mu Guoguo's heart.

Mu Guoguo wanted to continue walking, but Mu Guoguo shook Ling Hanchen's hand: "Shall we change our swimsuits and come back?"

Mu Guoguo is addicted, Ling Hanchen saw the excited look in Mu Guoguo's eyes, Ling Hanchen had no reason to refuse: "Finally let me see you in a bikini?"

Where is Mu Guoguo wearing a bikini?It was obviously a very ordinary swimsuit. Mu Guoguo rolled her eyes at Ling Hanchen, and said angrily, "You bought me a swimsuit for elementary school students. Where can I show you a bikini?"


Is Mu Guoguo complaining about Ling Hanchen?

Ling Hanchen looked around and saw a shop not far away: "Let's go and see, there must be the bikinis we want."

It was Ling Hanchen who wanted it, not Mu Guoguo. Where did Ling Hanchen want it?

Mu Guoguo grabbed Ling Hanchen's hand and didn't let go, Mu Guoguo didn't go, definitely didn't go: "You're playing a rascal."

"I want to play a rogue on you, do you agree?"

Ling Hanchen raised Mu Guoguo's chin, smiled in his eyes, gazed affectionately, his thin lips lifted slightly, and his deep voice echoed in Mu Guoguo's ears.

Mu Guoguo fell into Ling Hanchen's gentleness and couldn't extricate herself. Ling Hanchen's eyes attracted Mu Guoguo deeply, and she couldn't take her eyes off. She really wanted to follow Ling Hanchen, so she just followed him to every corner of the world The world is old, accompanied by Ling Hanchen.

Ling Hanchen broke the affectionate gaze, and moved closer to Mu Guoguo's ear: "Show me the bikini you wear, and I'll show you the one you chose for me last time?"

Mu Guoguo was confused, which one did she choose for Ling Hanchen last time?

"I chose for you?"


(End of this chapter)

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